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Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 256 - 256 Chapter 17
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256 Chapter In the end, they settled for a light, wyvern-skin breastplate and a pair of arm and shin guards. Though Maxi found these heavy and uncomfortable as well, they were more manageable than steel.

She was convinced that knights were not ordinary people. How on earth did they move so freely in armor multiple times heavier than the one she had worn? Her grueling training with Ursuline only solidified this conviction.

“My lady, I cannot stress enough, do not close your eyes when charging! You must observe your opponent’s movements at all times! And maintaining your balance is vital. It is the lack of attention to your stance that makes you stumble whenever you’re required to move with any haste. No, no! You must coordinate your arms and legs when you run. That is precisely why you keep losing bal— Break your fall with your hands! Why do you crash head first?! It can only be a lack of natural reflexes.”

Over and over, Maxi stumbled to the ground, enduring a barrage of criticism each time. She was a terrible student, just as she had feared. Sir Ursuline turned out to be a more relentless instructor than she had expected. Despite it being abundantly clear she had no talent in the art of combat, he pushed her until she could execute each move perfectly. His patience and tenacity were frightening. After a few days of such torture, it got to the point where she was grateful for the knights who had given up on her so quickly during past trainings.

Ulyseon accused Ursuline of being too hard on her and was promptly banned from the sessions. Just once, Ursuline had entrusted her training to the young knight to attend to other matters, and his return had unfortunately coincided with her break. He had found her idling in front of the dining hall fireplace, after which he never again handed off her training to anyone else.

His determination to teach the world’s most hopeless student must have moved the heavens. In a feat that could only be described as a miracle, Maxi eventually learned to thrust a dagger into a vital point with vicious precision. For the first time, Ursuline must have felt somewhat content with her progress. He nodded approvingly, a small smile tugging at his lips.

“As you have pointed out, my lady, there is no reason for a mage to wield a sword unless they are in dire straits. Even so, an unexpected battle might force the mages to join the fray. Though I pray that nothing of the sort will happen… if you ever find yourself facing an enemy while depleted of mana, you will have one chance to strike while your opponent is off guard. The techniques I’ve taught you are meant for stealth and assassination; they will not help you win hand-to-hand combat.”

Surprised by the knight’s admission, Maxi stared at him with a stunned expression, gasping for air. Did he not say he was teaching her self-defense? Had the man been teaching assassination techniques to a mage all along? Though she very much wanted to voice her chagrin, Maxi held her tongue.

She nodded and said, “I-I shall keep that in mind.”

After looking up at the sky to determine the time, Ursuline picked up the cloak he had shrugged off. “We should return to the castle now. Please have a cleric cast restorative magic on you and try to get enough rest. Tomorrow, I shall show you how to apply the techniques to—”

“Sir Ursuline!”

Scowling, Ursuline turned around to see who was interrupting. It was Ulyseon, sprinting down the forest path toward them.

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“The Temple Knights have arrived!”

Maxi had been slumped on the ground, exhausted. She sprang to her feet at the news.

Ulyseon approached her and added dolefully, “Calto Serbel is assembling the mages. I’m sure you are wanted as well, my lady.”

Ursuline’s face hardened. He regarded her with a grim expression and said curtly, “Then, let us head back, my lady.”

They left the clearing and started for the main castle. The fact that she would have to leave Calypse Castle once again felt like a weight pressed on her heart.

I have to go without seeing Riftan.

She peered up at the partially clouded sky. Though the hour was not late, the winter day meant short afternoons. She silently hoped she would be allowed to spend one more night at the castle so she could say farewell to the servants.

Those hopes were dashed the moment she stepped foot in the great hall. The mages were lugging their things down the staircase as if intent on leaving at once. Maxi watched in utter dismay when she heard Sidina cry out from the second floor.

“Max! Master Calto wants everyone ready to depart!”

“R-Right now?”

“I think he wishes to set out immediately, the Temple Knights obliging. He went on and on earlier about how we had to get to the Plateau before it grows colder. You should hurry!”

Maxi excused herself and hurried up the stairs. True to Sidina’s words, Calto was growing visibly anxious at the delays. Even if the Temple Knights wanted to rest in Anatol for a day or two, they would not likely refuse if the elder insisted on leaving right away.

