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The Divine Hunter

Chapter 268: Women, Wealth, Precious Items
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Roy went ahead and ran into another stiff silhouette. She was about five feet seven, but she was hunched, not unlike a wizened crone who was about to die. The silhouette was as black as the first two Roy met. It reeked of soil and corpses. A pair of bony protrusions grew on her back. They looked like wings. Its hair looked like a bunch of seaweed clumped together. Her claws glinted more menacingly than a werewolf's. They looked like a row of black, sharpened chisels. When it saw Roy, it pounced at him, just like the earlier silhouettes did.

"A grave hag this time, huh?" Roy took Gabriel out and pulled the trigger while the silhouette was approaching him. The bolt flew through the night and buried itself in the silhouette's forehead. It didn't even have time to react. The bolt pierced through its forehead and flew further behind it.

If this was a regular grave hag, it would have wailed in pain and pulled the bolt out. That would have been the opening Roy needed to approach it, but the silhouette was different from a real grave hag. It would not tire nor respond to pain. There was no blood coming out of the wound either. All the silhouette did was stop for a tenth of a second, then it lashed out its tongue at the crossbow, just like how a frog would hunt its prey.

Roy skidded back like a weasel and took cover behind a boulder on the path. The last time he faced a grave hag was back in Lower Posada. He watched as Letho, Auckes, and Serrit dealt with it. They had a great advantage back in the village. They laid out a trap and just waited for the monster to fall for it. It was killed in under two minutes.

Now that he was facing a grave hag head on, he realized how cunning this monster could be. It wasn't that powerful, but its tongue slithered around like a snake in the shadows, waiting to strike at its prey. It would hurt if the tongue hit him. The tongue couldn't pierce his armor, but the acid would still hurt him. "No need to go all out with this. There's something worse waiting for me after this."

Roy fired two bolts at it. It destroyed the first one with its tongue. The second one hit its big belly, and the witcher cast Blink. Ripples spread through space, and Roy appeared behind the monster. His blade swung across the air, slicing the nape of the grave hag open. Aerondight got stuck between its bones, and blood splattered everywhere.

The silhouette howled in pain. It turned around, flailing its arms. The witcher ducked under its armpits and went behind it again. His eyes turned crimson as he cast Fear. The silhouette froze in place, standing stiffly like a puppet. Roy raised his crimson blade, slicing at the monster from left to right. The sword became an arc, and the monster's head flew high up into the air before it fell with a thud.

Its mouth was still opening and closing, and a black, disgusting tongue lolled out of its mouth. The headless body turned around twice, then it fell with a loud thud.

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'Grave hag killed. EXP +80…'

"That was abysmal. Poor performance. You spent half an hour just to get here?" Gaunter mocked. "Look at yourself. Hiding behind the boulder like a coward. I can't believe you passed the trial. Did your mentor help you out?"

Roy snorted and brushed it off. He kept running toward the moon in the sky. A few corners later, he came to a hill filled with weed. A beautiful voice of a woman said, "Come here, Roy. Let me take a look at you."

Roy turned around curiously, and he saw a familiar face looking back at him. She had fiery-red hair that tumbled down her shoulders, and her eyes were filled with passion. Her full, luscious lips looked like petals of a blossoming flower. Roy felt like having a taste. This was a woman in the ripest period of her life. "Coral?" Roy spaced out for a moment.

Coral leaned against the ground and waved at him. She looked surprised. Her chest swayed as she waved at him, not unlike a great wave crashing against the sea. Her legs were crossed, her beautifully polished toenails looking like gemstones. She beckoned at him. "Where have you been?" She gazed into his eyes and asked, almost like she was complaining, "Why didn't you come to me? I've missed you. Hey, say something. Are you tired of me already? I know. Why don't we change it up? Remember the bathtub in the lab?" Coral blushed.

