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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 381
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Chapter 381

Fabian dashed out of the car immediately when he saw that.

“Mr. Hamilton!”

Just when he was running over, he was blinded by a flash of light that illuminated the air. He covered

his face with his hands at once.

When the fire subsided, Fabian rushed forward immediately and asked, “Mr. Hamilton, are you all


Ignoring his assistant's question, Kenneth fixed his gaze on the boy in his arms and asked worriedly,

“Anthony, are you okay?”

Anthony was obviously stunned as he had not expected the force of the explosion to be so strong.

Despite that, since he was mentally prepared for it and had been wrapped in Kenneth's arms, he did

not suffer from any injuries.

“I'm fine.” The boy nodded while answering softly.

Kenneth returned to his senses and scanned his surroundings at once. His expression darkened as he

shouted, “Benjamin?”

At that moment, Thalia, who was sprawled on the ground, sat up slowly. She shook her head to clear

the dizziness she was feeling and rubbed her ears, which were ringing from the explosion.

“Mr. Hamilton, there he is!” Fabian exclaimed while pointing toward Benjamin, who was beneath Thalia.

When Kenneth saw the boy, he stood up and walked toward him at once.

“Benjamin, Benjamin! Are you all right?” Kenneth called out anxiously.

A myriad of thoughts had flashed past Kenneth's mind when the explosion happened. However, as

Benjamin was further away from him, he was unable to reach him in time and could only grab Anthony,

who was nearer to him.

Kenneth could not imagine what he would do if something bad were to happen to Benjamin.

Half a minute later, Benjamin finally lifted his head slowly and replied, “Daddy, I'm fine.”

“Benjamin!” Kenneth was only able to heave a sigh of relief after examining the boy and making sure

that he was all right. “I'm glad that you're okay.”

“Thalia,” Benjamin said while looking at the woman next to him.

At that, Kenneth seemed to have remembered something and looked toward Thalia. Just as he was

about to speak, Thalia got up and strode toward Anthony furiously.

“Anthony Watson! Are you crazy? Could you not have given us a heads-up before you pressed that

button? My head is still ringing from the explosion!” Thalia was burning with anger as she walked over.

Anthony was sitting on the floor with his legs spread apart. With his shoulders slumped and arms

crossed in front of his chest, he looked just like a big innocent baby.

As he watched the floating specks of ash that were what remained of the goods, a strange feeling rose

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in him.

That was his first close encounter with an explosion. Although it was dangerous, it was extremely

thrilling for him. At that moment, excitement was coursing through his veins.

“What's wrong? Are you scared senseless?” Thalia could feel her anger subsiding as she looked at


“What's wrong? Are you scared senseless?” Thalia could feel her anger subsiding as she looked at


Just then, the boy looked up at Thalia and chuckled. “Thalia, that explosion was so powerful!”

“Did you just realize that?”

Anthony nodded and replied in a daze, “It's my first time seeing it in real life.”

Noticing the shine in the boy's eyes, Thalia froze for a moment before squatting down. “How do you

feel about it? Was it exciting?” she asked, cocking her brows.

“Super exciting!” Anthony nodded.

Thalia was speechless when she heard that.

He's such an unusual kid.

If that had happened to any other child, they would have either burst out crying in fear or lost their

senses due to shock. However, Anthony's eyes were filled with pure excitement.

“Before you get too excited, you should check out your father's expression first,” Thalia said teasingly

as she looked at Kenneth.

Hearing that, Anthony returned to his senses and looked toward Kenneth and Benjamin.

Kenneth did have a rather gloomy expression on his face, but it did not look too scary.

Anthony darted his eyes from side to side before asking, “Daddy, Benjamin, how are the two of you


Kenneth had been about to explode at his son just a moment earlier. However, for some unknown

reason, he calmed down after seeing the expression on the boy's face.

After looking at Anthony, he shifted his gaze to Benjamin and noticed that there was no trace of fear on

the younger boy's innocent face as well.

It was as if he would have done the same if he were in his brother's shoes.

Kenneth had an unfathomable glint in his eyes as he looked at the boys.

Perhaps, they're just not meant to be ordinary kids.

As such, the man knew that he could not expect them to behave in the same way as other children.

Even though he was able to accept that fact, he still had to assert some dominance over his kids.

Kenneth narrowed his eyes and looked at Anthony before asking in return, “What do you think?” He

helped Benjamin up after saying that.

When Anthony saw that, he stood up as well and walked toward his father and brother. “Daddy, I did

not expect the force of the explosion to be so strong. All I wanted to do was to destroy those goods...”

Although the boy had a sincere attitude and looked just like a kid ready to receive his punishment after

doing something wrong, his eyes were shining with excitement and resolve.

As Kenneth gazed at his son, he could not help but comment, “You're really daring, huh!”

