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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 193
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Jeremy Quest immediately felt calmer.

When Xyla Quest heard what the doctor said, she felt more certain about her suspicions. Although her

hypothesis might seem ridiculous, she trusted her instincts.

“Alright, thank you, doctor…” Jeremy let out a long sigh of relief.

“Don’t worry about it. Miss Conner will have to remain in the emergency room for an hour to be

observed. After that, she can return to the sickbay. During this period, you must make sure her wound

stays dry. Also, pay attention to her diet. Make sure she doesn’t eat anything spicy or food that may

upset her stomach,” the doctor said seriously.

Jeremy nodded furiously. It felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

Very soon, May was pushed out of the emergency room. Due to the anesthetics, she was still

unconscious. Her face seemed terribly pale.

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Jeremy quickly walked over and helped the nurse push May Conner to the sickbay with a single hand.

There was a pained look in his eyes.

Xyla and Stanley Batton turned to look at each other before quickly catching up with Jeremy and the


As soon as the medical personnel placed May in her bed, Emily Quest came running into the sick bay.

She sat next to the bed and held May’s hand tightly while she cried.

“Mom, wake up… How are you feeling?” Emily asked.

“Miss Conner is fine. She’s no longer in danger. However, she is still asleep because the anesthetics

still haven’t worn off,” the doctor said.

When Emily heard this, she turned to look at Jeremy. “Dad, why did this happen to you and Mom?”

Emily asked.

Since Jeremy was still mad at Emily, he did not want to speak to her at all. Therefore, he sat on a chair

next to the bed without saying a word.

“Dad, say something…” Emily prompted.

However, Jeremy continued to ignore her.

Therefore, Emily had no choice but to let out a long sigh. “Dad, what happened to your arm? Does it

hurt?” Emily asked.

Jeremy behaved as if Emily was not even there as he remained silent

With many of the medical personnel observing, Emily felt extremely embarrassed.

To avoid things becoming more awkward, Emily could only stay quiet.

Throughout the whole process, Xyla stood calmly next to Jeremy without interrupting. She was so quiet

it felt as if she were an outsider. Stanley behaved in the same manner.

Since Jeremy was around, and it was a unique occasion, Emily tried not to let her emotions show

despite being fed up with Xyla.

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“Xyla, why don’t you go to the police station with Stanley? Find out how the investigations are going. I’ll

stay here on my own,” Jeremy said.

“You should rest over there on the couch. Emily is here anyway,” Xyla said.

“I understand. Hurry up and go. Also, remember to write a post on Twitter to show that I am fine.

Otherwise, the stock price would fall,” Jeremy said.

“I know what to do. Take care of yourself,” Xyla said.

Regarding the post on Twitter, Xyla had thought it out a long time ago. In fact, she already took pictures

of it while May was in emergency rescue.

Jeremy nodded slightly. After that, Xyla led Stanley quickly out of the sickbay.

Once they returned to Xyla’s red Maserati, Stanley rolled down the window a little before lighting a


“What do you think about this?” He asked after taking a puff from the cigarette and slowly blowing

smoke out of his mouth.