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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 924
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After killing countless beings, Shadowslash is now used to seeing people dying, besides, as long as he kills all of these bandits, he’ll be able to obtain all of their slaves and create a village in this area.

The slaves were watching everything with eyes wide open because of shock, they then look at him with fear, they thought that he would also kill them.

After all the bandits have become crippled, including even the ones that he had subdued, he used his Heaven Swallowing Technique and absorbs their life essence.

He then look at the skinny slaves and distribute the essence to then equally, the slaves were at first thought that he was about to kill them, they started kneeling and begging for mercy but after a while, they felt unprecedented comfort and pleasure.

It’s like their entire body was celebrating, they couldn’t help but moan because of the sensation, this feeling lasted for a minute, when they open their eyes, they were dumbfounded by their very own body.

They then look at Shadowslash who seems to be glowing in their eyes, they kowtows to him and spoke at the same time, “Our savior.”

Shadowslash nodded, he then asks, “Which location is considered the most avoided place of this world?”


The slaves were confused but a mature looking female answered, “If there is a place that fits lord’s description, it should be the toxic swamp.”

Shadowslash was surprised, he quickly told her to explain why she thinks that it fits his description.

“The toxic swamp is a place filled with poisonous plants and venomous beasts, only people from Ten Thousand Poison Sect would wander there but they hadn’t gone too far into that place, there are countless Inner Core Rank beasts that exist on that place.” She spoke calmly.

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Unlike the other slaves, she was actually a commoner that have become a scholar, unfortunately, she was captured by this group of bandits, to protect herself, she disguised as a man.

With the amount of food she have eaten after becoming a slave, her body became thin, so the bandits have never thought that they had captured a pretty woman such as her.

With her disguise and her thin constitution, she could easily be mistaken for a man, only after receiving such large amount of pure essence did she managed to regain her body.

Actually, during her suffering, she had thought of exposing herself but after watching how the bandits treats her fellow women, her heart gone cold.

She wasn’t surprised when the bandit boss forces himself towards the girls that he had captured but after filling her up, he would continue to pleasure himself to her body.

When he got bored, he would give her to his subordinates and they would take turn on that poor female, she was exhausted to death by these brutes, they hadn’t let her rest and continue to use her body as an object of pleasure.

She knew that even if the men slaves were treated like trash, they wouldn’t be killed as long as they follow orders, as long as you don’t piss off any of the bandits, you would be safe.

But for a girl, your only path is to either be sold to slave traders and thrown to a brothel or be used by the bandits until you die.

She had been hiding, bidding her time, she had already memorized the bandits schedule, she just didn’t expect that a situation like this would occur.

Shadowslash nodded, he then looks at the 26 slaves and asks, “Who dares to go with me in that forbidden land?”

The slaves became hesitant, only two individuals weren’t, it was the mature girl and a man with a scar on his face, “I do!”

Shadowslash smiles, he then use his spiritual sense to lift four people that looks like underaged and said, “The two of you lead the way.”

Without hesitation, the two came out of the cave but when they stepped out of the entrance, the two froze, it had been a long time since they have gone out, they were still feeling dazed by the sudden change of their situation.

Shadowslash let’s out a cough, causing the two to recover and they continue to walk towards the direction of the toxic swamp.

When they were traveling, Scarface asks, “How did you manage to fool the slave trader? Even if you fool those disgusting b*stards, the slave trader still put a mark on your body, how did you manage to hide the fact that you are a woman?”

Merlin, the mature woman felt smug and presented her slave mark on shoulder, she then took out a paper and the slave mark disappears, this had shocked Scarface.

“My slave mark wasn’t real in the first place, before the slave trader could mark me, I already have one so it would be redundant to do it once again.” Scarface couldn’t help but admire her intelligence when he heard her explanation.

Shadowslash then pulls Scarface towards him, he looks at the slave mark on his chest before marking him with his own mark.

The pain cause Scarface to cry in pain but after the pain subsided, he felt strength rushing on his body, he lets out a roar and his aura have actually broken through Muscle Tempering Rank.

Everyone was shocked, they had just seen a shocking scene that should be impossible, they look at the mark that have replaced the slave mark, they felt drawn towards it.

A nine tailed fox wrapped around by a dragon, it was an amazing mark, Shadowslash spoke, “This is my very own slave mark, with this, your strength would surpass those that are on the same level as yours, this would also help you absorb spirit Qi.”

Scarface kneels in front of him, he nodded and said, “You don’t need to do that, just continue to lead me towards the direction of the toxic swamp.”

Merlin looks at Scarface and bits her lips, she took a deep breath and kneels in front of Shadowslash, “Great one, please grant me your mark and I’ll forever be your faithful servant.”

He had already expected this, he then puts the same mark that Scarface have obtained on her shoulder, just like him, she had broken through Muscle Tempering Rank, she felt her body becoming stronger.

The two became joyful, the children that was being lifted by his spiritual sense also begged to obtain the mark but he told them to just wait.

As they advanced to their destination, they had encountered a large bear, Shadowslash looks at the bear calmly, it might be considered large in this world but compared to Gaia, this bear looks tiny.

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He spoke, “Perfect, I was hungry.”

He destroys a tree next to him and use his sharp claws and create a wooden katana, he looks at the bear and with a blink of an eye, he disappears reappearing behind it.

He looks at the bear and it’s body started to split into pieces, he then created a fire on his hand and with his spiritual sense, he gathered a couple of dry old leaves and build a campfire.

Scarface quickly reacted, “My lord, I have some experience cooking bear meat, please leave the preparation for me.”

Shadowslash nodded and with an intention, the ground beneath him move and form into a chair, this scene startled everyone, they became even more convinced that he is god.

Merlin wanted to also prove herself, he chase after Scarface and help him search for ingredients in this forest, Shadowslash wasn’t worried about their safety, he had checked the surrounding and sense no danger.

The two returns with water and some plants, Scarface couldn’t help smile, he never thought that the item he had brought would actually turn useful, he then made a bear stew and prepare other dishes.

Shadowslash only ate half of the food, he left the rest for the group, when they saw him sleeping, they immediately threw their image in the air and ravenously ate the food.

Merlin and Scarface gave some food to the children, they were smiling currently, this was the best thing that had happened to them, all of their lives, they were slaves.

The next day, they continue on their journey, the children was now walking behind the group, they look determined to follow their savior.

Shadowslash stops, he looks at a certain direction and said, “It seems that you guys would be able to increase your strength once again.”

Just as they were confused as to what he meant, they heard a couple of footsteps, they quickly became nervous but after recalling that their god is present, they relaxed.

A carriage was charging towards them, looking at its current state, anyone could see that it was attacked.

More noise could be heard, a couple of bandits were chasing the carriage, upon seeing Shadowslash and the others, the carriage driver’s expression change.

A voice could be heard from inside, “Change course.”