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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 803 Power Of The Soul Imprint
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W-what should I do? Is there even anything I can do...?

Having exhausted all of her methods in trying to escape from the Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Black Lotus Sect, Chun Hua could not help feeling a wave of fear washing over her when she realized this.

Even if she was someone in the Nascent Soul Realm, she could not stop herself from trembling upon thinking about what would happen to her after the person from the Black Lotus Sect caught up to her...

"Hehe, you won't be able to run away any longer!"

Just at this moment, the voice of the man from the Black Lotus Sect echoed out all around her before a massive palm formed by shadows descended down towards her before grabbing hold of the blood red ball of light created by the sacrificial artifact that was engulfing her.


Not even a second later, the blood red light began cracking apart as it had no way to resist against the shadow palm of the man from the Black Lotus Sect. In the first place, the blood red light's main purpose was to escape. Not defend!


For this reason, the sacrificial artifact in Chun Hua's hands shattered together with the blood red light that had been engulfing her. Only able to resist against the powerful shadow palm for a little over a second at the cost of the artifact itself!

Even the artifact grandfather entrusted to me in case I encountered a deadly situation did not survive...

Seeing the artifact in her hands shattering under the powerful attack, Chun Hua could not help looking up towards the massive palm made up of shadows continuing to descend down towards her without showing any signs of stopping.

As the palm hit her, Chun Hua felt the terrifying power of a Domain Lord Realm Expert first-hand as her body was destroyed. Leaving behind only her nascent soul to face off against the seemingly unstoppable power of the palm attack-

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It was just at this moment when her nascent soul was about to get destroyed by the powerful palm attack, that a terrifying energy in the shape of a small sword appeared from the deepest part of her nascent soul. Blocking the powerful palm attack of the Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Black Lotus Sect before it could destroy Chun Hua's nascent soul!


However this was not the end as energy from the surrounding air rapidly gathered towards the small sword that was now floating in front of Chun Hua's nascent Soul.


As the small sword absorbed a massive amount of energy within a split second, the air around it started crackling with energy, and the ground all around it began violently trembling like an earthquake had occurred.

"What terrifying power..."

Floating in the air not too far away from where Chun Hua's nascent soul was, the Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Black Lotus Sect started shivering with fear as he saw the small sword that had gathered the energy from the surroundings. Allowing it to rapidly increase in power before he had a chance to do anything to it.

"A soul imprint left behind by an expert... And from the power alone, it should be someone in the Soul Ascension Realm! This is not good... Even with my strength, I won't be able to survive the attack of a Soul Ascension Realm Expert!" Understanding very well what the small sword floating in front of Chun Hua's nascent soul represented, the Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Black Lotus Sect barely whispered these words to himself before turning around and escaping in the opposite direction of Chun Hua-


However, with a mighty roar, the small sword slashed down in a powerful arc towards the escaping Domain Lord Realm Expert, the blade slicing through the air with a sound like thunder!


The force of the small sword was so great that the simple motion of it slashing down created a shockwave that spread out in all directions with a devastating effect on the few trees found on the empty stretch of land around it.


The Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Black Lotus Sect had no way to defend against the sheer power of the attack and was faced with the full force of the small sword!

In just a fraction of a second, his body was bathed in the terrifying sword light and energy of the small sword's attack, causing the terrifyingly powerful energy to enter his body and flow through him. Destroying him from the inside out-


The pain brought along by having both his body and soul torn apart at the same time was not something even a Domain Lord Realm Expert was able to endure!

A few seconds that seemed like an eternity to the Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Black Lotus Sect slowly passed like this as the final bit of resistance left around what was left of his soul began crumbling apart under the sword energy that seemed to have only increased in strength during this period of time.


Directly causing the ground nearby to crack apart as the sound of rushing wind and crackling lightning spread all across the endless plains and the nearby city states-

"P-Please! S-show mercy! I'm a Branch Guardian of the Black Lotus Sect! If you kill me, the Black Lotus Sect won't let-"


Before the Branch Guardian from the Black Lotus Sect had any time to finish his sentence, the sword energy seemed to have reached its peak as it exploded with even more power than before. Killing him in an instant, while also sending out a powerful wave of energy that tore the earth apart in a straight line from where the Domain Lord Realm Expert had been located and towards the small forest at the centre of the endless plain.


After this was done, the small sword that had been weakened to the point of almost collapsing appeared again before turning around and entering Chun Hua's nascent soul floating in the air not too far away from the now massive ravine that had appeared in the endless plains.

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If she had not lost her body, the look on Chun Hua's face would have been one of absolute disbelief. After all, she recognized the aura of the small sword just now being the same as the elder called Xuan Hao whom she had encountered back in the Shattering Star Sect.

Although she understood that he had given her a soul imprint of sorts after she left, she had never expected for the soul imprint of Xuan Hao to be that powerful!

From the power alone, she was certain that Xuan Hao should not be someone in the Domain Lord Realm and should at the very least be someone in the Soul Ascension Realm. Given the power of the attack just now, there was even a chance that he should be someone who had gone through more than one tribulation!

Thinking this, Chun Hua could not help feeling a shiver run down her spine as she felt grateful for not ending up on the bad side of such a powerful senior before turning to look towards the city in the distance.

I should get out of here before those Domain Lord Realm Experts from the nearby city states start appearing...

Knowing that it would be a bad idea for her to stay around in her current state, Chun Hua used the little power she had left to fly away from the site of the battle just now. At least flying was possible for someone in the Nascent Soul Realm as long as they lost their bodies...

Recovering my body again should not be a problem with my race's powerful connection to the Dao of Life!

Feeling happy that she was not a human and would be able to restore her body again with enough time due to her special race, Chun Hua quickly disappeared from the site of the battle.

Luckily for her, the Domain Lord Realm Experts in the nearby city states were far too afraid to approach the site of the battle due to the power involved clearly having surpassed the Domain Lord Realm


"Haaaa... So, exhausting..."

At the same time the small sword exploded with all its power and killed the Domain Lord Realm Expert from the Black Lotus Sect, Xuan Hao sitting in the meeting hall in the capital city of the Sky Empire could not help letting out an exhausted sigh as he had transferred a large part of his energy through the soul imprint to allow it to explode with power comparable to a Soul Ascension Realm Expert for a single attack.

Although a soul imprint could allow the owner of the imprint to transfer part of his power through the imprint, the imprint itself was far too small to endure so much energy and could normally only be used for a single attack... And that was not mentioning the massive loss in energy involved. Even a single attack had almost drained half of the qi inside Xuan Hao's dantian...

"Is something wrong Senior? Is the meeting perhaps boring? Don't worry! The real part of the meeting where the voting for positions takes place will only be a day or two from now!"

"No, that was not- Never mind, it was nothing..."

Seeing the worried expression on Xu Bao's face, Xuan Hao could not help shaking his head before turning his attention back towards what was happening in the middle of the meeting hall. Even if it was boring, he at least had to understand how the imperial family wanted the sect alliance to operate...