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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1399
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Godwin was in deep thought as Austin briefly explained to him the current situation.

His eyes widened in shock after hearing what Austin intended to do: comprehend and grasp insights to the spatial force. As a

senior warrior, he was very experienced in the practice of martial arts and he knew just how difficult this thing Austin was going to

set out to do.

Although he was quite worried, he still encouraged and gave him swords of wisdom. He didn't ask Austin further questions

about his intention or knowledge of the spatial force.

Austin was very determined in doing this. He followed the gnand headed towards the space tunnel. They stopped when they

were about twenty meters away from the entrance.

The gnlooked at Austin and said, "Well, let's stop here. It's unnecessary to get nearer.

Listen carefully what you need to do: just launch your spiritual sense and use it to sense the spatial force. Make sure that you

concentrate because you need to sense every change of it.

| will give you stips that | have learned in comprehending and interpreting the spatial force and | will transmit them into your

Soul Sea. You can use it as a reference when you try to understand the spatial force on your own.

Now, if you will askwhether or not you will get sinsights of the spatial force, | think in the end, it will all depend on your


He started his transmission while he spoke these words to Austin.

Through his spiritual sense, he focused and transmitted the information into Austin's Soul Sea.

All the information was about the knowledge and interpretation in the field of spatial force.

After the gnfinished the transmission, he stopped talking to Austin and fell into silence. He launched his beast soul energy

towards the entrance of the space tunnel and started to sense the spatial force.

The whole area fell into a deep silence. Austin also sat down. He then crossed his legs and closed his eyes. As his mind

concentrated and his energy rallied, he suspended himself in the air in a meditative position.

He looked at the information transmitted by the gninto his Soul Sea and tried to remember as much of it as he could.

It was quite difficult as sof the information about the spatial force was so incomprehensible and incredibly hard to understand.

Sof its concepts were too abstruse and abstract that there were no such things to refer to in this world.

It took Austin quite a lot of tand energy to grasp and remember all those information and concepts.

Austin was a tough guy by nature. He never surrendered on anything, and something like this was nothing to him.

Tpassed by slowly as Austin immersed himself in this tough task.

He was very busy as he tried to decipher all the incomprehensible information about the spatial force in his Soul Sea transmitted

by the gnome.

Austin was not in a hurry to launch his spiritual sense in the space tunnel to sense the spatial force. He wanted to make sure that

he comprehended all the information first.

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The gnwas amazed at Austin's perseverance. 'Austin is still learning the tips about spatial force that | have transmitted into

his Soul Sea. He is prudent and knows how to master a thing step by step. That's good of him!" thought the gnto himself.

Two hours had passed, and the gnopened his eyes. He couldn't help but nod his head in appreciation as he looked at Austin

being so diligent.

Several hours had passed by.

Tticked away in sheer silence.

Throughout the time, Austin and the gnwere seated before the entrance of the space tunnel, motionless. They were at a

meditating position with their eyes closed.

Austin reviewed the tips about space from the gnin his Soul Sea and tried to understand every word of it.

After a couple of hours, he started to grasp the essence of the information about the spatial force from the gnome.

"The spatial force works in this way..."

murmured Austin to himself as he started to comprehend the law of the spatial force.

While he was busy understanding more about the spatial force, he suddenly felt something strange in his Soul Sea.

He heard a spiritual sense conversation between speople in his Soul Sea through his spiritual sense.

They were the warriors from the Southern Alliances Army. Austin heard how they rummaged every corner of the Heaven Palace

headquarters in search of valuable things. They had even dug every inch of the ground and took away anything with the slightest


After they ransacked the Heaven Palace headquarters, they all left and waited on the square.

Since Austin was the leader of the Southern Alliances Army, they had to stay and wait for his orders.

So none of them left even though they had those valuable items with them.

Austin had no idea how long it would take for them to finish the task of interpreting the spatial force. It seemed like he and the

gnwould sit there for quite stime.

He knew that it would be inappropriate to have all the Southern Alliances Army warriors, which composed of more than eight

hundred thousand persons, to wait for him on the square.

He then sent spiritual sense messages to the Semi-emperor Realm warriors and asked them to lead the Southern Alliances Army


After they received Austin's order, all the warriors of the Southern Alliances Army headed back.

Austin ordered the queen to lead all the A.L. Army soldiers back to Master Li's retreat in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Half a day passed since all the warriors had left.

