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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle

Chapter 994
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Chapter 994

Chapter 994 Dad Is Back

The next morning when Bianca woke up, she saw that Luke was still asleep.

He needed the rest after a week of high-intensity work.

Bianca turned her head and looked at him. He was a light sleeper. In the past, any movement from her would lead to him waking up and hugging her tighter. However, she turned over and Luke was still asleep. He must be exhausted.

After she saw the dark circles under his eyes, Bianca tiptoed off the bed without disturbing him.

When she walked out of the bedroom, she gently closed the door. Tommy was walking out of his bedroom at the stime. When he saw his mother, he excitedly wanted to greet her.

Bianca immediately stepped forward and covered his mouth. She hugged him in her arms and said softly, "Shh, Daddy is still sleeping." "Daddy?" Tommy followed along and lowered his volume, his big eyes filled with curiosity as he asked, "Mommy, isn’t Daddy coming hlater?"

Bianca gently opened the bedroom door and had Tommy take a look.

When Tommy saw Luke, he was beyond thrilled! He wanted to go up and tell Luke how much he missed him, but Bianca hugged him tightly in her arms.

Bianca carried him to the living room. She raised her fingers and said, ” Shhh, Daddy is tired and still sleeping. You shouldn't wake him up, okay?"

Tommy nodded. Although he wanted to tell Luke about his recent good behavior, he was a good boy who listened to his Mommy's words.

Bianca put Tommy on the floor and opened the door of Blanche's bedroom. He was awake. He had even washed up and changed into a new set of clothes.

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"Mommy, good morning," Blanche greeted Bianca politely.

Bianca looked at their eldest son and thought that he looked like Luke. They were both handsome.

Seeing that Blanche’s collar was flipped, she walked over to tidy it up for him. She then said, "Lanie, we don't have to go to the airport to pick up Daddy later."

Blanche only woke up early so that he could get ready to pick Luke up. He asked, "Why?" "Stupid, it's because Daddy is back and he's sleeping now!" Tommy walked to him and said it as though he was an adult. He did his best to control his volwhile speaking.

"Daddy is back?" Blanche’s cool expression brightened up with a smile.

"Yes, take care of your brother and make sure that he keeps quiet so that your father can rest. I’ll go check on Rainie." They had planned to pick up Luke from the airport, so all the children had set their alarms to wake up early.

"Okay, Mommy." Although Blanche was young, he was sensible. Knowing that Luke had worked hard, he took Tommy's hand to prevent him from running around and making unnecessary noise.

Bianca opened Rainie’s bedroom door and saw that she was awake as well. Rainie was combing her hair in front of the mirror.

"Mommy!" Rainie turned her head when she heard the door opening while holding her hair and comb.

"Good morning, baby." Bianca walked over. She usually helped Rainie to tie her hair every morning, but Rainie was sensible and knew she was busy this morning. Hence, she did not ask her for help.

"Mommy, good morning. Can you help me?" Rainie could not get her braids right.

"Okay." Bianca picked up her comb and brushed her hair as she said,"

Rainie, Daddy is back. We don’t have to pick him up at the airport today."

Rainie asked in surprise, "When did Daddy cback?" "Last night. He cback in the middle of the night and all of you were still asleep." Bianca took the rubber band and tied her hair. She was overjoyed and proud when she saw how beautiful Rainie looked.

"Is Daddy still sleeping?" Rainie asked again.

"Yes, he's too tired. Let’s not bother him, okay?" Bianca asked.

"Okay, Mommy." Rainie thought of her brother, stood up, and said, "Oh no, Tommy is too noisy. He’ll wake up Daddy!" "Don't worry, Lanie is taking care of him." Bianca grabbed Rainie's hand and they walked out of the bedroom. They went downstairs with Lanie and Tommy.

The three children sat in the dining room together. They did not turn on the TV even though Bianca allowed them to watch it as they were worried that they might wake Luke.

Bianca was glad that her children were so sensible.

She cooked breakfast in the kitchen and planned to bring it to the dining room so that the children could eat first, but when she stepped into the dining room, she found that Luke had woken up and was with the kids. All of them were excited.

"Dad, did you miss Tommy?” Tommy looked at him with his eyes wide open.

Luke had freshened up and shaved before he cdown, so he looked a lot better now. He smiled, touched his son’s cheeks, and said, "Yes, I missed all of you."

Rainie and Blanche glanced at each other and smiled at the stime.

They answered, "Dad, we missed you too."

Bianca brought out breakfast, put it on the dining table, and said to Luke," Why didn't you sleep a little while more?" "I had enough sleep." Luke did not need more sleep. If it were not for him being too tired, he would not have slept in. Luke felt a burst of warmth in his heart as he watched Bianca make breakfast for their family.

He stood up and wrapped his hands around Bianca's waist from behind. He whispered in her ears as he looked at the spread on the table, "My love, thank you for your hard work."

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Bianca was blushing a little from being hugged by him. She reminded in a low voice, saying, "The kids are here."

Tommy grinned as he was used to seeing his parents being intimate in front of them from tto time. He said cheekily, "Mommy, we didn't see anything."

Bianca's face turned redder, and she tried to break away from Luke's grip." I made fresh bread, I’ll go get it."

Luke had no choice but to let go of her. He looked at the kids who were all staring at him and said, "In the future, please excuse yourselves in situations as such, okay?"

Rainie was not entirely sure what he meant, so she asked, ' Dad, how should we excuse ourselves?" "Go to the living room, study, play with toys... All of them work." Luke loved his kids, but they were sometimes an inconvenience, such as when he was enhancing his relationship with Bianca.

"Okay, Daddy," the three children said in unison.

Bianca blushed in the kitchen when she heard what he said to their kids. Fortunately, the kids did not ask any other questions. Otherwise, she would have to bury her head in the sand.

She brought out the bread and said, "Hurry up and wash your hands so we can have breakfast."

Luke took the children to wash their hands together before sitting at the dining table. Luke said affectionately to Bianca, "My love, you've worked hard."

Bianca smiled and said, "It’s nothing."

She had cooked more for breakfast today, but as someone who cooked a lot, preparing this was not difficult for her.

Even if she had to prepare breakfast for the entire Crawford family, she could handle it.

"It's delicious." Luke took a bite of the fresh bread that Bianca made and praised her, saying that it was not something he could get outside.

During his tin New York, he had eaten fast food every day and found it boring. Even if he went to restaurants, all he thought about during meal times was Bianca’s cooking.