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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 642 We All Have Our Secrets
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Laia stared at John in silence for quite some time, as he was the first person in her life she was truly unable to figure out. Every time she thought she knew his limits, he broke through those limits and revealed even more monstrous things.

“How is your foundation?” Laia asked after her long silence. “Breaking through two realms that quickly can form instabilities in your dantian that could have severe impacts on your future cultivation if not ironed out,” she continued.

“I know,” John replied as he continued to inspect his body. “My foundation is fine, and there are no instabilities or flaws. I’ll need to take my time to firm my cultivation foundation, so I won’t be able to break through to the next realm for at least a few months, but other than that I’m fine.”

Laia fell silent again as she heard his response, although his reply was not completely unexpected. Her eyes unfocused for a moment as if deep in though, before she focused back on his face.

“Who was that lightning avatar?” she asked curiously.

John’s face remained calm, as he had expected this question from her eventually. He had said things during this tribulation that hinted at an already established relationship of some sort with the true identity of the lightning avatar, so her question was only natural.

“It’s complicated,” John said as his gaze shifted to meet her own. “You know many of my secrets, but not all of them. There are some secrets that I cannot tell anyone. I’m sure you understand.”

“Mhm, I understand. We all have our secrets,” Laia replied, expecting such an answer. They had only just recently become truly acquainted with one another, and even she had secrets she could not reveal to him. Such was the way of the cultivation world, especially when dealing with geniuses..

“Let’s get back to your healing,” Laia said as she changed the subject and stood up, while John nodded in agreement. She walked behind John and placed her hands on his back, infusing his body with her healing energy once more.

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A week later, John and Laia arrived at the front of the cave entrance they had been living in, both of their faces fresh and Qi reserves full. It had taken two week to almost fully heal from John’s tribulation, but both parties had finally reached a level where they were able to progress forward once more.

They walked to the edge of the cliff they had lived on, which was partially ravaged thanks to John’s tribulation. The sprawling swamp land of fog spread out as far as the eye could see beneath them, although the fog restricted their view to a few miles.


In the distance, a powerful roar boomed out once again as a titanic silhouette shifted through the fog. John’s gaze turned to meet Laia’s, the two of them smiling at the same time.

“I think it’s time we greet this beast. What do you say?” John said to her.

“Mhm, let’s,” Laia replied warmly.

John’s gaze shifted back to the expansive land before him, and he stepped over the edge of the cliff as his body shot down towards the ground miles below.

An airship sailed through the sky at an incredible pace, its speed even faster than the ship the Heavenly Lightning Sect had traveled on. The flying ship was incredibly grand and luxurious, and had an elegant and sleek design to its exterior and interior.

Within the ship, a group of girls with beauty beyond compare were gathered in discussion. Beautiful, almost translucent butterfly-like wings stretched out from their back, adding to their mesmerizing mystique.

“We’re almost there,” one of the girls said to her friends, her voice soft and kind.

“Mhm, it should be another day or so, and then we’ll arrive,” another said.

“I wonder what it’s like, inside the ancient Jade Dragon Empire realm?”

“I’m sure it’s amazing, and also deadly. We need to be careful inside, as Palace Master has warned us. The Honorable Alliance would not make such an offer for us to enter without good reason, so the dangers we encounter inside might be beyond our imaginations,” one of them warned sternly.

“Don’t worry,” a voice boomed out behind the group, the tone much deeper than the girls who were speaking. The girls looked over to the source of the voice, and few couldn’t help but roll their eyes. “If you stick around me, I’ll make sure no harm befalls any of you.”

“So shameless,” one of the girls chastised.

“We’d rather stick with Iseria,” another said. “Who knows what you’ll try if we’re alone with you.”

“How did I get such a bad reputation?” Miko protested. “I’ve never touched a single one of you.”

“Maybe not, but we’ve seen the way you look at us,” one of them rebuked.

“What? Am I not allowed to look at beautiful girls? Beautiful things should be admired, not ignored,” Miko said without a hint of embarrassment or shame.

His direct words caused rosy-red complexions to form on many of their faces, and they prepared to rebuke him once more when their gazes shifted towards someone approaching them.

“Palace Master!” the Faerie’s all called out in respectful unison.

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“Mmm, are you all prepared?” the Palace Master asked them, her gaze shifting to Miko for a slight moment.

“Yes, Palace Master,” many of them replied.

“Good, because your lives might very well be in danger once you enter the realm, and I will not be able to help you…but such is the way of the cultivation world. Where there are opportunities, there is also danger.”

Her gaze shifted to Miko again, before shifting to a girl that stood within the group of Faeries. Her cultivation was at the Peak of the Heaven Tribulation Realm, and her beauty beyond compare.

“For this trip, I want you all to roam in two groups,” the Palace Master instructed as she listed the names in group one and two. “The first group will follow Iseria, while the second group will follow Miko.”

The faces of the Faerie’s in group two scrunched up at their Palace Master’s words, and several wanted to protest but didn’t dare disrespect their Palace Master. The Palace Master smirked as she noticed their unwilling gazes, and her smirk was replaced with a stern look.

“You may not like it, but Iseria and Miko are the strongest of all of you,” the Palace Master said to group two. “This realm is not going to be one one of leisurely exploration and enjoyment, but one with great rewards but greater danger. Unless absolutely necessary, you are not to leave the protection of your group leader, or trust anyone else within, is that understood?”

“Yes, Palace Master,” the Faerie’s replied as they noticed her serious mood.

“Good. We will arrive in a day, so be prepared to enter the realm the moment we exit the ship,” she instructed and turned around.

“Ah, Palace Master,” Miko suddenly spoke up, causing her to turn around and look at him questioningly.

“There is one person they can trust,” Miko said as his chest puffed out in pride. “My best friend, John Fenix. He should be inside as well, and he’s just as powerful as me, if not stronger by now. If anyone runs into him, just say you know me, and John will protect you without fail.”

Miko’s words caused the Palace Master’s eyes to widen slightly, as she could tell he was sincere in the truth of his words. After a moment of silence, she nodded her head at his words and gazed back at her disciples.

“Very well,” she said. She had not known Miko for a very long time, but Miko wore his heart on his sleeve, and was very easy to read. If he said such a thing with full sincerity, then it was beyond a doubt to be true. “You heard Miko. If you run across his friend, you may seek his aid as well if truly needed.”