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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 482 - The Hei Shen King Palaces II
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Lan Hua giggles getting louder "Of course, we knew but we don't care" she opens her arms in a joking manner it was clear that they don't pay no heed to their words.

Nan Yu Qi fumed in anger, what happen to her today, why so many people humiliated her. She can't take it anymore she balled her fist then she shouts to all her subordinates "Kill them, let them know the consequences against me!"


Nan Yu Qi subordinated holler as they march towards Lan Hua and Mei Gui, they swing their swords and throwing hidden knives. Lan Hua and Mei Gui evade the attack easily, their moves swift and graceful like doves. 

Lan Hua didn't bother taking out her swords, she used a long red scarf to block the attack just with one flick the knives fall to the ground, Mei Gui throw dozens of needles and it hit their acupuncture point and Nan Yu Qi subordinated flinched and they fall to the ground one by one like a mosquito.

Nan Yu Qi was shocked watching her subordinated lay on the ground helplessly. the people she brought with her are not weak cultivator all of them is quite strong because Mo Ning Yuan strength is not something she took lightly.

She deliberately brings powerful subordinated to fight against Mo Ning Yuan at first she felt confident with her subordinated strength but her confidence shattered when all her subordinated was easily subdue by two young women.

Nan Yu Qi's face turn paste she raised her sword nervously "Who are you, I don't think we have met before, we have no grievance to each other this is unnecessary....I will not pursue this matter anymore" Nan Yu Qi swallow her pride, she is not foolish she knew when to back down when she was lost.

Lan Hua pouted dejectedly "That's it, you gave up just like that..." Lan Hua didn't joke about it, she truly disappointed, she had heard rumor how great Nan Yu Qi talent is and how strong she is, Lan Hua has a great expectation about her. 

Lan Hua wants to taste the strength of the most talented woman at sacred Mountain Peak adding nan Yu Qi rude behavior to her Lord and young madam Lan Hua can't wait to exchanged fist with Nan Yu Qi but that person easily back down at the first sign of losing, no one told her Nan Yu Qi is such coward!

"This is so disappointing!" Lan Hua looks to the sky while groaning exasperatedly.

Mei Gui stifles she patted Lan Hua shoulder "There - there, what did I tell you about rumors, you can't believe everything, you thought you fight with phoenix but turn out to be little Sparrow, what can you do about it" she comforts her sister but didn't sound comforting at all. 

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Nan Yu Qi grit her teeth, she feel utterly embarrassed. After nan yu Wei died this is the first time people mocked her right in front of her face. Nan Yu Qi furious but she doesn't dare to fight that two women alone, she feel devastated but what can she do just when she felt helpless a gust of wind from above surprised her, a middle-aged man land smoothly to the ground and he brings more people with yellow uniform with him.

"Uncle Nan Bao Ji!" Nan Yu Qi faces beamed with joy as hope raised in her heart again.

Nan Bao Ji is her second uncle, that man is her father's younger brother, he only slightly weaker than Nan Yu Qi's father. he approaches Nan Yu Qi with worry face "Nan Yu Qi what happens, I heard you chassed someone who stoled our family heirloom, do you know which family heirloom they took?"

"It's the golden lotus statue" Nan Yu Qi face crestfallen she looks genuinely concerned.

"WHAT!" Nan Bao Ji stupefied, truthfully he doesn't know what so good about that statue but his father reminds him and all his Brother to treat that heirloom with outmost care but his father never said the reason of it perhaps only his brother who is the patriarch of Nan family who knows about it.

When she saw her uncle perturbed face Nan Yu Qi feel her blood chill, only know she realizes how precious that item was, but why no one told her about this and why her father mixed that important item with other heirlooms inside the treasury room, if that item is so important she should hide it somewhere beyond anyone reach.

The reason why Nan Yu Qi's father didn't pay to much attention with the golden lotus statue because he doubts the story behind that golden lotus is only a myth, a fairy tale that passes down from one generation to the next, he never takes that story seriously.

"Who dares stoled our family heirloom!" Nan Bao Ji was enraged, important, or not that golden lotus statue is his family heirloom, he can't let anyone took what's belong to his family also if outsiders knew about this his family reputation would become a joke.

"IT"S THEM, they worked with Mo Ning Yuan to steal our family heirloom!" Nan Yu Qi points her finger towards them. She will not miss this chance to get her revenged. She will make that two women pay for humiliating her. 

