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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 113
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Chapter 113
Late at night, Ethan wearily found his way home, the silence enveloping the house in its usual stillness. Carefully shedding his
suit and tie, he ventured further inside, where the quiet darkness was abruptly shattered by the sudden flicker of light, revealing
“Ethan,” she purred, her voice hanging in the air. He, in turn, questioned, “It’s late, why are you still up?”
“I was waiting for you,” she explained, her eyes betraying a hint of longing. Ethan released a sigh and continued toward the
foyer, intending to Just ignore her and retreat for the night.
“Ethan, wait,” she called, following him.
“Bella not now, I’m exhausted, I need sleep.” He stated.
She sighed. I’m sorry. I really am” she pleaded.
“How long will we continue like this? I apologize; I didn’t know what came over me,” she said, her misty eyes locking onto his.
“You remember, right? We could have had kids, like that age,” she whispered, closing the distance between them. Her fingers
expertly trailed through his neckline, a subtle touch that spoke volumes.
She sighed, resting her head on his chest, creating an innocent yet intimate moment between them.
Ethan inhaled a shaky, heavy breath. Despite the concealed face, Bella’s demeanor
held a small smile.
“I made dinner, all by myself,” she proudly announced, leading the way to the dining hall. There, she switched on the lights,
unveiling the carefully set table with a practiced smile that masked her true intentions.
“I know you’re mad. I don’t like how our relationship has been the past few days, weeks rather,” she cun ningly admitted, her
eyes feigning sincerity as she awaited a response. Ethan remained silent watching her quietly.
She bit her l*ps. She imagined this might have happened, she had however prepared ahead.
Her hand moved to her wrist delicately, a calculated move to evoke concern.

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Chapter 113

Ethan’s worry heightened, furrowing his brow as he noticed her wrist was bandaged. “What happened?” he questioned, his
genuine concern playing right into her hands.
“Erm, it’s nothing,” she dismissed with a carefully crafted nonchalance.
“I just hurt myself lightly while trying to make food,” she explained.
“It’s too bad I’m weak. I don’t heal fast enough,” she added with a fabricated sad smile, manipulating the situation to garner his
“Please, come eat with me,” she implored, stretching her arm out. Ethan, caught in a web of conflicting emotions, hesitated.
Despite what had happened, she was still his wife, and the effort she had put into the dinner weighed on him. With a resigned
sigh, he made his way to the table, settling into the chair.
She watched him eat and after some minutes she spoke up.
“Ethan,” Bella called, reaching out to hold his hand on the table. “Can we do this more? Have dinner together as we used to?”
she pleaded, her eyes filled with anticipation. His gaze was hazy.
“Sure,” he finally answered. She passed him a glass of wine, and he took it, his thoughts still veiled. “So, you’ll come home early
from now so we can eat together,” she stated with a hopeful smile, watching him closely. A yawn escaped Ethan, signaling his
He nodded tiredly.
“Goodnight,” he said lightly, giving her a k*ss on top of her head. She smiled, bidding him goodnight as he ascended the stairs,
heading to their room. She watched him a small smile creeping it’s way to her face.
Bella sat in the room long after Ethan left. Her mind and thoughts were reeling. She stood after some time, walking around her
home, touching the exquisite and expensive furniture with a thoughtful look on her face. That poor omega girl had come a long
way, from nothing, and she wasn’t about to go back to being a nob*dy ever again. She swore with tears in her eyes.
Orphaned at an early age, she and her brother were pushed to do certain things she wasn’t proud of. At twelve, she could

already pick pockets and steal from people. She had light fingers. Before she turned sixteen, she graduated from that to
something else that could earn her even more money; she left her pack completely with her older brother.
16:06 Wed, 3

Chapter 113
There, she met someone from Black Axe. He had a business offer for her. It was lucrative, and she jumped right into it. Until an
incident almost eight years ago now. She killed three people. Then she fled. Luckily for her, when she worked for that pack cult,
she kept her face partly hidden. There was a big misunderstanding one day she ended up ending the life of the boss there, and
two other people. Afterwards, she fled, relieved no one knew what had happened. Things were covered hurriedly because there
was a fire that day, a fire she had caused to clear off the evidence of what she did. She’d taken off her hoodie and everything she
had on because of the heat, and she had thrown it into the flames as well as she watched the warehouse burn.

But what she didn’t know was that someone had actually seen her at the scene of what happened, seen her face. Someone who
could it be? she wondered. After she fled, she engaged in petty activities and worked at a bar. Acting weak and docile came
easily to her; she was a skilled manipulator. She had no idea that someone had been watching her.
One day, a stranger approached her, acknowledging her proficiency in
manipulating people. He mentioned knowing someone interested in hiring her for an important job. The person she met that night
was Gabriel. He left a contact card for her at the bar and departed. Bella at that time was feeling exhausted and completely burnt
out from the kind of work she was doing. From working three shifts a day, desperately needed opportunity, so she grabbed it
calling the number on the card. However, the card was completely blank, with only a number written on it.
She was contracted and given a job over the phone.
That job, was Ethan. She had no idea who the person was that hired her; the only time she ever discussed with him was over the
phone. The only thing she knew about him was his name: Derrick. His instruction was simple – all she had to do was become
Ethan’s new mate, to get Hazel to leave Ethan.
She succeeded in running Hazel off, but the moment she achieved that, Derrick never contacted her again. She was paid a
massive sum of money, enough to set her off for life. However, she couldn’t leave. But she couldn’t leave, She had experienced
for a moment what it was like to be the woman of someone prominent. And when she tasted it first hand, having money, such
control and people underneath her, she couldn’t turn back to the streets. It would never happen to her ever again. She was done
being that orphaned omega that had to scramble for every single thing. Gabriel on the other hand said he had never met with the
main man ever in his life as well. He knew nothing about him. Gabriel too have vanished he However suddenly pooped back into
her life again few months.

At that time, her mind was made up; there was no use clinging to nothing. The best thing she could do was make use of
whatever opportunities she could find. And that was precisely what she did. She had no regrets; she would do it time and time
again. To remain where she was, she was ready to die in the position as Mrs. Wild. She would rather die than return to the
streets, she swore inwardly.