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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 182
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Chapter 182

And then there was that thing about some vision.

What were they talking about? A vision where he saw the dress I was wearing?

It must’ve held some importance otherwise the others wouldn’t have bristled the moment the word

made it passed Raizel’s lips. Violet who was still in my arms squirmed until I set her down-

uncomfortable with the emotions her little senses were picking up. She felt the gravity of our

conversation weigh on her and felt the need to detach herself to scurry off to the far side of the room.

Xavier, who also felt the tension, was not too far off as he waddled after his sister. Or, at least, who I

assumed was his sister. The identical slope of their noses and shape of their faces was a dead give


I look around the room. Everyone’s expressions and stances held the same air of weighty rigidness.

Stefan was the first to break the tension. He looked between Raizel and I with caution before his eyes

darted to the dress. Like his son, he stared at the article of clothing warily. He was just a bit better in

hiding it, though.

“Son, are you sure?”

Stefan asks slowly, doubt dripping heavily from each word. He curls his hand around Laura’s. Dark

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eyes search mine in wonder, alarm and a hint of something I hadn’t thought I’d ever see from the

former Ignis Red Alpha.


Laura presses her lips together, chewing the inside of her cheek in thought and frowned. The earlier

uncertainty in her gaze was still there but she pushes aside any stray thoughts. She looked every bit

apprehensive at what Raizel had said.

“You were only ten, dear. It’s possible your mind is playing tricks on you-”

“No, that’s not it.”

Raizel shakes his head, his hands tight wrapped around my wrists. He looks as though he couldn’t

bear the idea of anyone thinking he was misunderstanding this. As if it physically pained him for

someone to question what he so deeply believed was true, Whatever that ‘what’ was.

The lodged determination and certainty in his tone had a rough but sure edge to it. He left no room for

argument even when everyone else in the room seemed keen on telling him otherwise.

“I’m certain. I can’t mistake it. There’s simply no way I ever could.”

His brows tilt down, eyes narrowing at the floor as he tried making sense of everything in his head. I

could see the cogs in his mind turning. The words he wanted to say was lost in his mind as the only

thing he found himself doing was reaching up to caress my cheek. Almost in awestruck wonder, he

brushes his thumb across my cheekbone and smiles. I couldn’t figure out what was going on in his

mind for the life of me. From the looks of it, he wasn’t sure what was going on either.

“What are you taking about?”

I ask softly, leaning into his touch. I didn’t want to set him off by saying the wrong thing, but my curiosity

was getting the best of me. From what he said, I guess I looked like the silhouette he was chasing in

his vision. That was the only thing I caught onto.

I continued resting my cheek into his palm, feeling the tension in his body begin to uncurl its hold on

him. No words were needed to be said to show that he needed comfort. The pain stricken expression,

on his face was enough to say a thousand words. Pain for what? I don’t know, but was desperate to

find out.


Chapter 182

He looks at me perplexed. He wasn’t sure what or how to say the things in mind. So he drops his hand

from my cheek, fingertips trailing down my arm until he intertwines our hands together.

“She doesn’t know?”

Stefan asks with a frown. He looks between us, not noticing the slight look of displeasure on his mate’s

face at the thought.

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Raizel only gives a stiff shake of his head in return; the gesture almost unnoticeable if not for my focus

being directed at him. At this, Stefan sighs, shooting me a small smile before looking at the rest of the

group. He straightens up, circling his arm around Laura’s waist and pulls her close. He says something

into her ear to which she nods- before letting go of her completely. He returns to look at the rest,

“Let’s give them some time alone, shall we?”

He pointedly looks to Weston and Emerson before jamming his thumb in the direction of the exit. It was

more of an order than a suggestion, really. Laura makes her way to the kids, taking Xavier and Violet

by the hands. She leads them out, the two pups looking over their shoulder to wave me a silent

goodbye. Violet’s lips juts out in a pout as she lifts her hand for another shy wave. One of which I return

with a small smile.

Wordlessly, everyone files out, Isaac hanging around looking unsure and worried. He looks between

Raizel and I, a crease in his brows as he tried to analyze the situation. His wolf’s shoulders slumped

forward with torn priorities. To listen to Stefan’s suggestion or to stay back. Finally, he looks at me……..

for instructions. With a sharp nod from me, he bows his head and walks out the door. I could feel his

worry. Thoughts about staying close in case anything happens lingering in the back of his head, But I

don’t have time to discern his thoughts when he disappears out that door.
