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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 569
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Chapter 569: Xius’s Arrival

A whole afternoon caring for Celina, her demeanor remained grateful. The opportunity to get stronger, and be a person should she could be proud of. The muddied past of her involvement with her father and the mob. Who could say how many girls like her have, had, or will, experience the same events, the same scenarios without no one to help. No savior, no hero in shining armor, nothing, only fate, and the cruel plans written by the culprits.

Regardless, in the greater picture, how many are even worried about those in the slums. Who goes out of their way to help if not for attention or being praised. Rich do charity to increase popularity, there’s no such thing as unconditional kindness. The lesson fits into head pretty much instantly. Said reason was the same for Igna, he had helped, Eira, Lizzie, and many others in the past, unconditionally for a chance at cashing in the favors. In Eira’s case, the lass loved him so much as a father that her will to become strong override what little semblance of reality she had. The Librarian of Nexsolium stood as her new identity, not the babe left adrift by Gallienne and Piers.

“Alright,” said Celina lost in a deluge of carton boxes, “-this is enough for today.” Sweat darted down her temples onto the reflective wooden floor.

“Are you sure?” inquired Igna with phone in hand. For welcome gifts, the number of items was a little excessive. Clothes, household appliances, a full fridge, name it and it was here.

“This is more than enough,” the words muffled through her tight lips; in comparison, felt close to an awakening behemoth, a low growl capable of shaking the earth’s very core.

“Bad habit,” remarked he, “-anyway, good luck on the new life.” Void posed on the very expose side-alley. Many were rather infatuated by the rare and exquisite car.

“Thanks,” said she. They walked to the entrance, “-hey, Igna,” before he left, “-will you be back?”


“Depends,” said he, “-I turned down the invitation because of the dangers ahead. We might be facing more than a few demons in the future. Don’t worry, I can vouch for one thing, once the mastery of an instrument is complete, vocal, string, wind, anything, I don’t care. Send a message, I’ll gladly come.”

“Awesome.” A troubled expression, nervousness from the unknown. Words alone hadn’t the ability to ease such troubles – experience did a better job.

“Don’t worry too much,” he reached for the handle, “-the life ahead is worth more than the past. Try not to overwork, and if ever trouble strikes, go to the mansion. I’m sure princess Lizzie will help.” New chapters are published on novelenglish.net . Fɪre.net

“Makes me feel a little better.” Thus, like a shadow against the setting sky of orange and red, Void sped off out of town. Her door locked, and thus, a new adventure began for Celina.

‘The detours before her settling onto her dreams was worth it. A gentle smile, very satisfying. Origin’s meddling often brings out spurs of emotions. I wish I knew him better.’

The radio flicked on, “-ahem, is this working?”

“éclair,” returned he without care, “-how was the council?”

“Good news, Princess Eira isn’t the one heading for Alphia, tis an ambassador. The identity is still a mystery at the moment, I’ve strong doubts tis Lucifer himself. In another news, the princess is headed to the capital. There are a few things she needs to handle. What are your orders?”

“Relay the information to Elvira, she’ll decide what’s the come of the ambassador. Also, about your jet, is it fully upgraded?”

“The beast slumbers till the chance at lift-off. The uncle and niece have made it to outperform just about anything in the skies.”

“Put a spirit as the pilot and things are almost too easy.”

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“Interruption, a call from Serene.”

“Put it through,” he moved along rush-hour at a snail’s pace.

“Hello, Igna, are you there?” whimpers escaped to join her very seductive accent.

“I wish I were not. Let me guess, you’re eating a few virgins?”

“No, I’d never do that,” she laughed just as obnoxiously, “-no, the whimpers are from the spies we captured. Their so delicious the blood, the torture; makes a lady weak on her knees.”

“Good to know, any information?”

“Quite a lot actually,” said she, “-they were very talkative. Especially the girl, a few of our rumbustious guards might have taken to her, physically, if you get my intent.”

“Any reason why?” traffic moved once more.

“They did so for the sake of research... the lady had a lot of things to share, a single command and she obeyed. The husband was quite a nut to crack, and don’t worry, by physical, we didn’t mean they assaulted her, no, that would be cruel. Instead, we hired other folks to do the dirty work.”

“Out-sourcing torture?” he facepalmed, “-what of the supposed workers, I’m sure you took care of them?”

“Yeah, was just burning the last of them. So, about the dinner, wasn’t there a promise to...”

“Celina’s enrollment was important. Say, where are you at the moment?”

“Rotherham, soaked in the blood of comrades, why?”

“Go have a shower, I’ll be there in three hours.”

“See you soon,” the call ended.

“Lady Serene surely knows no bound,” returned éclair.

“All is fair in love and war; I personally don’t care what happens. Failed spies must be killed and alienated. More information, the better. In that respect, I have a few of my own, just remembered the envoys I sent. 02 and Michelle, they should have infiltrated Cimier by now. Contact now might be a little hard. They might know something about the killings.”

He blazed past the capital and into Lai, where, a lonesome figure stood emptily at a bus stop. Forced to stop, ‘-isn’t that?’ the window rolled, “-Alicia, what’s the matter with you?”

“Igna?” tears stopped by sniffles, “-is that you?” she rushed, out of concern, the windows rolled to pin her fingers, “-WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN?” she cried idiotically.

“What do you mean, I’m being careful. Nothing more annoying than a balling mess of a woman. The makeup is like railways down your cheeks. The lipstick is nonexistent, the clothes are ripped and you reek of alcohol.”

“Let me in,” she wept, people threw strange glances, “-don’t abandon me, I don’t have anywhere else to goooo,” a guttural scream led to, *smack,* a face-full of Void’s door. He stood straight-faced with the door held open, she fell bottoms first on the pavement. “-Care to explain the deal?” asked he strongly.

