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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 599
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Chapter 599 Complete Breakdown

“How dare you! I haven’t done anything!” Emily was scared, but the thought of her good friend suffering made her

instantly bristle up and retort with determination.

Joseph nonchalantly dropped a charge on her. “Disturbing public order.”

“I’ve done no such thing! There are witnesses on the scene. I won’t allow you to make baseless. accusations.”

He arrogantly curled his lips and sneered. “Let’s wait and see.”

Ten minutes later, several men in police uniforms appeared at the hospital. At first glance, Chloe recognized the

person leading the way was Tyson. “Em, you have to leave! Those policemen that just came are connected to him!”

she called out.

Emily felt a momentary panic, but she could not bear to run away. ‘Coco is suffering, and it’ll only get worse if I do

nothing,’ she thought.

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Tyson assessed the situation and quickly grasped what was happening.

Emily wasted no time in lodging a complaint, addressing Tyson, “Officer, Joseph is illegally holding my dear friend


Tyson, now fully aware of the situation, felt overwhelmed. He lightly tapped his colleague next to him. “Since you’re

new to the job, I’ll let you take the lead.” Pausing momentarily, he whispered into his colleague’s ear, “Be gentle

with the young girl. Just ask her to leave.”

With that, Tyson turned and approached Joseph to talk. Unknown to him, his new young colleague misunderstood

their relationship, wrongly perceiving Tyson’s words as sarcastic. He mistakenly believed that Tyson’s subtle

instruction to “be gentle” actually meant to confront her firmly.

Tyson pulled Joseph aside to keep Xavia from overhearing, “We received a call from our superiors today. Otto has

been released from prison.”

Previously, they had planned an ambush, and Otto had kicked him, prompting the other officers to swiftly rush in

and take action. Following the attack, Otto was dealt with according to the law and locked up in prison.

Joseph was not surprised. “Teaching him this lesson will do.” He knew it was unrealistic to believe that they could

defeat the Sinclairs with a single move.

“Also, don’t ask me to handle personal matters in the future. We’re relatives, and it’s best to avoid any suspicion in

public places,” Tyson aired his complaint.

Dealing with family affairs made him feel uncomfortable. Mishandling them could have negative consequences for

his reputation.

“I didn’t call for you.”

This time, it was purely a coincidence.

“Fine, say what you need to say.” Tyson glanced at the pregnant woman behind Joseph. “So are you planning to

reconcile with Xavia?”

Given their frequent contact, it seemed like a possibility.

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“Don’t talk nonsense,” Joseph replied coldly, “Please take Emily away. She’s getting on my nerves.”

“That’s not going to happen. She hasn’t done anything wrong. You, on the other hand…”

Joseph shot Tyson a cold stare, causing the latter to press his lips together and opt for silence.


The tranquility of the early morning was shattered by a piercing scream. Joseph and Tyson turned their heads

simultaneously. They witnessed the young officer forcefully pinning Emily to the floor. The impact of the fall caused

her front teeth to collide with the steps, resulting in a profuse flow of blood that filled her mouth. The young officer

wore a smug expression as he sought recognition from Tyson for his actions.

Inside the ward, Chloe witnessed the scene unfolding and was consumed by a torrent of rage. In a fit of anger, she

seized the glass from the table and hurled it, shattering the window. Her arm reached through the broken glass,

stretching out just enough to reach the young officer’s head. In a frenzied state, she unleashed a relentless barrage

of strikes upon him.

Joseph quickly approached and pulled Chloe back, restraining her from taking further action.” There are shards of

glass everywhere! Are you trying to lose your arm?!”

“Make him release Em now!” Chloe shouted, her voice filled with desperation, teetering on the brink of a complete
