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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 952
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He was regretting only letting Clwyd take this mission alone, he should have some companion, he doesn’t know that his action have draws attention to him, it was another member of the Battle Whale Clan.

He smiles and approach him, he was a lot bigger than the one Shadowslash is impersonating, he released his aura, his Xiantian King aura tries to pressure his target.

Unbeknownst to him, his target is too engrossed on his thoughts and barely felt anything.

The whale became angry and his killing intent finally escapes out of his body, Shadowslash who was sensitive to such thought instantly sensed it.

He frowns and became angry, he doesn’t have time on dealing with such weakling, without any hesitation, his killing intent cause the whale to see a giant laughing skull behind him.

The visual impact cause the whale to scream in terror, Shadowslash’s expression changes, he knew that he had messed up.

He flashes in front of the screaming whale and slams him into the floor, he doesn’t what type of components the floor of the Battle Whale Kingdom is made of but he knew that it was hard.


Boom! He buried the whale and knocked him unconscious, he quickly left, he knew that this clan is known to be filled with battle maniacs so situation like this would happen quite often.

The reason why he left because the whale he is now disguising as is just on peak Xiantian expert, the people of this clan were all born Gold Rank, they could easily reach Xiantian Realm.

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There is a drawback, they have a much slower time growing to Xiantian King Realm because they need to cultivate their body to the point that the person could match up other ordinary experts one realm higher than them.

When he left the scene, the people that have gathered were shocked, they weren’t surprised because of what had happened but the status of the unconscious whale.

The whale came from one of the high ranking branch but what makes him special is his older sister.

His older sister is considered as the twin pearls of the Battle Whale Clan, in such a young age, she and another female member managed to reach True Saint Realm, female cultivators on their clan have a much harder time in cultivating compared to the males.

The males only needs to train their body and they would breakthrough naturally, the females on the other hand have to train their spiritual sense with their body, they also have to create an ocean on their Dantian to supplement their great strength.

The two girls have considered themselves rival because of this, they were the strongest pair on their peers but they dislike each other very much, their hate even affected their family.

Their little brothers have even started fighting against each other, there was one incident that leads to the death of one of the family amongst the two groups.

This had solidified the hate they felt amongst each other, the little brothers would always fight everytime they saw each other.

Shadowslash current form is actually one of the little brother but he wasn’t interested on meeting the family of this person, he is just an imposter, he doesn’t want to be discovered.

After traveling around the city, he discovers nothing, he decided to go to the capital city and search there, meanwhile, the whale that he had beaten up have woken up, he doesn’t have any memory on what had happened to him.

Shadowslash finally arrives at the capital city after traveling thousands of miles, he had to travel from city to city, he could use transmission warp but he doesn’t want that, he had to make sure that Clwyd wasn’t on those cities.

During all of this, he had encountered a couple of fights, he dealt with them because he doesn’t want to waste his time, he had wiped out countless bandit groups and turned them into undeads, he was definitely anxious.

The connection between him and Clwyd continues to become dimmer and dimmer as time goes by, that is why, when he finally arrives on the capital city, he summoned his clones and have them scatter throughout the entire city.

The clones took the forms of the bandits he had killed, he still haven’t obtain the ability to turn undeads into perfect zombies but he is researching on it.

He went to the main territory of the Battle Whale Clan, it looks like a giant castle, he had to reduce his presence to the smallest to avoid detection, the castle is too large, if it was any normal day, he would have already searched it but he had to be cautious on his steps.

He doesn’t want to alarm his enemies, while he was feeling more anxious, he froze, his connection with Clwyd actually reacted, he knew that he is close.

He became ecstatic, with Amethyst’s guidance, he follows the path that leads to his brother, he is still cautious but this time he no longer feel anxious.

As long as he knows where his brother is, rescuing him would become much easier, when he started following the direction he was stunned, he had arrived in a prison like building.

Without hesitation, he told all of his clones to wreak havoc throughout the city, he enters the shadows and goes deep into the prison, on the first layer, countless different types of beasts and beings exist.

Their strength is not that great, the strongest one amongst them were Xiantian Emperor, they seem to be used as training partners for the royal or the main branch of the Battle Whale Clan.

Deeper into the underground prison, the beings he meets also started becoming stronger, he had already encountered ten Xiantian Lords, three of them were as strong as the outer world creature he had fought on Beast Plane.

‘Where are you brother!’ He was confused, Clwyd is only a Saint, he should’ve already met him by now but he knew that Amethyst couldn’t be wrong.

He goes deeper until finally, he had arrived at a golden door, he knew that the material that the door was made up shouldn’t exist on the lower planes.

He tried pushing it but it was no use, he frowns and went inside Earth, he then told Violet to send a message to Sans to have some of his undeads attack the territory of the Battle Whale Clan.

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He cannot keep what he is doing as silent as he thought, he knew that for such a door to be opened, he had to use all of his strength.

Violet went to Safehaven Paradise, she told the elf about his command, the elf saluted and went to inform the intelligence department.

It continue to travel until it finally reaches the Invincible Kingdom, Laura then informs Ariel about this, the two were now working separately, one is in charge of maintaining and managing their kingdom, the other is responsible for their invasion on Blue World.

When Sans received the information, he immediately started rallying up his subordinates, Shadowslash waited for a two hours, he knew that it takes time for everything to be prepared.

After waiting for another hour, he started his plan, first, he’ll release the ten Saint Lords imprisoned on this place then all the Saints, for the weaker ones, he doesn’t want to involve them.

It’s not that he was feeling hesitant and guilty, it is because he saw no reason to do so, they are too weak to cause any disturbance on the Battle Whale Clan.

He approaches the strongest amongst the Saint Lords, it was a giant octopus which was actually a Devil Octopus, he knew that it was captured from the Giant Plane.

He destroys the barrier that blocks the octopus, he then enters the room, he looks at the golden chains flashing with runes and tried pulling them.

He actually failed!

This had shocked him, he then summoned his black hole and with Heaven Swallowing Technique, he slowly absorbs the energy from the chains, he also released his Solar and Lunar Rune Scarabs to help him.

Sensing the commotion, the devil octopus reacts violently making their job riskier, Shadowslash frowns, he then have an idea.

He took out a white glowing orb, it instantly calms it down, he knew that this was the thing that nurtured the devil octopi and it would certainly have fond feelings for it, he then directed his divine sense and forcefully takes it.

Because of it’s weakened state and the fact that it’s innately not that smart, he managed to do it with ease, surprising even himself.

He was ecstatic, he started working faster, after an hour, the power on all the chains have become weaker, the black hole is truly a terrifying object.

After releasing the devil octopus, he told it to enter Earth and recovers some of its strength, he still wants it’s help when he is going to fight against the Battle Whale Clan.