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Chapter 1230: Anthony On Tour - Rise to the Challenge
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I weave the gravity mana as dense as I can, producing a powerful gravity well. I'm going to need it, since I've been sent so far away. I'm literally dozens of kilometres away from where I was hit. The ray of light managed to pushout of range of my previous gravity well, and with nothing tetheringto that point, my only option was to fall. Not that I did much falling, I think that beam reached just about all the way to the water.

When it's ready, I spin up the well and lift myself up from the water, accelerating as quickly as I can. The giant bird is still there, a creature of light and air, its magnificent wings beating slowly. Dimly, I'm aware of the hubbub in the city, people stopping and pointing, looking up at this huge guardian beast who probably doesn't manifest all that often.

Lucky me.

As I rise, I continue to suck in all the mana I can, converting it to gravity mana and then stuffing it into a familiar, dark sphere. I didn't want it to cto this, but I don't have a choice. It was enough to rock Greystone, I'm hoping a full powered blast will be enough to keep this bird off my back long enough to get into the city. The monster tolditself, it isn't allowed to do anything inside the city. So long as I can get past it, it can't stopfrom rescuing my sibling.

Beyond that, I'll just slam my head into the ground and accept the repercussions. It doesn't matter what they are, they aren't as bad as losing a family member.

Well, that's the plan anyway. The bird doesn't quite agree with my terms.

My antennae givethe first warning and acting on pure reflex I manage to adjust my trajectory as a lance formed of pure light strikes down from above, barely missing. What the heck?! In the distance, the enormous monster continues to flap its vast wings, almost in slow motion. I didn't see it do anything, where did that beam cfrom?!

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My minds scatter to the winds, seeking out any signs in the mana around me, and eventually I find something, right before my antennae scream atagain.


Using this method, I manage to get myself close enough without taking another hit, despite having to dodge over a dozen times.

[Hello again, Big Bird.]



The giant bird continues to hover, each stroke of the wings feeling as if they rearrange the sky.


[What's wrong with Big Bird?]

… No response.

[Fair enough, Rammon it is. Listen, my sibling is still alive in there, so I'm going to keep coming, but I should ask, is your master going to do anything about it? If the Child-Emperor is about to mount a rescue of my sister, then all's well and good, I can wait… a little.]




[Are those your words?]


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[Well, I feel a little less bad about doing this, then. No hard feelings, Rammon.]

Not going to help rescue the innocent? You can deal with this gravity bomb instead. I dump the last reserves of energy from my gravitational mana gland into the bomb, empower it with the Altar, and let it rip.

Such an outpouring of energy leavesfeeling physically weak, but the bomb springs to life with its trademark cry.


The moment it appears, the air is whipped into a hurricane, sucked into the rapidly moving ball of doom. Light fades where it passes, bending and twisting on its edge. In the distance, Ramon continues to beat his wings as the spell rockets directly toward him.

I adjust the gravity well I still maintain control of and orient myself towards the cathedral. My only hope is that the Phoenix is too occupied with the bomb to stopfrom reaching the building. To that end, I begin to fall as quickly as possible.

Stay strong, sister! I'll reach you, I swear!