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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108 Feeling a Little Distressed

Although Director Anthony didn’t know where Nikita found that video.

It was indeed the surveillance videos at the intersection of the First Senior High School.

And there were videos from all angles.

In the video, it could be clearly seen that the group of students in the Vocational High School started to

fight first.

She did only fight back once,

She only punched or kicked everyone, and those students in Vocational High Schools fell to the


How fragile they were!

It was humiliating enough for a group of big boys to beat a little girl together. What was even more

humiliating was that so many people went together and were beaten down by the little girl.

Director Anthony couldn’t help but look at Nikita.

The little girl was small and slim, and looked clean-cut, who might need to be protected by someone.

Who could have thought that she was a fierce girl who could beat down so many boys?

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Sheehan’s eyes darkened, and he suddenly sneered, “These students are all adults?”

Director Anthony paused.

He didn’t know some details about the case, and a little policeman in charge of the incident next to him

answered for him, “Yes, except one who is sixteen, all others are above eighteen years old.”

“Very good.” Sheehan looked up at the two lawyers brought by him with deep cold eyes, and his voice

was cold and heavy, with a hint of malice. “Now that they are all adults, things will be easy. “Don’t let

any of them go. I want them all


“Mr. Lambert, please rest assured.” The two lawyers said confidently, “With a complete chxo.com

fast updateain of evidence, none of them can escape.”

The Lamberts’ lawyers all got used to dealing with big cases.

They were really wasted in such a small case.

Sheehan didn’t say anything more.

The rest was handled by a lawyer, so he didn’t have to bother.

He lowered his head and looked at the girl once again. She didn’t say anything all the time, as if she

had nothing to do

with it.

The man’s cold eyes fell on the girl’s hair.

Her bun was a little crooked and a little loose, and a few strands of hair hung down on her cheeks that

were as white as


The strands of hair stuck to her face, and Sheehan felt like reaching out and fixing it for her.

The girl’s face was pale, and her eyes were indifferent. After taking back her mobile phone, she started

playing games


She always acted like an outsider.

It seemed that all the disturbances in this world had nothing to do with her.

She seemed to be men tally strong.

But Sheehan suddenly felt a little distressed about this little girl who was indifferent to everything.

Even that group of Vocational High School students were bas tar ds.

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There were also their parents standing up for them.

But Nikita…

Sheehan had been here for so long, but he hadn’t seen her family come to her.

An eighteen-year-old girl stayed alone in the police station, facing a group of middle-aged women who

couldn’t wait to eat her. Whether she really didn’t care, Sheehan felt a little distressed for her at this


As his heart was soft, his cold voice was somewhat soft. The man’s voice was very low, and he said

lightly, “Everything is settled. Let’s go. Are you going back to school or somewhere? I will send you.”

Before Nikita could speak, he said, “You don’t need my help with what happened just now. If I send you

back, you won’t refuse me, will you?”

When they got out of the police station.

Nikita saw the silver Rolls-Royce parked on the side of the road with cold and clear eyes.

Director Anthony sent them out.

“Mr. Lambert, please rest assured that I will personally handle Miss Swift’s matter to ensure that there

will be no accidents.” Director Anthony sent them to the door, respectfully.