Silence echoed as not even a single soul was left outside the square.

Austin and the gnwere still up in the air, several hundred meters above the square.

Another day went by like this.

Finally, Austin comprehended all the information about the spatial force transmitted by the gninto his Soul Sea.

Austin was very excited. 'All right. Now is the tto initiate the spiritual sense. | can't wait to sense the power of the space in this

space tunnel!

He thought deep inside.

He then charged his spiritual sense and directed it towards the entrance of the space tunnel.

There it was!

Austin was able to sense the force of the space clearly as soon as his spiritual sense reached the entrance of the space tunnel.

Like giant sea waves, it seethed and rolled over.

Austin was in awe. ‘That's it, the power of the space. Amazing!"

Austin's spiritual sense closely followed the movement of the spatial force and felt the fluctuation of its power. The fantastic feeling

of getting in touch with such an amazing force intoxicated him. He was mesmerized as it brought him into a fresh and interesting

world that he never knew existed.

Unaware of his surroundings, Austin forgot the time. He had no idea how many days had passed since he sat in the sky above the


Neither of them had realized that five days had already passed. Austin and the gnhad put all their attention on deciphering

the secret of the spatial force.

It seemed like the tstood still. They did not move even a single finger and maintained their meditation posture ever since they

closed their eyes to focus on this task several days ago.

The only thing that changed was the distance between the entrance of the space tunnel and Austin and the gnome. They got

closer to it as days went by.

As the distance between them and the entrance decreased, they felt the spatial force more clearly and violently.

It had been ten days since Austin and the gnsuspended themselves in the air to meditate.

Finally, their rigorous meditation paid off. Austin and the gnreached the entrance of the space tunnel.

It took them over two dozen days before they deciphered the secret of the spatial force.

The gnfinally opened his eye and was shocked at what he saw.

"How did you get into the space tunnel, Austin?!"

shouted the gnwith disbelief.

He never thought that Austin would go into the space tunnel as it was extremely dangerous inside. He was frightened and started

to panic.

"Cback, Austin! Do you know how dangerous it is inside the space tunnel? The space inside has collapsed. It is extremely

unstable and dangerous. It is similar to a tunnel leading to hell. How could you go in and take such a great risk!"

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roared the worried gnwith fury at Austin.

Austin answered nonchalantly, "Relax, please. I'm fine. | will not go too deep inside. Please don't worry about me.

I'm just trying to experience the power of the space in person.

It's safe to sense the spatial force with a spiritual sense. But | need to experience it personally.

Don't worry. I'll have everything under control."

Austin turned around and flashed a confident smile at the gnome.

Without personally entering the space tunnel, the spiritual sense was the only way for a warrior to sense the situation inside the

space tunnel. Although the spiritual sense was useful, it was still incomparable with personal experience.

For a warrior to have the first-hand experience about the spatial force, he must enter into the space tunnel and feel the spatial

force in person.

After his over twenty days of meditation, Austin was able to form his understanding of the spatial force.

He was not satisfied with the knowledge that he acquired through meditation. He wanted to get in touch with the power of the

space and experience it at a closer distance.

That was the reason why Austin wanted to walk into the space tunnel.

He briefly explained his thought to the gnome. Then he turned his back and walked further into the space tunnel. He groped his

way forward inch by inch and with great cautiousness.

"That lad... He is not scared of anything when it comes to the affairs of martial arts!"

The gnsmiled bitterly and shook his head as he watched Austin's back go deeper into the tunnel.

His eyes widened as a sudden thought crossed his mind.

"Does that mean... Austin has really grasped sinsights to the spatial force?

Austin... is indeed a talented guy for martial arts!"

It took the gnquite a long tbefore he was able to realize this very important thing. A big bitter smile then emerged at the

corner of his lips.

Austin was now at the core vicinity of the space tunnel.

He suddenly felt a strange power. It rushed towards him from every direction like an overwhelming wave.

The force of the power!

Austin felt excited.

As he went further inside the space tunnel, he vividly felt the mighty and tremendous spatial force.

He was about fifty or sixty meters into the space tunnel when he halted his tracks. He suddenly felt afraid to move forward.

Austin went immobile after he had sensed a great danger ahead. The space was distorted and warped in chaos. Its distortion was

caused by violent forces, and it could ruin everything in the world as it filled every corner of the space tunnel.