Back in her room, she swiftly changed out of her dirty training garments. She then strapped on the protective gear the knights had chosen for her and left with the luggage she had packed beforehand. Most of the mages were congregated in the hall when she arrived.

Maxi glanced about as she came down the stairs. “Where are the Temple Knights?”

“They’re in the chapel,” Sidina said with a shrug. “It is apparently tradition to receive the blessing of the parish cleric as soon as they arrive in a new city.”

Sweeping her gaze over the gathered mages, Maxi asked, “And Master Calto?”

“Also at the chapel. He seemed to be in a hurry to discuss the itinerary with them.”

Maxi suppressed a sigh. The man was clearly bent on departing within the day.

Sure enough, Calto soon joined them and announced in a solemn voice, “The Temple Knights are waiting for us at the castle gates. Bring your bags and follow me. We are to depart before sundown.”

Grumbling, the mages gathered their belongings. Maxi could only afford a hasty wave to the servants as she followed the others out of the great hall. It seemed the knights had gone somewhere, as she could not see any of them in the castle.

She anxiously searched for them as they cut across the garden. Were none of them coming to see her off? She craned her neck to look over the shoulders of the expeditionary party for any sign of Ulyseon or Ursuline.

“Max, look,” said Sidina, nudging her with her elbow. “It’s the Temple Knights.”

Maxi turned to look in the direction Sidina pointed. In a spacious area up ahead, about thirty mounted knights were waiting in formation. She unconsciously held her breath.

The Temple Knights exuded a much more somber air than she remembered. They all wore dark robes over dark gray armor, and their faces, shadowed beneath their hoods, were devoid of emotion. Maxi hunched her shoulders. Dread winding through her, she wondered how many months she would have to spend in their company. The thought was enough to make her tense up.

The other mages seemed to share her sentiment as several groans erupted from the group.

“Looks like we’re in for a pleasant journey,” Anette said, descending the stairs to the training grounds with a sigh.

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Following behind, Maxi silently agreed. Several wagons laden with tents and provisions stood in line next to the knights. She was hoisting her bag onto one of them when she heard a familiar voice.

“Lady Calypse. What a long time it’s been.”

Maxi’s face lit up. “Sir Gabel!”

Looking bashful, Gabel Lachzion scratched the back of his head. “I apologize for coming so late, my lady. I should have rushed back as soon as I received word of your return.”

“No need for apologies! I know everyone has been busy with Riftan away on the campaign. I was worried I would depart without seeing you, so… I’m glad I got this chance before I left.”

“I was informed you are headed for the Pamela Plateau.”

Gabel’s smile waned slightly, and Maxi grew nervous. She worried that the knight would object just as Ursuline had done. His next words, however, caught her by surprise.

“Be rest assured, my lady, the Remdragon Knights will be there to protect you. Sir Ursuline is negotiating an agreement with the Temple Knights as we speak.”

After blinking vacantly at him, Maxi swiveled her head to the city gates to see Sir Ursuline Ricaydo and Ulyseon Rovar conversing with a man in a black robe. Her jaw dropped in disbelief. ????????n????e????????. ????om

“W-What on earth do you think you’re doing?!” she yelled, darting toward them.

Ursuline stopped talking and furrowed his brow. “My lady, are you all set to depart? I hope you have not forgotten your protective gear and weapon.”

“I have not!” Maxi shouted, aghast at the knight’s drastic behavior. “More importantly… what are you up to, Sir Ursuline? I am participating in this expedition as a mage of the Mage Tower. I do not need… the Remdragon Knights’ escort! Did it not occur to you that you are putting me in a difficult situation?!”

“I understand your position, my lady, which is why I am not objecting to your going,” the knight said brazenly as though he had forgotten all about his heated dispute with Calto. “However, you must also consider mine. Sir Riftan has left me in charge in his stead. Therefore, I cannot let you travel into the Pamela Plateau without sending any of our knights. Sir Riftan would have my head if anything were to happen to you.”

Ursuline’s irritatingly calm response left Maxi speechless, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. Soon after, she found herself trembling in anger at his treachery.

“After putting me through that g-grueling training—” Outraged, Maxi’s voice rose. “You clearly do not think I can defend myself!”

“My lady,” Ursuline replied with a low sigh, “our training over the past ten days has completely shattered what hope I had. I absolutely cannot let you go without personal guards to protect you.”
