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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 389
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Chapter 389

Kenneth said sarcastically, “That's a good plan you have there. I come out of retirement, take over

Darknetz, then retire. I get to do all the work while you can just sit there and have everything served to

you on a platter. Do I look that dumb to you?”

Dave retorted, “Let's not put it that way. DX is also your baby. You can't just ignore it after giving birth to

it. Sometimes, you have to shoulder the responsibility of a parent.”

Kenneth narrowed his eyes at Dave. “I'm not going to take that credit. You're the one who nursed and

nurtured that baby to what it is today, so you're the one responsible for it. I'm not going to interfere in

any of its affairs so that it doesn't grow distant from you.”

Dave didn't know how to respond to that.

After that brief interlude, Dave regained his serious attitude. “I'm just thinking about your safety. Holden

will find you sooner or later, even if you're retired. What are you going to do then?”

“That's none of your concern.”

“Fine, I'm not going to worry about you, but what about your girlfriend? Have you thought about her and

your future kids? What if Holden targets your girlfriend to get revenge?”

A murderous glint flashed across Kenneth's eyes. “He won't dare!”

“I don't know whether he dares or not, but he might actually do it,” Dave said.

It's fine with me even if he doesn't come out of retirement. I hope this serves as a warning to him,


The viciousness in Kenneth's gaze lessened slightly, but some anger was still simmering beneath the

surface. His expression was still stony.

A moment later, he said, “I won't let him have that chance.”

“He has been looking all over for you all these years. Despite my best efforts to stop him, I'm afraid I

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can't stop him forever.” Dave added, “All in all, you watch your back.”

“Is Holden still finding trouble with DX?” Kenneth asked.

“Not so much after you retired, but we still don't see eye to eye. There's still animosity between us

beneath the surface,” Dave explained.

“Darknetz has been developing rapidly for the past few years and has people all over the world. You

better be careful. Ring me up anytime you have a problem,” Kenneth uttered.

Dave instantly narrowed his eyes. “You mean...”

“Even if I have washed my hands of DX, I'm still the founder. I'm not going to let anyone bully it,”

Kenneth said.

“Now, that's good to hear.”

“However, I'm not going to interfere in everything that happens either,” Kenneth added.

“Don't worry. I'm just glad you're not going to neglect DX completely. I won't go to you for small

matters,” Dave promised.

In the end, I just wanted his promise. It isn't that I can't manage DX by myself. I just missed the time

when I founded DX with Kenneth. DX felt complete and was filled with life when he was around. Even

though he turned a blind eye and deaf ear to everything that happened to DX all these years, I knew

his heart was still here, and that was enough for me.

Dave's spirits lifted when he thought of that.

He turned to Miguel. “Check again. See if you can find that group of hackers from Vermillion Base.”

Miguel nodded.

“Also, how's it going at Boss' side of things?” Dave asked.

“He's still in the Vermillion Base headquarters.”

“What about the person I asked you to find?” Dave questioned.

Miguel shook his head. “It's strange, you know. I couldn't trace the location of that phone call, no matter

how long I tried. I even asked a few of my friends for help, yet none of them could trace it. It was like a

pro was pulling the strings from the back. However, there aren't many hackers that are more skillful

than us on this planet.”

“Do you have a suspect?”

“Other than Shadow Seeker and Anonymous, there are seven to eight people with better skills than

me, so I can't say for sure.” Miguel shrugged.

Dave glanced at Kenneth with a frown. “J, one thing is for sure. That woman has a pro helping her.

After we failed to pursue her the last time, we immediately switched our target to Boss, but it would be

easier if we knew who was helping her. Do you have any idea who that might be?”

Kenneth lowered his gaze.

Who else can it be? It's the joke of the century if they think they can find her with such means.

Kenneth didn't give him a straight answer. “Use the most primitive method to find her.”

“The most primitive... Are you sure?” Dave inquired.

“Since technology won't work, let's employ the most primitive method.” Kenneth said, “It never gets


Dave raised his brow casually, not opposing his suggestion.

“All right, but it may take a long time.”

“It's better than waiting helplessly,” Kenneth said.

Dave nodded and cast a glance at Miguel, who then went to do as ordered.

Dave nodded and cast a glance at Miguel, who then went to do as ordered.

“Wait.” Kenneth stopped him.

Miguel looked over his shoulder.

After thinking over it for a while, Kenneth cautioned, “She might not use her personal information, so

watch out for that. Focus on the person, not the information.”

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“Got it.” Miguel nodded and left.

Dave started, “Your woman knows quite a few counter reconnaissance methods.” He paused briefly

before looking at Kenneth. “What kind of person is she?”

Kenneth's eyes softened at the mention of Natasha. “A person indescribable with mere words.”

Dave's eyes narrowed. “Now I'm curious about her. First, she brought you back to this place. Second,

she knows so many counter reconnaissance techniques. What takes the cake is that you're even

willing to go all out for her. I'm very interested to see what kind of person she is.”

“Don't get curious about her,” Kenneth warned.


“Just don't!” Kenneth shot him a warning glare.

Dave chuckled. “You're still so possessive.”

“No one can even glimpse at what's mine,” Kenneth stated.

“Now, I have reasons to believe that woman is here to hide from you, J.”

Kenneth narrowed his eyes at him. “Do you think that's possible?”

“Why not? Isn't her actions clear as day? Besides, don't say I didn't warn you. The person helping her

might be her admirer. She's obviously hiding from you,” Dave speculated.

Kenneth cast him a glance. “Dave, are you still reading romance s at this age?”

Dave was taken aback by his retort. A flash of embarrassment crossed his face before he replied in a

low tone, “I stopped reading such things a long time ago!”

“Is that so? Yet your speculation is so mind-boggling and cliche.”

Dave frowned. “J, I'm just cautioning you out of kindness, but you're attacking me personally.”

Kenneth cast him a glance. “I'm just reminding you out of kindness as well. Stop reading those books.

They're not good for IQ development.”

Dave couldn't come up with a retort.

He could never win against Kenneth in an argument.

“Okay.” Dave nodded at Kenneth but didn't say anything else.

Kenneth couldn't help the curve of his lips.

At that moment, Miguel approached them. “Dave, were you guys followed here?”