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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 Are You Afraid of Me?

Josephine clenched her fists and looked at Lewis’ unsympathetic face. She was suddenly in a daze.

She never knew what was going on in his mind.

Lewis increased pressure on his grip on her chin. “Do you hear me?”

Josephine came to her senses from the pain. She nodded.

He said once more. “This is the last time. If you still don’t listen to me, I’ll break your legs and lock you

up. Do you understand?”

Josephine froze. Lewis didn’t seem like he was joking. He really would do it, so she nodded with


Lewis let her go and gently caressed her face. “That’s more like it.” He went in to kiss her on the lips,

but Josephine remembered the doctor’s warning, so she instinctively turned her head.

to the side.

Lewis narrowed his eyes and brought her face back. He said in a dangerous tone, “Have you already

forgotten what I said? You sure are forgetful.”

Josephine frantically wanted to explain herself, but it only made it seem like she was rejecting him. He

grabbed her hands, undid his tie, and tied her hands up with it.

Josephine shook her head with all her might, but because she struggled so much, she fell from the sofa

to the floor, making her head spin.

She curled up and looked at him pleadingly, her teary eyes filled with apprehension.

Lewis grabbed her by the collar and picked her up. He looked at her closely. “Are you afraid of me?”

Josephine looked at him smiling. Not knowing if it was out of fear or pain in her abdomen, she couldn’t

stop trembling.

Lewis smiled creepily. His smile did not reach his eyes. “Why?” He looked Josephine in the eyes as if

trying to find an answer in them. “Why are you afraid of me?”

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Josephine shut her eyes and turned her head to the side. Tears fell from the corner of her eyes. She

wanted to know why as well. They were not like that before. Was it because she had gotten greedy,

wanting his love and freedom at the same time, which was why she was doomed not to get anything?

She trembled violently, and the smile on Lewis’ face slowly faded away. The next second, he hugged

her tightly as if he was about to crush her.

His tone changed. He said softly in her ears, “Don’t be afraid. Just listen to me as you did in the past,

and we’ll be fine.”

There is a light scent of gardenias on Lewis. It was Josephine’s favorite scent. She once heard

someone say that gardenias represented a lifetime of guarding.

From then onward, she fell in love with the scent of gardenias. Every time he wore the clothes she

washed, smelling of gardenias, Josephine would feel that Lewis loved her.

However, this world didn’t lack pathetic people, especially those who lie to themselves. They were the

most pathetic ones.

Lewis untied her hands, then he clutched her face in his hands, trying to help her wipe away her tears.

Josephine didn’t look at him. Sometimes, it felt like he had split personalities, always unpredictable.

Every time she thought he was about to explode, he would suppress those complicated feelings as if

nothing had happened.

Just like what was happening at that moment, he held her face and gazed at her thoughtfully. ” Let’s

have children,” he said gently. “Do you like children?”

Josephine was a little stunned. She looked up at Lewis’ inexplicable gaze.

Lewis continued, “I’m serious.”

At that instant, chills spread all over her body. A great feeling of grief made her choked up, and her

eyes welled up with tears.

Her lips quivered, and every breath she took hurt her terribly. She raised her hands, wanting to say

something. However, what should she say?

Should she say that their child was gone?

Should she ask why he didn’t try to rescue their child?

Or should she ask why he only wanted a child at that point? It was pointless.

Her hands froze in midair. She looked at him, aggrieved.

Lewis lowered his gaze and looked at her hesitating hands for a long time. After a while, he shifted his

gaze back to her face.

He gently caressed her face with his long slender fingers. He continued asking, “Would you want a boy

or a girl?”

Josephine suddenly chuckled when she heard what he said, but tears kept falling at the same time,

unsure if she was laughing and crying out of joy or sadness.

Lewis looked at her stubbornly, insisting on waiting for an answer.

Josephine smiled and slowly gestured. “I would like a girl.”

Lewis gently caressed her cheeks, sweeping her hair behind her ear. He said softly, “A girl is

good. Girls are obedient. We’ll have a girl.”

Tears continued falling like a stream. How great would it be if he said that a month ago? That way, she

could finally tell everyone that she was pregnant.

Then, she didn’t need to hide around like a fugitive. She could openly buy adorable children’s clothes

like all mothers, excitedly anticipating the arrival of their babies.

Everything that happened after wouldn’t have happened too.

Josephine smiled and nodded, but her smile and eyes were desolate, making her smile seem.


Lewis couldn’t wipe away her constant flow of tears. He said in a raspy voice, “Don’t be like


Josephine stopped smiling, showing her most genuine emotions at that moment, but it made him even

more annoyed than her smile..

Lewis sighed silently, showing his irritation by furrowing his brow. He suddenly stood up without saying

anything and left, heading upstairs.

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Josephine sat on the cold rug and closed her eyes. She made a huge effort to not think about what had

just happened to her. As long as she didn’t think about it, it wouldn’t bother her.

She opened her eyes, opened the drawers, and took her medication to the kitchen. She fetched herself

a cup

of water and looked at her medication. At the thought of Lewis’ words, she was in

a daze once more.

For a short moment, she felt there was nothing left in this world for her. The kitchen knife shimmered in

her eyes as if compelling her to pick it up and end everything for good.

She looked at the knife closely. The pills in her hand suddenly felt like lead. When she came to her

senses, she was already standing right in front of the knife.

“What do you want for dinner?”

Just when she was about to reach out and grab the knife, Lewis’ voice came from the kitchen entrance.

Josephine hesitated. That crazy urge she had a moment ago completely vanished

when she heard his voice.

One needed the courage to live; one also needed the courage to die.

She placed her cup of water down and turned to look at Lewis. He was talking to her as he usually

would. He didn’t need to do anything. Just by standing there, he could already sway her thoughts.

Josephine gestured. “I would like some oatmeal.”

“I’ll get someone to send them over,” Lewis said before sweeping a glance at the cup of water in her

hand. It was a mere short glance before he turned and left.

Josephine let out a sigh. She turned to look at the knife on the kitchen rack once more. She stuffed her

pills and swallowed them down with some water.

Soon, the dinner that Lewis ordered arrived. Conrad was the one who delivered. Once Conrad placed

the food on the dining table, he noticed a depressing and creepy air hanging between Josephine and

Lewis. Naturally, he didn’t dare to stay there for long. He left after setting everything up.

Josephine got up and served Lewis some oatmeal as usual when suddenly he said, “In the future, at

the office, you don’t have to listen to anyone other than Conrad and me.”