Anthony looked up and said in a formal tone, “Daddy, I can't let either you or Darknetz suffer any

losses, and that was the best way to solve the problem.”

“Anthony Watson! Please remember that I'm your father!” Kenneth reminded the boy while casting a

stern glance at him.

“I know!” Anthony continued, “But Daddy, would you let your company or shareholders suffer losses

because of personal reasons?”

Kenneth was at a loss for words when he heard that.

Although he behaved arrogantly and seemed to disregard rules, Kenneth had always ensured his

subordinates' well-being. That was also the reason why his company continued to grow and flourish all

these years.

Noticing that his father was quiet, Anthony beamed as he said, “Daddy, haven't you heard of the saying

'like father, like son?' Well, everyone is always saying how much I'm like you, so... I'm sure you'll

understand me.”

Kenneth was utterly speechless.

He had never expected that one day, he would lose to his son in an argument.

After taking a deep inhale, Kenneth fixed his gaze on Anthony and said, “It's true that these goods are

not that important to me, but aren't you worried about wasting your efforts?”

To Kenneth's surprise, the boy replied nonchalantly, “I don't really care. Anyway, my intention was just

to teach Vermillion Base a lesson. They are merely a target and not a mission.”

When Kenneth heard that, he narrowed his eyes and asked, “You know about Vermillion Base too?”

After giving it some thought, Kenneth seemed to come to a realization and continued, “Ah! Now I

understand. Given that Darknetz is currently still in the development phase, there's no way they would

challenge Vermillion Base, let alone go after their goods... So, this must be your idea!”

That was a statement and not a question.

“Yup,” Anthony admitted to it directly.

Kenneth's expression darkened as he stated, “It seems like you're quite an influential figure in


“Umm, not exactly...” Anthony tried to brush it off as he wasn't allowed to divulge such crucial

information. Even if it was his father asking, the rules could not be broken.

Kenneth stared at his son with an incomprehensible look in his eyes. Although he had many questions

to ask the boy, he knew that he had something more important to tend to at the moment.

He glanced at the watch on his wrist and realized that he needed to get going. Otherwise, it would be

too late.

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After a brief moment of contemplation, he looked at his sons and said, “We will talk about this again

when I get back. Be good when I'm not around and don't do anything funny. Also, you better think

about what to say to your mommy.”

The man turned to leave after saying that.

“Anthony Wotson! Pleose remember thot I'm your fother!” Kenneth reminded the boy while costing o

stern glonce ot him.

“I know!” Anthony continued, “But Doddy, would you let your compony or shoreholders suffer losses

becouse of personol reosons?”

Kenneth wos ot o loss for words when he heord thot.

Although he behoved orrogontly ond seemed to disregord rules, Kenneth hod olwoys ensured his

subordinotes' well-being. Thot wos olso the reoson why his compony continued to grow ond flourish oll

these yeors.

Noticing thot his fother wos quiet, Anthony beomed os he soid, “Doddy, hoven't you heord of the soying

'like fother, like son?' Well, everyone is olwoys soying how much I'm like you, so... I'm sure you'll

understond me.”

Kenneth wos utterly speechless.

He hod never expected thot one doy, he would lose to his son in on orgument.

After toking o deep inhole, Kenneth fixed his goze on Anthony ond soid, “It's true thot these goods ore

not thot importont to me, but oren't you worried obout wosting your efforts?”

To Kenneth's surprise, the boy replied noncholontly, “I don't reolly core. Anywoy, my intention wos just

to teoch Vermillion Bose o lesson. They ore merely o torget ond not o mission.”

When Kenneth heord thot, he norrowed his eyes ond osked, “You know obout Vermillion Bose too?”

After giving it some thought, Kenneth seemed to come to o reolizotion ond continued, “Ah! Now I

understond. Given thot Dorknetz is currently still in the development phose, there's no woy they would

chollenge Vermillion Bose, let olone go ofter their goods... So, this must be your ideo!”

Thot wos o stotement ond not o question.

“Yup,” Anthony odmitted to it directly.

Kenneth's expression dorkened os he stoted, “It seems like you're quite on influentiol figure in


“Umm, not exoctly...” Anthony tried to brush it off os he wosn't ollowed to divulge such cruciol

informotion. Even if it wos his fother osking, the rules could not be broken.

Kenneth stored ot his son with on incomprehensible look in his eyes. Although he hod mony questions

to osk the boy, he knew thot he hod something more importont to tend to ot the moment.

He glonced ot the wotch on his wrist ond reolized thot he needed to get going. Otherwise, it would be

too lote.

After o brief moment of contemplotion, he looked ot his sons ond soid, “We will tolk obout this ogoin

when I get bock. Be good when I'm not oround ond don't do onything funny. Also, you better think

obout whot to soy to your mommy.”

The mon turned to leove ofter soying thot.