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Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 122 Waiting For You
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"That's good to hear." Lady Su Yan said. "If the both of you are happy with each other, who has the right to criticise you?"

Of course, those words were meant for a particular woman to hear. Everyone in the room internally winced at the blow.

"I'll escort you outside," Lady Su Yan said, and together they walked out to where a limo was waiting. Xue Ning internally face-palmed. Did Jingwei not realise this would attract undue attention! Why couldn't he simply call a cab like a normal person?

Ah, she answered her own question. Sun Jingwei wasn't a normal person, but he was still very important to her. As such, she swallowed her own unease and got into the limo, but not before speaking one last time to Lady Su Yan.

"Will you get into trouble for standing up for me?" Xue Ning asked frankly. "That Zhou Yu woman doesn't seem like someone who will let go of a grudge."

Su Yan barked out a laugh. "Possibly. Which is why you and Mr Sun better make such a stunning couple that my business survives the fallout. If not, I'll be displeased with you."

"Got it," Xue Ning said, feeling faintly touched at her gesture. "We'll make sure everyone knows you're the best."

"Don't waste time talking to me," Su Yan replied brusquely, but her lips curled into a smile. "You're already late for the conference."

Xue Ning nodded, feeling like she had wasted enough time, she gave Lady Su Yan a firm handshake and a grateful shallow bow.

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The moment she shut the door, the driver stomped on the accelerator. The limo drove off at the speed of light!

Did all the drivers in Sun Jingwei's employ driving like him? Was that one of the conditions for getting hired?

If she died on the road today, she'll haunt him for the rest of her life!


Meanwhile, Jingwei let out a sneeze. Shengli shot him a horrified look.

"Wipe your nose, don't sneeze in public for goodness sake."

"You say like I can control what my nose does." Jingwei pointed out. "And maybe this is a sign that Xue Ning is thinking of me."

"Fat hope," Shengli said.

"Why isn't she here yet though?" Jingwei asked worriedly, looking around. The press conference was starting in five minutes, and he really wanted her to be there looking at him, just for moral support. Unfortunately, his prayers seemed to be unanswered.

When he texted Xue Ning, he got no reply. When he texted Su Yan, Su Yan said that there was a brief hiccup, and she needed more time to resolve it.

It made him wonder what on earth could have happened in Su Yan's boutique! Did Xue Ning decide to beat up one of the heiresses? Strangle an intruder with the hair dryer cord?

​ If she did, she must have had a good reason. Jingwei mentally prepared himself to get a lawyer for her if they decided to sue. That lawyer would definitely not be Shengli, because Shengli was overworked and deserved a vacation after this press conference.

It had nothing to do with how he touched Xue Ning's chin without her permission. None at all!

He also immediately sent one of his drivers to pick her up the moment she was done. There was no way he would make Xue Ning sit in a cab when he could pick her up in a limo!

"Focus," Shengli scolded, sensing the way Jingwei's thoughts were drifting to Xue Ning. It would be sweet, if it wasn't so nauseating to watch.

"If you fuck up today, you'll never be able to see her again. How's that for motivation?"

"Thanks, as if I did not need any more pressure for today." Jingwei replied dryly. His hands were beginning to sweat.

"I'm just reminding you of the stakes, so you do not open your mouth to say something stupid later." Shengli retorted.

"Please take your seat, Mr Sun. The press conference will begin shortly." The organiser told him, gesturing for him to make his way to the main table. Currently, Shengli and Jingwei were in another room that doubled as a holding area, because Jingwei didn't want to sit there too early and have reporters take photos of him fidgeting before the conference began.

"Oh good! I made it in time!" Jingwei turned around, expecting to see Xue Ning - only for his face to fall as he saw Yi Ting come into view.

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"Don't you have work?" Shengli asked, confused. "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be busy handling payroll accounts."

Yi Ting waved a nonchalant hand. "Excuse me Liu Shengli, do you think anyone in the company is actually working? They're all tuning into this press conference! No one can focus!"

"Really?" Jingwei asked in surprise. "I had no idea I was that popular."

"For better or worse, your performance today will impact our lives and our bonuses." Yi Ting said frankly, shooting him a pleading look. "Please do your best."

"I will," Jingwei promised, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering in double time. His phone beeped with a new message.

It was Xue Ning!

'Sorry that I'll be late. Every single traffic light in Shanghai is fucking red at the same time, not even your limo can escape them.

But I'm sure you'll be fine without me. You worked hard these past few days. Do your best. '

Jingwei felt butterflies for another reason altogether. Xue Ning cared enough to text him first! This was the first time she had initiated contact with him! Usually, he was the one texting her first.

He hurriedly replied 'thank you <3 love you lots, rmb to kiss me when you arrive.'

He got a picture of his own middle finger in reply. He laughed out loud, no longer nervous.

"Alright, I'm ready, let's get this show on the road." He said, rolling his shoulders and flexing his neck. He stalked confidently to the press table and took his seat, watching as every reporter's eye focused on him.

Bright flashes of light and loud exclamations immediately greeted his vision, and the cameras started rolling.

His test had officially begun.