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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 55
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What Separates Me and You by Victoria Wilson Chapter 55 A Life Filled With Disappointment

Lewis used his actions to answer Josephine’s question.

He knew very well that she would suffer in Alvarez Manor, but this time, he chose to agree with

her decision.

The silent woman could only stare in the direction Lewis had disappeared in. A surge of bitterness

started spreading from her heart at that moment.

“What exactly am I trying to prove? Do I want to prove that he’s finally understood what I’ve been telling

him? Or am I trying to prove that he’s been a heartless man all along?” She thought sadly.

Finally, Josephine returned to Alvarez Manor. Thanks to the family drama, everyone had already

retreated to their respective rooms for the night.

She returned to her own bedroom as well. Then she grabbed a clean set of clothes and took a bath

in the bathroom.

When Josephine closed her eyes, countless memories started replaying in her mind like snippets of a

movie. It was a mixture of good and bad memories. All in all, she had led a life of disappointment

during the past two decades at Alvarez Manor.

After all, she had no idea where she came from or who she actually was.

Josephine could still recall the time when she saw Alan’s face for the first time after opening her ‘eyes

one day. Before that, she had no recollection of her previous life.

Alan had told her that she was an orphan named Josephine Vance and that she would be living with

him from then on.

Just like that, she followed Alan into Alvarez Manor in a state of confusion and joined the Alvarez family

as an outsider.

After that, Josephine spent the next 20 years of her life without knowing what to do.

The universe was never kind to her. Even the only beacon of light in her life had already become blurry

and was starting to seem more distant.

Meanwhile, things in Magic Cube were heating up

A certain private room was bustling with activity. Countless beautiful young women who dressed

scantily were dancing their lives away in the private room that was lit up by colorful neon lights.

It had been a long time since Fred was able to drink his fill. He dived into the horde of women with a

microphone in his hand just so he could dance with them happily.

However, the way he danced was very reserved, not to mention awkward. It made him look like a

hilariously awkward fool.

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Tyler and Lewis sat together while watching the beautiful women dance the night away quietly. None of

them had any expressions on their faces.

After taking a sip of wine, the former finally spoke up. “The incident with the customs has been

resolved. During the process, I discovered something interesting.”

Lewin, who had his legs crossed together, shot him a cool glance imm

Tyler lowered his voice before continuing, “The people who have been targeting you don’t seem to be

involved with the logistics Instead, they’re part of the research and development team Dout you feel

that something’s off about this?”

“I know Tell me something that’s actually useful.”

Tyler looked a little surprised. It seemed that Lewis had already found out about that tmy deal hence his

decision to have Tyler investigate it.

The masterminds‘ company wasn’t located in the country, yet they chose to deal with the Alvarez

family. That meant the mastermind definitely had some scores to settle with them. Either that or they

were purely targeting Lewis.

There were many ways to deal with the Alvarez family, after all. The fact that the masterminds targeted

Lewis‘ logistics company didn’t make sense.

Because of that, Lewis ended up dragging the Green family into this mess

Tyler paused for a moment, as if he were thinking of how to formulate his reply. This news is very

beneficial to you. Now that I told you about it, shouldn’t you think of repaying me somehow?”

Thanks to Avery’s incident, the Green family’s financial situation was severely compromised, but not to

the point of bankruptcy.

Tyler needed Lewis‘ help. Otherwise, if someone were to target the Green family at that time, they

would be driven into a perilous situation.

“You’ll have to tell me what the exact news is in order for me to decide if it’s beneficial to me or not.”

Lewis played with his lighter absent–mindedly The flicker of light that was constantly ignited before

getting snuffed out slowly mapped out his features, though he still looked impassive as usual.

Tyler stated, “Your brother–in–law, Seth, used to outsource a project. The company that collaborated

with him on that project belongs to the masterminds.”

Lewis paused in his actions before turning around to look at Tyler. “Is that so?”

The latter nodded. “You’ll know the answer once you’ve investigated on your own. Levita Corporation’s

accounting department holds all financial records for the outsourced project. If I remember correctly,

that company is your father’s wedding gift to Daphne, right?”