Roy's heart skipped a beat. He looked down and avoided meeting her gaze. A beautiful memory welled up in his mind. He could never forget the days he shared with Lytta in Vizima. He would step through portals to go on dates, talk about mutations, and just fool around like normal people. It was simpler and happier back then.

The days he spent with Coral made him grow at a blistering rate. He used to be uncertain before. He wavered at one time, but eventually, he got over it and changed. No longer would he fall for women or panic for anyone that easily. Letho was right. Everyone used to be crazy once. Everyone had a few memorable relationships before. These experiences were necessary for growth.

"We've been talking through the telescope every day, Coral. I'll see you when I have time." He waved her goodbye and turned around. "But not now. I have business to settle."

He left the hill, but the illusion did not end. Silvery, beguiling laughter filled the air. Through the corner of his eye, the witcher saw many beautiful silhouettes appearing on the hills, waving at him, and not just humans either. There were beautiful dryads with green skin, succubi with tattoos covering their horns, hooves, and faces, pale, aloof higher vampires, mermaids with beautiful voices, and more. There were more women than Roy could count, and they were even more alluring than reality. Still, his Will triumphed over the illusions. He tensed up and kept walking as quickly as he could.

Gaunter asked jovially, "I knew this would work, lad. Surprised? So, who do you like the most?" Gaunter was watching in delight as Roy tried to escape the illusion.

"You date your customers, O'Dimm?" Roy calmed down and kept walking ahead. He retorted, "Is that why you know so many races? You remember their traits quite well. It's surprising that a being like you actually has human emotions."

"I'm flattered, witcher, but a reminder. The wind is still howling, and heavy rain isn't stopping. Your life is still in danger." He said darkly, "Get it? You don't have much time left."


Roy came to a spacious cave behind the hill. It was on the left side of the path. Unlike most caves, which were dark at night, this cave had golden light shining from within. It was even more dazzling than the moon itself. Roy was reminded of the cave where dragons hoarded their treasure.

"Go and take everything. Infinite wealth is right in front of you," a voice whispered into his ear.

As the financial manager of the school, Roy had to keep track of every expense. Equipment, food, shelter, armor, travel all cost coins. Rebuilding the school and buying a vineyard would cost an astronomical amount of money too. They needed money, and a lot of it. Roy took a look inside the cave. Thanks to his supernatural senses, he saw four big wooden crates near the walls of the cave. All of them were open, and they were filled with valuables.

Most of them were coins. Cute, little crowns, orens, gold coins, and ancient currencies. Roy couldn't recognize most of them. There was a mountain of precious stones too. Sapphires, rubies, obsidians, crystals, agate, diamonds, topaz… Any sorceress would kill to get their hands on this hoard.

"Pity I can't take these." Roy gulped and turned his gaze away. He left the cave, much to Gaunter's surprise.

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Roy looked at it one last time and gritted his teeth. He held the hilt of his blades to cheer himself up. "I have Gwyhyr and Aerondight. That's enough. I can't waste any more time." He hastened and left the sword behind.

"Wow." Gaunter clapped. "Is Lebioda your ancestor or something? You didn't even stop for treasures or the sword. Aren't you tempted? To be honest, I thought you only had ten percent chance to win this, but now it's doubled.”

Roy ignored Gaunter and climbed past a few big flights of stairs, went past a dead oak tree that was three stories tall and had an enormous canopy, then he came to the end of his journey—a quiet mansion.

The mansion stood on a piece of barren wasteland. Not a sound came from within. Unholy crimson light shone from the closed windows, not unlike a wolf that was hunting down its prey at night.

There were about fifteen minutes left until the end. Roy went up the flight of stairs and moved his gaze to the mansion's doorstep. He froze.

A silhouette knelt on one knee. He was lean and looked too much like Roy. His muscles were taut, and two blades were strapped to his back. He also had a crossbow too. The silhouette was disturbed by the sudden entrance, and the pendant before his chest vibrated. Fake Roy made a Quen sign in the air, and yellow light swirled around him.

Two two witchers locked eyes, and sparks flew between them.

