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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 190
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Chapter 188 Hope You’ll Pick Me Up, I Miss You

Joseph remained silent, elegantly crossing his legs and scrolling through financial news articles on his


Nathan interpreted the silence as confirmation and let out a sigh. “So, you’ve really decided to go

serious with Chloe?”

Joseph continued to ignore him.

“Are you certain about this? It’s a matter of long–term commitment. Don’t leave Chloe in limbo while

still holding onto Xavia. That’s not cool, mister womanizer!”

Nathan had gathered information about Chloe’s family situation from Samuel, and based on their first

encounter, he was convinced that Chloe’s father was not a good person.

“You rotate partners every day. What right do you have to lecture me?”

Shaking his head, Nathan replied, “My arrangement with my women is consensual. It’s not the same.”

“Ah yes, you’re a noble one.”

Nathan had no clever comeback for that remark. He continued in a serious tone, “I’m not joking around

with you. Xavia reached out to me yesterday. She has a plane ticket for next Friday. It’s time for you to

make a choice.”

Upon hearing this, a mocking expression crept onto Joseph’s sharp features, and his voice took on an

icy tone. “You suddenly fancy yourself a mediator now?”

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Nathan sighed, rubbing his forehead. “I’m doing this for your

own good.”

“I’m capable of handling my own affairs.”

With that, Nathan stopped saying anything further. Matters of the heart were far more complex than

business dealings. When two women were involved, if things took a turn for the worse, one would have

a hard time dealing with the consequences.

“I had my eye on these shoes first. You’re familiar with the concept of ‘First come, first served,‘ right?”

“You’ve practically bought out half the store. What harm is there in letting me have these shoes?”

“I already stated it clearly, first come, first served. Don’t try to guilt–trip me.”

The sound of an escalating argument reached their ears, prompting Joseph and Nathan to exchange a

glance before walking further into the store. Once inside, they witnessed Chloe and another woman

engaged in a fierce dispute over a pair of crystal high–heeled shoes, both adamantly refusing to

back down.

When the woman caught sight of Nathan, she coquettishly pleaded, “Nate, I really like these shoes.

Can you buy them for me?”

“Come on now. Be a good girl and choose a different style. I’ll reimburse you,” Nathan sweetly coaxed

the woman.

“No, I don’t want to. I want this pair.”

Chloe could not help but roll her eyes. “You have so many things you like. Let me remind you once

again, I saw these shoes first, and I’ve already decided to buy them.”

Joseph, crossing his arms, paid no attention to the woman and addressed the salesperson directly,

“We’ll take them.”

The salesperson nodded. With a hint of embarrassment on her face, she turned to the woman. “I

apologize, miss. Can you please consider returning those shoes? We have other styles in our store

that are equally beautiful. Let me show you some alternatives.”

“Nate, I thought you adored me. Since you two know each other, why don’t you let me have these

shoes? Why be so stingy…” The woman naturally saw Chloe as someone of her kind, someone who

accompanies these young “princes” for pleasure. Since their statuses were equal, why should she give

in to Chloe? We shall see who would receive more favor.

Chloe took a deep breath, observing the woman tightly clutching onto the shoes, her grip causing the

shoes to deform. At that moment, her eagerness to make the purchase waned. Joseph, too, noticed

the situation, and his icy gaze swept over Nathan, resembling a chilling blade.

Nathan trembled, causing the smile on his face to instantly vanish. He forcefully snatched the high

heels from the

woman’s hand and shouted coldly, “Are you deaf?! Can’t you understanxo.com fast updated what

I just said?!”

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The woman froze, tears streaming down her cheeks, but her stubbornness remained. “Nate, how could

you say such things to me… I’m your favorite little sweetheart.”

“Get lost, get lost! Don’t bother me.”

Little sweetheart? He referred to any attractive girl as his little sweetheart.

The other woman beside her tugged at her sleeve and forcefully pulled her away. Seizing this

opportunity, the salesperson swiftly packaged the shoes and handed them to Chloe.

On their way home, Chloe joyfully linked her arm with

Joseph’s. Even though he had not uttered a single word during the altercation, she could sense that he

was on her side.

Suddenly, he received a text from an unknown number. The content was information regarding a flight

with two lines attached to it.

[Hope you’ll pick me up. I miss you.]


During Ms. Wendy’s vacation days, Chloe became busy. Time flew by, and before she knew it, a week

had already slipped


On a particular Friday, Chloe followed her routine of waiting until most of her colleagues had left the

office before heading upstairs to find Joseph and leave together. Just as she stepped out of her

department, a janitor discreetly pulled her aside, giving the impression that she had something

significant to share.

“Miss, did you provoke someone?