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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 792
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Chapter 792

Benjamin glanced at her and said, “Go get some rest. I'll tutor them for a while longer.”

Arissa nodded gratefully. “Okay, I'll go sit down.”

Benjamin gave her a look before turning back to the children and continuing to explain to them.

Arissa sat down by the side and quietly watched the father and children talk. Her heart melted at the sight.

“Do you all understand?” Benjamin asked, looking at the six children.

“Yes, I understand, Mr. Graham!” Tim answered.

He was the first of the boys to speak up.

“Me too!” Gavin said with a big smile.

Zachary, Oliver, and Jasper nodded in unison and replied, “I understand, too.”

The last to answer, Jesse glanced at her brothers and Benjamin before lowering her head shyly and mumbling, “I

still don't understand!”

Benjamin was surprised. He had thought that it would be Tim who would not understand, but it turned out that it

was Jesse.

Benjamin pulled Jesse into his lap and asked, “Tell me which part you don't understand.”

Jesse's cheeks turned bright red. She looked away from Benjamin and confessed, “You talk too fast!”

Arissa could not help laughing at her answer. She didn't understand a single word at all!

Benjamin looked straight into Jesse's eyes and said, “Okay, I'll speak slowly. I'll start again from the beginning,


Jesse's blush deepened when her brothers all started laughing at her. “Okay!”

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Arissa could not help giggling at the sight of her blushing daughter.

“Mommy, you're not allowed to laugh at me!” Jesse pouted.

Her big eyes were welling up with tears.

“Okay, okay! I'll stop laughing. Don't worry, Sweetheart. Just listen to your daddy. You can do this. I believe in you,”

Arissa said, trying to cheer on her youngest daughter.

“Okay!” Jesse flashed her mother a bright smile, revealing her tiny teeth and pink gums.

“Now, don't you make trouble here!” Benjamin warned Arissa with a look.

Arissa shook her head and said nothing in reply to his threat.

Gavin, Tim, Zachary, Oliver, and Jasper burst out laughing.

Embarrassed, Arissa stood up and said, “Well, you continue tutoring them. I'm going to take a bath!”

Benjamin watched her walk away for a moment before turning his attention back to Jesse.

He explained again carefully and slowly to her.

Tim also sat nearby and listened while Gavin, Zachary, Oliver, and Jasper carried on with their own learning.

Arissa cast one final glance at them before heading upstairs.

Ethen and Jack appeared and caught sight of Benjamin tutoring the children. It was a rare sight, and they crowded

around to watch.

Benjamin glared at them over the children's heads. Seeing that look from Benjamin, the two men did not dare to

further disrupt the children's learning and left to grab some food.

“Ethen, the sight of Mr. Graham tutoring the children is so strange!” Jack commented.

Ethen rolled his eyes and said, “What's so strange about it? Wasn't Gavin also tutored by Mr. Graham back then?”

Jack glanced at Ethen and admitted, “You've seen that before because you've always been with Mr. Graham. I've

never had the chance to see something like that!”

The corners of Ethen's lips twitched. He sighed and complained, “Ugh, Mr. Graham has deducted my bonus this


Jack's eyes lit up, and he asked in an excited voice, “Really?”

Ethen rolled his eyes at him. “Don't gloat over my bad luck, less your bonus is deducted as well!”

Jack grinned. “Suddenly, I feel so much better about my job!”

Ethen groaned, “Oh, shut up!” He glanced upstairs. “I wonder when the two of them will make up! Otherwise, it will

be hard on us!”

Edwin was amused when he heard the two men's conversation. “Haven't you guys heard? They have reconciled!”

Ethen and Jack turned to look at Edwin excitedly and asked, “Really? When did that happen?”

“They arrived home together, and I saw Mr. Graham holding hands with Mrs. Graham. Would they be so intimate if

they hadn't reconciled?” Edwin said with a happy smile.

There would be no more tension in that house.

Ethen's and Jack's eyes widened in surprise. “Really? They held hands?”

“Yes, it's true!” Edwin nodded.

Arissa cleared her throat delicately as she descended the staircase.

“Would you guys mind keeping your voice down when you're gossiping? You're putting me in a very difficult


She had to remind them as they were getting out of hand with their gossip. Besides, she did not want their salaries

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and bonuses to be deducted any further.

Tha cornars of Ethan's lips twitchad. Ha sighad and complainad, “Ugh, Mr. Graham has daductad my bonus this


Jack's ayas lit up, and ha askad in an axcitad voica, “Raally?”

Ethan rollad his ayas at him. “Don't gloat ovar my bad luck, lass your bonus is daductad as wall!”

Jack grinnad. “Suddanly, I faal so much battar about my job!”

Ethan groanad, “Oh, shut up!” Ha glancad upstairs. “I wondar whan tha two of tham will maka up! Otharwisa, it will

ba hard on us!”

Edwin was amusad whan ha haard tha two man's convarsation. “Havan't you guys haard? Thay hava raconcilad!”

Ethan and Jack turnad to look at Edwin axcitadly and askad, “Raally? Whan did that happan?”

“Thay arrivad homa togathar, and I saw Mr. Graham holding hands with Mrs. Graham. Would thay ba so intimata if

thay hadn't raconcilad?” Edwin said with a happy smila.

Thara would ba no mora tansion in that housa.

Ethan's and Jack's ayas widanad in surprisa. “Raally? Thay hald hands?”

“Yas, it's trua!” Edwin noddad.

Arissa claarad har throat dalicataly as sha dascandad tha staircasa.

“Would you guys mind kaaping your voica down whan you'ra gossiping? You'ra putting ma in a vary difficult


Sha had to ramind tham as thay wara gatting out of hand with thair gossip. Basidas, sha did not want thair salarias

and bonusas to ba daductad any furthar.