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Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 87
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87 87. Naraku Makani Diary and Truth Reveal (II)




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



When Naraku Makani was first brought by the government, he was working with other top scientists on those cells and trying to find how the cells were still alive.

Many top scientists discovered very surprising results that the cells were part of a bigger cell. After researching the stones, they came to realize that this is just one of the pieces from the larger meteorite. That’s how they came to know that other continents where pieces have fallen were also being researched by their respective empires.

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The governments for the first time put away their small squabble aside and formed tri-joint cooperation to do the project.

It was also that time, Naraku Makani left for his family.

After being forcefully brought back into the project, he got to know that other scientists had discovered similarities between the cell present in the meteorite and their world organisms.

Naraku Makani studied the similarities very carefully and looked into their behaviour deeply which led him to know that they are not just similar but they match the organisms present in their daily lives.

The only difference was that he found living or non-living behaviour.

As every human on the planet knows Living organisms undergo growth and development. Non-living things do not grow or develop. They have a lifespan and are not immortal. They have no lifespan and are immortal.

That’s the description he himself firmly believes to be. But the studies on the cell on the meteorite have him confused, like how can a single cell show behaviour of a living life form like it’s alive or something.

After months of observations, he noticed a tiny difference in the weight of stones which has decreased by a few milligrams but he thought that he might have noticed wrong so he didn’t take it to heart next month this happen again so he believed that it was not coincidental at all and after looking through the growth of cell which has changed a little made him frightened.

He hypnotises after calming down and writes down everything he can from the results he got and afterwards he even explains to his fellow scientist about it but initially nobody bothers to believe in him. Feeling little distress about it he convinced a few scientists to do the observation with him.

After finding that Naraku Makani was telling them the truth, everyone came together and exchanged their hypothesis about the odd results.

That’s when they assembled all the cells from every piece of meteorite. And that was one of the most absurd things they witnessed: all small half-dead cells came together and formed a whole big cell or a small body.

For the scientists, it was like witnessing a miracle happening and the possibility of what they could achieve if they were successful in finding out how the cell form works.

But nobody witnessed that the small cell which they found fascinating or a piece of scientific value had already released a micro gamma-like signal towards the space outside of Blossom Planet.

Not long after the cell formed a shape it died and the next day, the malice organisms started to wreak havoc on the planet.

The government system almost got dissolved with the increasing destruction of society by the malice organisms. The higher-ups became desperate to put to stop those malice organisms but no weapon was capable enough to do so.

A certain mad scientist suggests using the theory they obtained by experimenting on the cell, to create a human weapon.

The desperate higher-ups approved of this absurd suggestion so the mad scientist took the lead and formed a team to start experimenting on the live human subjects.

Naraku Makani and a group of other few scientists were opposed to this decision but they were put on the detection or forcefully subdued by the people sent by the government to oversee the project.

The group who were opposed to this decision took a different approach by getting an experimental test on the dead body of malice organisms.

Naraku Makani and his group also found out that the cells which they have researched before matched perfectly with the cells present in the malice organisms, so after knowing that they were hundred percent sure about why those malice organisms would attack their planet.

Using the malice organism’s body, they did all kinds of experiments like how it can survive in a vacuum, how much pressure it can take, what’s the limit of its resilience, and the total strength an indivisible cell can provide to the whole body etc.

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Using that data, they came up with a serum which can develop the human body to fight against malice organisms.

The other group which was also trying to do the same thing wasn’t very successful but they sacrificed hundreds of people and too many resources to back out and which led to the accident happening.

One of their half-successful experiment went mad from the inhume torture and got out of control. That day, the massacre happened, all the people present were killed by him and until the government men took care of the uncontrollable experiment, everything was already over.

They only found the dead bodies of all the scientists present there, so the data was also lost.

Fortunately for Naraku Makani, he hid in his hidden room, even though he got injured in the process of escaping from the mad experiment subject. He hid the serum sample and wrote everything in the diary in the hope of warning the person who will find this hidden room in the future.


“What a complicated backstory? From the information that’s written in this diary that I got, I can roughly guess everything started from that meteorite which was definitely sent by some entity on purpose to this planet. Haaaa(Sigh)!” Erick sighs, processing the information he just read in the diary.

Erick was laying in the room provided to the Leader Shun group as they still have injuries which were not healed completely so in the room, he was alone. He came here when he was halfway in the diary from the deck of the ship.

Erick felt there is a conspiracy going on behind the scenes, even if those government people haven’t touched those pieces of meteorite, the planet would have still gotten attacked by the malice organisms.

He was wondering what was in the glass flask but now he knew that it was a sample for a serum which can enhance human’s fight against malice organisms on the same footing ground.

Just as he was about to put the diary away, a letter fell from the diary. Erick picked it up and opened it to see what it was, but found that it was a request letter of sorts.


