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The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 239 - Enthusiastic Baby
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Chapter 239 - Enthusiastic Baby

The baby calmed down after thirty minutes and just as Leon instructed, they brought Violet to the clinic where Leon set up an ultrasound machine for her. Violet lay down and relaxed as the baby stopped kicking. Violet looked tired but Bull and Viper stayed with her. Shortly, Leon came as he seemed to rush.

"Vi, are you alright?" Leon asked, looking so worried. She smiled and nodded at him. Then, he hugged her gently and kissed her forehead. "Let's check this naughty baby."

He started organizing the ultrasound and turned it on. Since it's high-tech enough, they might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. He carefully lifted her oversize shirt and put a gel over it. The baby started moving again and the trio watched as the baby moved crazily and even stretched his arms.

"Wow," Bull and Viper's eyes widened.

"He's hyper." He told Violet who looked happy after seeing their baby. "The baby's healthy too. I think I have to stay with you to monitor you." Leon said but then, they all thought of the girl that Leon was bedding. "What?" He asked and then the baby started kicking. "Wow, look at that!" He exclaimed. Viper had recorded all of it from the very start. "I think he will play soccer." Leon grinned and looked at Violet's stomach that had those footmarks. "You might not be able to sleep if your baby is as hyper as this."

"Bull, stay with Maxi always," Violet said. "We will settle this war."

"But," Bull hesitated.

"Please? My baby is special."

"Alright, I will protect your baby."

Violet tore in happiness as she felt her baby moving.

"I think you will be due a week earlier." He said and turned on the baby's heartbeat. It gets like an adrenaline rush. Leon frowned and it wasn't a normal one but then the baby calmed down and got back to the normal heartbeat. "Vi, your baby is something. This is probably because of the mutation. Let's say the chemicals. He might be more powerful than Hannah Grace."

"I don't care." Violet breathed. "As long as he's safe and as long as he has empathy. I want my baby to live normally."

"Vi, don't say such things like that. I will do everything to keep you safe." Leon said.

"Leon, we already make our worlds. You have to be safe for your lover and I have to sacrifice for my baby and my husband."

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The trio was silent but then they all decided to live and survive. There were times that they were impulsive and they never thought that living was something good. They were once lab rats and they were once murderers.

"Can you file every heartbeat and recordings of my baby? So I could see him every day while I am away." Violet told Viper.

"Sure, sis." Viper nodded.


Victor watched from the recording of their baby inside Violet's stomach. He smiled and listened to their baby's heartbeat. He could already say that it was different. But then, a memory swirled inside his head. A memory of a pregnant woman and then a man who was running an instrument over the round stomach of the woman.

"Victor, that's your baby sister." The woman said. "We will name her Hannah Grace. She will be invincible."

"Hannah Grace," The way he said those names sent shivers through his body. "Baby sister." He mumbled.

He closed his eyes as he remembered putting his ear over the woman's stomach as he listened to the heartbeat. He realized that it was almost the same as his baby's heartbeat this time.

"Hannah Grace," he whispered as he stared at the 3d photo of his baby. "I have to protect her." He mumbled. He set his mind on protecting Hannah Grace and never let them have her. He needed to plant it in his mind even though they would trick him again.

A knock on the door made him turn off his phone and slid it under the pillow. He turned his head as it opened. The old man entered together with two men behind him.

"Victor," The man called as he walked around to him. "I will give you full freedom but you must impregnate those five women." The old man said.

"I don't get aroused when they are hyper." He said. "I rather fuck a dead woman."

"So, that's your fetish?" The man on the left titled his head.

"None of them aroused me." He said straight forward. They already knew that he wouldn't get aroused by them. They thought that he has a sexual dysfunction and it will be hard for them to go on with their experiment.

"It's hard for me to get aroused, sire," Victor said formally and then stared at the open window. "Your men watched me everywhere, I am still guarded."

"I see," Charles grumbled. "I'll give you three months and we will go on with our mission. It's to destroy Keira Del Carlo and that also goes for Alessandro De Alegre."

He nodded his head and then listened to them leave. He put his hand over the pillow where he hid his phone. In a few weeks, his darling wife will go into labor. He badly wanted to be with her, assist her, and hold their baby but it would be impossible. He could only see them through the screen of the phone that was given to him.

He then slid his hand under the pillow and brought the phone to his chest. It's the only communication that he has with his wife. He badly wanted to escape but if he did that they would go after his family. His only love and their baby. He can't risk that.

"Viola," he whispered. "Hang on, my wife. I will be with you soon."


Keira suddenly woke up from her sleep. She moaned as she felt her head hurt a little bit. Then, she sat up and stared blankly at the sheets as she tried to remember why she dreamed about Violet and a faceless man. But when she heard that Violet called the man Victor, she knew immediately that it was indeed Victor. Violet's husband and Johanna's brother.

She glanced at the clock to see that it's already six in the morning. She lay back down. Then, her husband entered the bedroom, as sweat drips from his hair and rolled down to his abdomen.

"Baby, I didn't wake you up. You were sleeping like a baby." He grinned at her and wiped his sweats. Then, he approached her and kissed her lips.

"Really?" She pouted at him. "Now I am too lazy to exercise."

"It's fine. We are going to hike today."

"Ugh," She complained. "Are there other things besides hiking? You know that I am not good at it."

"It's just camping. It will be Sophia's due this week too so we have to~~"

His phone started ringing and then he answered it.

"Bro! I need help!" Adamson called out.

"What's wrong?"

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"She's having contractions and now she said that it's coming out."

"Okay, where are you now?"

"We are on our way to the hospital. Right now."

"We will meet you there then."

He hung up and pulled his wife.

"Let's wash up right away. Sophia is having contractions."

"What?" Keira quickly got up and pushed the sheets. "We will be there!"

She was fast as lightning while he moved normally, washed his hair and body carefully, brushed his teeth. On the other hand, Keira brushed her teeth in a rush and didn't wash her hair.

"Babe, Adam can handle it." He said.

"No, he's panicking." She scolded him. "He wouldn't call you if he can't handle it. Besides, both of their parents and families were assholes. We need to be there."

It took thirty minutes when they reached the hospital and Adamson was inside the delivery room. They already peeked at them and Sophia seemed to be struggling. Keira already started praying and shortly, Arianna and Travis came. It takes thirty minutes until they hear the baby's cry. Shortly, Adamson came out holding the baby to show it to them.

Keira already had her video camera ready to film it. The baby looked so beautiful. And it's a girl.

"Well, a spoiled brat," Alessandro commented as Keira smacked his arm.

"You are right," Adamson said. "I will spoil her with all of my heart." He turned around and looked at Sophia who seemed to collapse. He quickly went back while holding the baby. "Babe, babe!" he called and kissed her forehead. "Babe, you alright?"

"Yes," Sophia whispered and smiled as she tried to open her eyes. "I gave birth in the middle of the day." She giggled and breathed.

They waited for another hour until she was transferred to the VIP room and they all gathered and sanitized their hands and put a mask on. They take care of Sophia while Adamson never lets his baby out of his sight.

Keira heard that there were possibilities that they might swap it for him to leave Sophia if they showed up that the child wasn't his. That is also why Alessandro was with Adamson. It might be very painful for Sophia if her baby got swapped. Currently, she's asleep because all of the energy was sucked up from her.