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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154

My face boils with embarrassment, my lips trembling from how hard I’m biting down on them in order

not to scream. It doesn’t help that I’m just stup idly standing here holding him like vines on a wall.

Instead of facing the utter humiliation head on, I resort to shutting my eyes tight and just letting the

raging heartbeats of Raizel to calm me. Good job wolf. Really, good f ucking job.

Just when the mortification was almost too much, I feel Raizel shift. The tension form his muscles

relaxed and his chest vibrating from what I think was him slightly laughing. His arms slowly encircle

around me. His hand finding itself weaving through my hair to hold the back of my head so he could

push me harder against him.

I feel his chin rest atop my head.

“I missed you too, love.”

Good job wolf.

No really.

Good job.

His fingers run through my hair, the heat radiating from his body quickly spreading into mine. Inhaling

his familiar scent, my fingers curl around the fabric of his shirt. My wolf let out a purr of contentment.

Her tail wags high as she drank him in.

He’s addictive.

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Like a toxic drug seeping into my blood that makes me yearn for more. A drug that you can’t recover

from. Not that I would want to. One taste, one touch, one kiss was all it took for it all to come crumbling

down. There was no point in resisting the attraction. I think we both knew that from the moment our

eyes connected. There would be no running. No hiding from the truth. In the end, it would all be the


That somehow, someway, we would find ourselves in this exact situation.

Him in my arms and me in his.

Raizel’s lips graze against my temple. His other hand not cradling the back of my head, reaching up to

brush my hair back from my face. His lips pull into a small smile. A smile that has my knees feeling

wobbly from excitement.

“Are you ready to go, love?”

He asks softly. His voice holds so much affection, his eyes softening into a gentler grey. I’m all too

aware of it now. The difference in which how he speaks to others compared to how he speaks to me. I

feel so lo-

His thumb skims across my cheekbone. A feathery caress that pulls out a sigh from me. I couldn’t help

but lean into him more, enjoying the comfort only he could provide for me. In this moment, I forget

everything around us. The packs’ watchful gazes, the pups — everything. But I immediately bring

myself back just as quick,


I pull back, smiling as drops his hand to weave his fingers through mine,

“Good. We should leave now so we can get this over with.”

He mutters, looking behind us to the vans. I almost don’t see the man standing behind him. An

attractive ginger with muscles bulging under his navy blue t-shirt. Green eyes regard me for a moment,

a small smile on his lips when he realizes I was looking at him, Raizel notices where my


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 154

attention has gone and slips his arm around my waist.

I feel a pri ckle resonate from his wolf to mine.


The smile on my face couldn’t have been wider. With an eye-roll, I lean up against him and stand on

the tips of my toes. He didn’t need to say anything. The look on his face was explanatory. Slipping my

hands on both sides of his face, I steer him down until our lips lock. Tingles spark through me. A soft

gasp leaves me when I pull away for a breath before he dives back in to land a more hungry kiss on my


Heat stirs between us. Our wolves soaking in our contact before barking out their approval, Isaac,

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who’s still standing behind me, gags in our mind link but I push it aside. I was far too concerned with

my man standing before me. Raizel’s cheeks flushed, realizing I caught the flicker of jealousy from his



He muttered, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck.

“I couldn’t help it.”

I laughed, kissing the side of his face. The corners of his lips pulling into a smile hidden away from the

rest of the world. I leaned my head against his. The softness of his hair tickling the side of my face,

“Jealousy looks good on you.”

I muse softly. Raizel pulls back until he has a good look at me. His hands still on my hips. I can almost

imagine his tail swishing back and forth mischievously. Was it possible I just set myself up with that

statement? More than likely from the way he was looking at me. I swallow, watching as he leaned

forward until his lips are at my ear.

“You’d look even better.”

His voice dropped down a few octaves. Sounding like sex with a dash of charm, I grind my teeth

together at the blush coating my skin. My wolf giddily barking out with her front paws pressed onto the

ground and her as s high in the air.

Oh my Goddess.

That backfired.

I could only pray he didnt see what my wolf was doing. This was beyond humiliating. Staring at his

smug grin, he tightens his hold around my waist and leads us to the man who was watching us with a

smirk in place.
