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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133

“How are you so sure you aren’t mistaking this?”

I shrug, dragging her hand holding my face so warmly to the center of my chest. The rapid beating my

heart under her palm. Her eyes dart to meet mine.

“This tells me so.”

She’s breaking under me.

“I don’t know much about our pace, but to me, now is good. How about you?”

She holds my eyes, searching for something to convince her to back out in all this. Searching for any

cards that I had yet to play but she won’t find any. I laid them all down the moment I fell goner for her.

Her hands slide across my chest as she pulls me into a hug. My nose buried in the crook of her neck

where her scent enthralled me most. Selene’s face pressed dup against my chest as she listened to my

heartbeats in silence. Our arms tightly wrapped around each other when she whispers,

“Now is good. Now is perfect.”

She broke.

And suddenly I found myself wanting to give my entirety to her.

I knew I found my missing my piece.

The blessing to my curse.

If life was a garden with flowers representing the good, then I had a garden of thorns. Thorny vines that

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wrapped around my being. It’s grip- tight and unyielding. Then suddenly, for some strange reason, a

lone flower grew in the midst of all the pain and suffering. A lone flower growing boldly in the cold

darkness of my sanctuary. Encased in its beauty is warmth and serenity I’ve never felt before. A strong

stem of trust. Green leaves of unspoken promises. Pink petals of fleeting kisses.

A lone Wildflower in my garden of thorns.

My Selene,

the wildflower of my heart.

“I see you received the flowers.”

I lift my head from his chest and give him a wry smile. Raizel and I were laying on the couch; well,

technically Raizel was.

I was laying on top of him.

I let my eyes drift to where he was looking and found him staring at the bouquet of wildflowers I knew

he had gotten for me even without a card attached to it.

“Yes, I did. They’re beautiful.”

I mumble softly, allowing myself the pleasure of being engulfed in his warmth. I rest my chin against his

chest. The hard muscles under his shirt a surprisingly cozy cus hion. In the silence of the room, I had

realized something: I’ve quickly become addicted to this.

Addicted to the contact between us.

Addicted to the relief his presence brings me.

It’s a little daunting how attached I got. And how quickly it all seemed to progress. The most confusing

was how none of this felt wrong. It felt perfectly right.

My focus laid on his face and every little detail I tried to burn into my memory. Like the way his


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary



dark hair somehow curls at the nape of his neck despite being gelled. Or how under his strong jawline

was a small, barely visible beauty mark. The gray orbs staring back at me dances with a new type of

tenderness. Melting around the irises with specs of vibrant silver I failed to notice before. His fingers

play with the ends of my shirt, not daring to go touch the skin on my back but hover over it so I’felt the

comforting heat only his body could offer me.

I bring my arms up, tracing the lines of his arms softly.

His muscles tense but then immediately go lax from my touch. As intimate as this position was, with my

chest firmly pressing against his, it was rather soothing. I enjoyed the way his chest would move up

and down when he breathed, moving me along with him. The sensation of his heart beating below me

as we spoke was just as mesmerizing.

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Raizel makes a sound of unfocused acknowledgment, finding more interest in stroking the top of my

head and pushing my baby hairs out of my face than my answer. His hand would linger a second

longer on my temple before he would once again sweep my hair back from the start of my hairline. One

thing I learned very quickly was that he loved to play with my hair. Almost as much as he loved it when

I played with his. No, that’s not exactly it. While he enjoyed playing with my hair, what he truly loved

was having any type of contact. Whether it was stroking my hair, absent-mindedly rubbing circles into

my back, caressing my cheek or simply running his thumb across my he had to be touching me.

And he knew I loved his little antics.

My pleasure was his pleasure.

As his was mine.


My wolf who was so adamant about getting him close, now lies with Raizel’s wolf, staring at each other

as they laid sprawled in our minds. Very much like the position Raizel and I were in. I wondered if they

were talking to each other. I was almost certain they were.

And right now, she felt nothing but pure adoration for the man and wolf in front of us. The contentment

was almost unbearable.

“I’m glad you like them.”

He finally responded.

“Very much so.”



He hums, slowly treading his fingers through my hair. It’s almost endearing how gently he treats me. I

could feel it with the way he’s so careful and cautious not to tug on my hair or accidentally tangle it.