"Mo Ning Yuan? from the Mo family? HOW DARE THEY!" Nan Bao Ji is furious. His nostril flare as he glares at Lan Hua and Mei Gui "So both of you work for Mo Ning Yuan, huh!" he snorts in disdained.

"Take back your words!" Mei Gui's expression darkens as her eyes filled with disgust.

"Who wants to work with that slut!" Lan Hua covers her mouth with her sleeves as revulsion frankly shows on her face.

Nan Yu Qi thought their strong rebuked because they were intimidated by Nan Bao Ji's presence, that two women must able to feel the strong Qi from her uncle.

"You dare to denied?" she scoffed arrogantly "If you are not working for Mo Ning yuan why are you stop me to enter the forbidden library?" Nan Yu Qi who gain her confidence accused them without care if it's true or not. She only wants to provoke her uncle to avenged her grievance.

"Kill Them!" Nan Bao Ji can't hold his anger anymore he shouted to his subordinate.

Just like deja-vu, they launch towards Lan Hua and Mei Gui, this time the two women lose their patients they draw their sword.

The Nan family subordinated released their attack mercilessly, but the two girls easily blocked their attack they even managed to hurt many of them, their moves are quick and sharp but also elegant just like butterfly dancing among the flower.

Blood spill on the ground, the flesh cut, and the bones breaking are loudly heard but the two women remain unscathed, Nan Yu Qi and Nan Bao Ji can't believe what they saw, where are these women came from how could they be so strong?

Losing so many underling Nan Bao Ji could take anymore he charges forward as he throws his punch toward Lan Hua. she doesn't evade the punch but she raised her palms and their power collide, Nan Yu Qi assured Lan Hua should be hurt by now, Nan Yu Qi smiles in delight but to her surprised the one who pushes back to the ground is Nan Bao Ji.

he staggered backward with an ashen face, blood trickle on the corner of his mouth. Lan Hua land gently to the ground.

"You....you Heavenly king cultivator, what stage are you?" Nan Bao Ji's eyes bulged in disbelieved he also Heavenly King cultivator at the core stage but this sixteen-year-old girl is stronger than him.

"Perfection" Lan Hua blurted out her though.

Nan Bao Ji and Nan Yu Qi froze, their face has lost their color, a sixteen heavenly King at perfection stage can only be called 'Monster' 

Lan Hua suddenly becomes flustered "Wh...what, it's not my fault I don't have time to cultivate, just see next year I will make another breakthrough!" she rests her hands on her waist as if she make a promise.

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Nan Bao Ji and Nan Yu Qi feel they were struck by lightning.

'Who asked you to make another breakthrough?' 

On the other side Mei Gui sigh "You still at perfection stage, Master will give you earful" she said while staring at Lan Hua with pity.

Lan Hua pressed her lips together, she already feel her ear ringing even before she scolds by her great master Bei Li Yan, that man is beautiful like a poppy flower but when he speaks every word that comes from his mouth is very poisonous, one can hold their tears whenever they got scold.

"I...I will ask young madam help!" Lan Hua flicks her finger excitedly. 

"Then you will upset the Lord for disturbing his dear wife" Mei Gui gives 'are you nuts' looks.


Zhao Li Xin's grim face is enough to make Lan Hua constipated for two days, the idea immediately discard.

Nan Bao Ji realizes there's something wrong with the two women in front of him, could it be they are being honest that they are not working with Mo Ning Yuan then who are they working for?

"Who are you? who do you working for?" Nan Bao Ji hands trembles, he can't imagine what kinda power behind these two women.

Another sound explosion was heard from the distance, Nan Yu Qi and Nan Bao Ji flinch. He had heard the sound before but at that time he already halfway on the way chassed Nan Yu Qi he also doesn't worry because he was confident other people could handle that matter, no one can't messed Sacred Mountain peak in their own territory or so he thought.

She ignores Nan Bao Ji's question "Ahh...master Jing is having fun on his own" Lan Hua grumble, she feel she was left out.

"Give him a slack, it's been a while since the Lu clan incident that he finally has another chance to go all out" Mei Gui grin widely.

Lan Hua shrugs "I know....by the way what Lord Long Ming do right now?" she casually asked while tilted her head.
