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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 111
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| Chapter 111 Chapter 111 Shania replied dejectedly, "All I know is that he's a student at Riverland University.

Her contacts at Retrovintique copied the surveillance footage and sent the buyer's photo of Harold Delacruz's genuine piece to the school. However, they only provided a phone number.

Lethan asked curiously, "Why did you call him, and what did Lyrene mean by the 6 million dollars?" Shania was about to speak when Lyrene shot her a warning glance.

Lethan chuckled resigned/y "Lyrene, I know I messed up. Go ahead, givea beating!" He had once hit Lyrene over Quinn, and she had ignored him ever since.

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Lyrene gave him a cold glance. "Get up. Don't clooking foror Shania anymore." Lethan's eyes welled up. "Lyrene, are you going to hateforever?" Lyrene frowned. "Do I need to repeat myself?" With a heavy sigh, Lethan stood up and left the office.

Shania gently advised, "Lyrene, let's leave the past behind us. As siblings, we should try to get along." Lyrene stood up, smoothed out her dress, and said calmly, "I'm heading back to the county to look after Dad. Take care of yourself. Remember what I said: stay away from Lethan... and trust no one but me." With that. Lyrer With that, Lyrene walked away, leaving Shania staring after her in a daze.

After a while, she sighed. "Why does it have to be this way?" As Lyrene got into her BMW, she dialed Shein's number.

Shein answered with a laugh, "Did the sun rise from the west today? You called me!" Lyrene responded flatly, "We missed our chance with the vacant land in Riverwatch District." Shein drummed his fingers on the desk. "Not even a sliver of opportunity?" Lyrene simply responded with a soft "Hmm." Shein sighed, feeling a headache coming on. "I hope my intel is wrong. If Riverwatch District gets developed and Evermore Properties beats us to it, Yuriel will dominate the real estate sector." After a moment of silence, Lyrene asked, “When will we have confirmation?" Shein took a sip of water and whispered, "The city council has a meeting set in three days. We'll likely get the latest updates by noon on the third day." Without another word, Lyrene hung up the phone.

Chapter 111 Carlisle led Cameron into the stuand introduced him to Heath and the others.

Heath offered Cameron a cigarette and said, "Nice to meet you! We're like family from now on!" "Thanks, Heath, but I don't smoke," Cameron politely declined and added, "I'm new here, so I'm really. looking forward to learning from you." After checking his bank account balance, Carlisle opened a text message from Yuriel.

"Help Cameron get settled in. I've got serrands to run," Carlisle Instructed.

Then, he grabbed the painting and headed out to Rick's Cafe.

Carlisle knew that Yuriel trusted him because he had the means to find him easily through his connections.

He dared not entertain other thoughts as he was dealing with Riverland's wealthiest.

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Moreover, business dealings required honesty.

Arriving at Rick's Cafe, Carlisle spotted five Mercedes parked outside.

He walked over to find Yuriel's car.

Yuriel was chatting with arosy-cheeked old man. Seeing Carlisle, Yuriel greeted him with a smirk, "Here he is..." Carlisle walked over and handed the painting to Yuriel.

Yuriel gave a wry smile. "By having close to ten million when you're this young, you're way ahead of 99% of people your age with that money."

It would be disingenuous to say Yuriel didn't regret spending 86m million dollars on something that could've been purchased for just tens of thousands. Carlisle modestly smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Gust!" Yuriel then handed the painting to the elderly man beside him for authentication.