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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 229
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Chapter 229

February 11th, the 11th year of Guangde, early in the morning, four or five scribes gathered together in the corridor, eagerly spreading gossip.

"Have you heard? Have you heard?"

"Yesterday, Young Master Wei quarreled with Governor Sun right after he came!"


"How did it happen?!"

"Who won the argument?!"

The well-informed scribe saw that the others were so interested and started the story. Only when someone threatened to go to the judiciary office to find out what really happened did he finally talk, "At first, Young Master Wei was provoking Governor Sun, accusing him of unjustly interrupting a case..."


"That's ridiculous!"

"Wait, wait!"

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The scribe continued, "Young Master Wei wanted to say that Governor Sun had judged too leniently on the case of disobedience."

"That makes sense."

"Indeed, those two animals got off too easily."

"And how did Minster Sun respond?"

"Haha, Governor Sun..."

"What? Governor Sun just surrendered like that?!"

"Is it true? Is Young Master Wei that powerful? Even Governor Sun didnt dare provoke him?!"

"But Governor Sun doesn't seem like that kind of person normally?"

"Be humble and avoid arrogance?"

If these four words were hung up on the wall, it would be difficult to remove them.

"Our Governor may be young, but his methods are really..."

Several scribes clicked their tongues, not knowing whether to give praise or be in fear.

Similar conversations repeated themselves in the Yamen, and when the noon bell rang, Wei Ruolan left the Yamen with an indescribable expression on his face.

At the beginning of the afternoon (1 pm), in the main hall of the Criminal Department, "Move a little to the left, and then up a bit, up a bit, yes, that's it!"

to the east courtyard. Do you want me to tell Assistant Magistrate Wei that you have hung up the think carefully and be cautious?

Sun Shaozong waved his hand to signal the two servants to leave and then said leisurely, "Since we can't beat him to death, why bother teasing him? If he gets angry and bites you a few times, it's not just about the pain but also the saliva stains."

His words hinted that he regarded Wei Rulan as a mad dog.

Lin Delu was amused by what he heard, but then someone from the outside called out, "Your Honor, there is a young man outside the Yamen who wants to see you. He claims to be Jia Baoyu, the Young Master of Rongguo Mansion."

Why did Jia Baoyu come?

Was he here to persuade him and Wei Rulan to reconcile?

Given his character, it was possible

Anyway, since he was here, there was no reason to avoid him.

"Bring him in."

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The guard went to do as he was told, and Sun Shaozong waited for a moment before he went out to greet Jia Baoyu. They bumped into each other outside the gate of the Criminal Department, and Sun Shaozong smiled and said, "How come you came in by yourself, Brother Bao? I was just about to come out and greet you!"

In fact, his meticulous planning was a last resort.

Jia Baoyu didn't think so much. He greeted Sun Shaozong and then stepped aside to reveal a slender woman who took off her hood and bowed with folded hands, saying, "Miao Yu here pays my respects to Lord Sun."


Sun Shaozong was about to ask her why she had come, but then he remembered that he had promised her a few days ago to let her visit some pregnant nuns. So instead of asking, he joked, "As a nun, why do you need a bodyguard when you go out?"

Miao Yu bowed again and said calmly, "Just in case, I asked Young Master Bao to come as a witness."

This little nun was really straightforward.

Originally, Sun Shaozong planned to randomly arrange a few people to accompany her to visit those nuns, but since Jia Baoyu also came along, he couldn't be too casual. So he said, "Alright then, I'll take you there to take a look. But when we get there, Brother Bao shouldnt follow us inside, to prevent you from staining your eyes and ears."

Jia Baoyu hadn't said anything yet, but Miaoyu frowned and asked anxiously, "Why? Is the environment where they are now very poor?"

"If it's just a poor environment, how could it stain your ears and eyes?" Sun Shaozong smiled and said, "Anyway, you'll understand what I mean when we get there."

Miaoyu saw that he didn't want to explain further, so she didn't ask any more questions.

So he said decisively, "Alright, we'll all go in and take a look later!"