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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1757
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Chapter 1757
A group of old friends, gathered for a night of food and fun, invariably found that time flew when they were together. Before they
knew it, night had deepened around them. They had so many stories yet to share, and none of them wanted the evening to end.
Skyler, ever the generous host, decided to offer a sleepover. “We can all squeeze into the king-size bed,” she suggested with a
playful grin.
Cornelia had just finished washing up when her personal cell phone chimed with a new WhatsApp message.
Lounging in an armchair, Hannah teased, “I bet your hubby can’t stand the thought of you spending the night out. Is he checking
in to make sure you’re not having too much fun without him?”
A bit tipsy, Cornelia didn’t even want to move. “Even if it was the king himself knocking, I’d stay right here to keep Skyler
Skyler walked over, picked up the phone, and handed it to Cornelia. “Even if you want to stay, you should drop him a line. Don’t
leave the man worrying.”

Cornelia snorted, “I don’t wanna deal with him right now.”e2
Skyler probed, “You guys had a fight?”
“If only it were that simple,” Cornelia sighed.
Skyler didn’t understand. “How can fighting ever be a good thing?”
Cornelia pouted, her voice tinged with a hint of distress, “He’s always so accommodating, putting me first in everything, never
thinking of himself. His job is way more stressful than mine, and he earns in a month what I make in a year. Yet, he insists on
handling all the parenting duties himself, and that’s not even the half of it.”
Cornelia was cut off as Hannah chimed in, “Nelly, how do you manage to flaunt your perfect love life all the time?”
“I’m not showing off, I’m worried about him,” Cornelia protested. “I’ve told him countless times to be a bit more selfish, but he just
won’t listen.”

Skyler ruffled Cornelia’s hair affectionately. “I’ve known President Hartley longer than any of you. Wanna hear what I think of
Cornelia perked up instantly. “Please, do tell.”
Skyler began, “President Hartley is genuinely one of the good ones. He doesn’t just provide a comfortable life; he supports your

career, too. Many men, especially those with fragile egos and no real talent, would rather keep their wives at home post-
marriage, treating them as unpaid housekeepers. Housewives sacrifice their careers and handle all household matters, working
themselves to the bone without the respect they deserve.”
“In our society, there’s this misconception that a housewife is just playing around at home since she doesn’t bring in a paycheck.
Just consider this – on that point alone, your man is miles ahead of so many others.”
Cornelia knew all too well how good Jeremy was, and the better she knew, the more it pained her. “Sometimes, I wish he wasn’t
so good.”
Hannah asked, “Would you rather have someone like Steven or Zavier?”
The name hung heavily in the air, silencing them all, especially Skyler. The mere mention of “Zavier” sent a visible shudder
through her.
Realizing her faux pas, Hannah glanced apologetically at Cornelia, who quickly took Skyler’s hand in hers. “Sky, don’t be scared.
He can’t find us here.”
Skyler managed a weak smile. “Whether he comes or not, I don’t care anymore. If he wants to drag me back, let him. I’ve had
three years of freedom, and that’s worth something.”
Her words reached the ears of Zavier, who was hidden within earshot. He felt as if his blood had turned to ice. He had known
before even finding Skyler that she wouldn’t willingly return with him. She would have preferred him to believe she had perished
in the fire, leaving nothing behind. However, hearing her say it, the words stabbed him directly in the heart, each syllable a sharp
knife twisting into his chest.