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The First Store System

Chapter 1209 New Store Assistant(4)
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Chapter 1209: New Store Assistant(4)

There were more than ninety billion participants participating in the sixth round, and out of these, only one percent would survive, so this round was bound to be more brutal than previous stages.

After Lily stepped inside the gate, she found herself back in the familiar jungle. Her luck wasn't that great as she directly spawned into a hyena camp.

As soon as she appeared, more than 100 powerful hyenas attacked her.

Lily seemed casual as she took a step forward and clashed with the closest hyena. The next moment, her knife slashed through the creature like a hot knife cruising through butter.

Lily then attacked another creature. Her quick hand movements created mirrored images around the numerous slashes.

Around a minute later, the killing finally came to a stop, with Lily massacring the hyenas without even a single hit landing on her body.

Lily didn't seem to care for her body drenched in warm hyena blood. She snapped her fingers, and the next moment, her body began getting warm.

Not long after, her body had become so hot that the blood spread across her body vaporized, not leaving even a tiny spot.

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Lily then walked forward, ready to see what the hyena camp would bring him. Not long after, she found the item.

The details of the item disappointed her, as it had the power to allow its user to fly. But for Lily, who already had a skill with a similar ability, the item was useless to her.

Still, since it could benefit others, she stored it in her space ring and left the area in search of a suitable residence for herself. The participants were stronger and quicker than the last time, so the sixth round was bound to go on for years.

Lily needed to have a safe residence so that she would be able to return to it.

Time flew by, and the battles between billions of participants continued with gore and brutality. Since there were no rules, anything went in the battle.

Only because the store was organizing the contest, no participant dared to humiliate other participants sexually, but they went full brutal in the battle. Some participants even ate the losers.

One hundred and seventeen years had passed since the sixth round began. Lily and Xaran had yet to come across each other on stage.


Lily slashed, taking the head of the participant.

The next moment, a heavy pressure dawned on the area as the familiar door appeared in the area.

Lily wiped the blood from her face since she couldn't vaporize it. Her condition didn't seem to be good, as her armor was cracked open, with even her inner organs visible.

As the door appeared, Lily couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief and crash to the ground. The next moment, a green light engulfed her, and soon after, she was entirely restored to her peak.

Her armor was still covered with numerous cracks, but Lily didn't worry since the seventh round would begin after two hundred years.

When Lily stepped through the gate, she found Bazir, as usual, waiting for her.

Lily smiled when she noticed the relieved smile on Bazir's face. She then went to Bazir and greeted him.

As usual, Bazir left after telling Lily to get ready for even harsher training, not asking how the battle went.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, and days into years, and in a flash, several centuries had passed.

Lily was ready with Bazir. Neither of the two looked calm since the battle beyond the gate would be her last.

It was the tenth round, and only one participant would be left at the end of it out of less than one thousand participants.

"I have taught you everything I can. Now, don't disappoint me," Bazir said and patted Lily's head.

Lily nodded and promised Bazir that she wouldn't disappoint him. She then nodded and took a step forward.

As she was about to step inside the store, she turned around to look at her teacher. She found Garip and his son also in the room.

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Garip's son seemed to be in love with Lily, so he was the most emotional of all. Garip also no longer felt enmity toward Lily for her mocking of him.

Lily had spent around a millennium in the village, so she had made up to Garip about that experience, and Garip had also helped Lily in the past.

She then turned back and stepped inside the gate. There was no return to the village at that point. She would either return to the store as the winner or as someone who lost.

Beyond the gate, a large arena welcomed her. It was no longer the jungle but an open concrete field that was spread across tens of thousands of miles.

Lily could even see some of the participants on the stage.


The bell rang with no direction of origin, starting the last round of battles.

There were only battles in that round; there were no rewards or healing herbs like in previous rounds. After three battles, the participants would be automatically healed of all injuries, excluding the severed body parts. It all depended on the participant as to how far they would go.

Since every participant started at the same level, the strength difference between the contestants wasn't that great.

As the bell rang, Lily charged at her nearest contestant. There was no hiding in the open concrete field.

Soon, she clashed with the contestant. The battle began as one participant after another clashed with each other.

Time flew by, and soon it was time for the last battle of the contest. Lily and Xaran stood on two sides of the battle.

Xaran's expression didn't seem good, as Lily had won her third battle before the fight with him, so she was healed and filled with energy, but it would be his third battle, so he was exhausted.

"You played well," Xaran commented with a wry smile. Lily timely used her battles, with the last battle with Xaran being after healing.

The battle then began, and as expected, it came to an end with Lily's victory. It was one-sided since Lily was strong, and defeating an exhausted Xaran wasn't that hard for her.