Even though Daphne was the one who owned Levita Corporation, it still held some shares belonging to

Alvarez Corp, which meant it played a huge role in maintaining the profit levels of the family company.

Lewis didn’t answer Tyler’s question. His gaze was fixated on a certain spot as he sank into deep


“What are you two talking about?” Fred approached the men before slumping into the spot next to


The latter shot him a smile. “We’re talking about the ladies. How’s the night so far? Are you having


Chapter 55 A Life Filled With Disappointment

Fred grinned widely in response. “Of course. Did something amazing happen to you today, Lewis? I

can’t believe you’re actually willing to spend so much money on women just to have them drink with us.

You didn’t allow any female company here in the past, after all.”

Lewis glanced at Fred impassively. “They are meant for you. Don’t waste your opportunity with them.”

“What do you mean by that? I’m still an innocent guy, you know!”

Lewis just let out a low chuckle, already deciding to ignore Fred’s protests.

Tyler couldn’t help but continue the topic. “Seriously? You keep lamenting about wanting to have a

girlfriend, yet you claim to be innocent! Why do I find it difficult to believe you?”

Fred’s cheeks flushed immediately, but he forced himself to come up with a response. “Duh! Do you

really think I’m the same as you two? You may look serious on the outside, but you’re secretly

Halfway through his sentence, Fred realized he had said the wrong thing. He quickly backpedaled by

covering his mouth.

Tyler raised an eyebrow while sneaking a glimpse in Lewis‘ direction through the corner of his


There was a hint of a smile tugging at the latter’s lips, making him look a little eerie.

Fred quickly changed the topic in order to ease the atmosphere. “So, um, Lewis! Did you come here to

have fun because you got into a fight with Sierra?”

“Huh? Do I need to fight with someone just so I can come here?” Lewis rebutted with a question.

“Not really, I guess.” Fred scratched his head, not knowing what else to say.

Lewis did seem quite strange that night, even though Fred couldn’t put his finger on the exact


Tyler decided to step in and resolve the situation. “A naïve virgin like you would know nothing about the

grown–ups‘ matters, so you might as well quit while you’re ahead.”

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Fred’s cheeks became a brilliant shade of red as he glared at Tyler. “You’re the naïve virgin, damn it! I

said I’m an innocent guy!”

“What’s the difference?”

“I’ll have you know they are way different! Naïve virgins have weak bodies, whereas innocent guys like

me have never dated anyone before! Do you even understand what I’m talking about?”

Tyler just shook his head with a smile, not wanting to argue with Fred.

Suddenly, he seemed to have remembered something. He turned to ask Lewis in a half–joking manner,

“Hey, you’re not as young as you think you are. Aren’t you going to think about having a child or


“What good is a child for?”

Tyler didn’t know how to answer that question. He pondered for a long time before finally providing

Lewis with an answer. “That’s where you’re wrong, Children are the continuation of the

Chapter 55 A Life Filled With Disappointment

cycle of life. They are also the personification of hope and the bond of love. Why would you come up

with such a weird question in the first place?”

“Bond of love? Aren’t children just a huge burden in life?” A wistful expression appeared on Lewis‘


“How can children be huge burdens, Lewis? They are so small and weak. How can they bring you

down? Anyway, you’ve been married for so long, yet you still don’t have children. A family without

children isn’t a complete family, you know. Don’t you feel envious whenever you spot a family of

three out in the streets?”

Lewis didn’t say anything. No one knew what he was thinking at the time.

Fred tugged at Tyler’s sleeve before leaning in to whisper into his ear. “Tyler, why is Lewis acting

so weird?”

Tyler’s lips moved slightly, but he didn’t answer Fred in the end. He did notice how weird Lewis was

acting that night.

The latter didn’t seem like he had fought with Sierra. If he did, he would be drowning his sorrows with

alcohol instead of spacing out on the couch.

Also, Lewis didn’t touch alcoholic beverages at all.

Besides, he didn’t seem like he was against the idea of having children when they were

discussing that topic earlier. In fact, he looked like he had countless thoughts on his mind, but he

definitely didn’t show any signs of hating children.

Hence, Tyler popped another question. “What if Josephine accidentally gets pregnant? What will you