“D-don’t look at m-me l-like that,” she balled, many bystanders reached for their phones.

‘éclair shut down communication,’ a whiff later, many devices fried in the owners’ hands.

“Meanie,” she wept, “-why are you always so distant with me,” a quick motion and she hung to his legs, “-please, don’t leave, I have your kid inside me.”

“Goodness gracious,” cried the crowd, “-how despicable.”

“Shut up,” returned he, “-you’ve mistaken me for another guy. Come on, rabbit,” holding her collar, “-take the bus to the station and then return to Rotherham, there’s no way I’m dealing with you.”

“Dear God,” cried the onlookers, “-he’s abandoning the maiden.”

‘This looks so bad, she’s a drunken mess. I should have never gotten out the car.’

Headlights moved to park behind Void, four flushed figures walked to crash onto the same station.

“Alicia,” said the first, “-baby, why did you leave?”

“Emi,” they embraced, “-I didn’t leave,” light pecks on the cheeks led to full-on passionate kisses, “-I’m a manager, Igna will get angry if I don’t return home.”

“Aren’t they so passionate,” said a half-naked man giving a half-naked lady a piggy-back ride.

‘Suga, Dei, Emi, and Alicia, explains why she’s drunk. Xius has a reputation of partying too wildly.’ The crowd soon disappeared, Emi and Alicia got passionate real quick.

“Julius,” now on the phone.

“Sorry cousin. Alicia ran away from us. Xius’s disappeared too,’ said he in desperation.

“I know, cousin, they’re here, making out. Oh, never mind, Alicia just hurled her dinner onto Emi’s chest. Dei faceplanted into Suga who crashed against a trashcan.”

“Oh shit,” cried he, “-keep an eye on them. I’m coming,” the call ended.

‘Drinking till they blacked out,’ breathing an exasperated sigh, “-éclair, take Void and move it to that hotel over there. Also, book a room and order some clothes in their sizes.”

“Alright,” said he.

“Hey man,” coughed Suga, “-I’m sorry about this,” sat against the cold bus stop, “-partying got a little out of hand.”

“Don’t worry,” returned Igna, “-can you walk?”

“I think so,” forehead crinkled in pain, “-I’ll take care of Dei.”

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“Chill,” said he, “-just stand on your feet and follow me.” Alicia soon slumped over his back, one arm carried Dei and the other Emi. They soon made for the four-star hotel where many cast suspicious looks. Up the elevator to the tenth floor, éclair booked the most expensive and spacious suite. After the door, Suga stumbled and crashed onto the carpeted floor.

“I’m going to vomit,” said Alicia.

“Me too,” interjected Emi.

“Me three,” added Dei.

“Not on my watch,” he darted for the bathroom where the tree lady had their heads on the bath’s ledge. One vomited after the other, water ran to carry the stink. ‘What am I doing?’ facepalmed he sat on the toilet.

‘-I better call Serene.’ The dinner postponed; her reaction wasn’t much to be scared about. Rather, she said it be perfect, the information given by éclair made for an impromptu meeting. Queen Gallienne was to join.

“Better,” said Emi, “-I feel better,” words meant one thing, her eyes rolled back and she passed out on the clean floor. ‘Why is Dei naked, seriously...’ The door rang, the ordered clothes came hastily. ‘Baby-sitting drunks. There goes my plan for a nice dinner.’ No sooner, the bath filled, the four drunks sat in line outside, each slumped onto the other’s shoulder. One by one, he forced them under the cold shower. ‘Let’s use magic to clean them easily.’ Water to rinse, wind, and fire to heat and dry, clothes on, he kicked them into the bedroom. This repeated till all the drunks laid horizontally onto the bed.

The warm hue of the opposite building shone as pleasantly as moonlight falling onto a tranquil lake. Large windows left ajar; the nightly breeze invited itself in to caress the fallen.

‘What am I, a maid?’ the puke-stained clothes were soon thrown into a basket. Time showed 22:00, Julius showed no signs of coming. The jeep in which Xius arrived later was kept in the hotel’s lot. If not for place of residence, the night-out could have ended worse.

‘Might as well watch some television,’ kick back onto a lovely sofa, ice-filled jar, aged whiskey, some cigars, and a dim room. ‘-Habits are hard to shake.’ Julius arrived at a slightly flushed Igna around midnight.

“I can’t believe it,” said he casting a glimpse, “-they’re dressed and clean, did you do all this?”

“Come on cousin, join me for a drink.”

“Alright,” the blond hair swayed, the suit unbuttoned and another cup joined the party. “-You like whiskey?”

“Love it,” returned Igna, “-how was the day?”

“Speaks for itself,” he sipped, “-Emi took to Alicia right away. Since the world tour ended in success, we hosted a little party. Knowing Suga and Dei, they went overboard and brought God’s ale. I was away at the time, before I knew it, the reception turned into a wrestling match. Attendants were naked, apparently, Dei has an obsession with strip rock-paper-scissors.”

“Sounds fun,” returned he.

“What about Celina, is she ok?” asked Julius in concern.

“Cousin, I’m sorry to bring this up. Tis about Celina. If ever things are hard, please give her a hand. I sort of proclaimed she’s a Haggard and my little sister.”

“Oh,” cutting the cigar, “-no worries, she’s a Haggard, no question about it. That aside, you’ve merged with Origin, the death-element seems strong, have you awakened yet?”


“Sharp eye, heir to creation.”

“Please,” he chuckled, “-from father and son to cousins, quite a development.”

“I know, the world is full of surprises,” they joyfully smiled.