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The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 471 Comfort In Each Other’s Presence*
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Darius knew that he was on the verge of blowing up. Even now as he looked over the table towards his mother and sister, just the thought that this old man had done so much damage and pain to his family threatened to send him over the edge. It was only through Xen's thoughts and reassurances through their Bond that he barely managed to keep himself from flying off the handle. Instead, he took a deep breath as he rightfully took control of the table.

"Calypso! Enough!" he called out with a commanding tone. "Stop embarrassing yourself and sit down!"

"What?! Don't you want to kill this fvcker right now?!" Calypso complained.

"We all do, but there's a proper time and place for righteous murder," Darius growled. "Control yourself before I order others to do it for you."

Darius gave Osman, Bartos, and Gideon a knowing look. He knew that he'd need all three of them if they wanted to keep Calypso down without hurting him too much. Of course, he hoped that it wouldn't come to that, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Fine… But I won't have to like it…"

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"Thank you, Cousin," Darius nodded to Calypso in appreciation before he then turned his attention to the rest of the table. "Look, we're all hurting right now, but it's at least clear to us now just how much of a menace Nasser is. Using this boon Xen gave to us, we can now make sure that this criminal won't be able to weasel his way out of the hands of justice."

He took another deep breath, pausing himself after catching his emotions starting to surge again. Likewise, Xen began squeezing his hand again, giving him much support for what he was about to say.

"As much as it pains me to say this, we must rest for the night," Darius sighed. "We've seen much tonight, and it would be best that we recuperate as much as we possibly could."

Without any word of opposition, the dining room promptly began to empty out. One after the other, they all left without a word. Though groups and pairs did form as they all formed emotional support groups without even prompting. Jayra went with Bartos, while one look at Freya told him that his sister was going to make sure that their mother won't be alone for a long while. Likewise, Osman and Gideon took it upon themselves to go with Calypso, making sure that his cousin won't do anything rash in his current state.

And with everyone having left, Darius found himself being taken by the hand of his wonderful wife to their bedchamber. All the while, her reassurances filtered through the Bond, and he couldn't help but feel grateful that despite her own warring emotions, she still found the strength to be his rock in these turbulent times.

"Thank you for being there, my love," Darius sighed, forcing himself to smile as he sat down on their bed. "I didn't know what I would've done if you hadn't stopped me."

"I'm sure you would've handled it just fine," Xen weakly smiled, taking her place beside him on their bed. "Besides, it's my duty as your wife to keep you on the straight path, never letting you stray."

"That it is, my queen… my love," Darius whispered. "Still, what you've done is nothing short of miraculous… You gave us the closure we needed as a family, and you've given us the keys to the metaphorical prison that we'll toss Nasser in once we finalize the investigation."

"All in a day's work," Xen jokingly replied. "But I have a feeling I'm not done yet. I can still feel the anger in you…"

Before Darius could reply, he felt Xen position herself on top of him. Her dress had already parted, revealing her bare core as her hands fumbled against his trousers.


"I want to do this for you, Darius," she insisted. "I want to help you calm down…"

And just like that, Darius felt his body respond as he reached up and pulled her down to him for a kiss. Down below, he felt his trousers coming undone, revealing his rapid hardening shaft growing to meet his prize. Still…

"I don't want to go hard on you tonight, my love," Darius insisted in return in between kisses. "You still have a tournament to win tomorrow…"

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"As do I," she weakly chuckled. "I want you to actually rest. We can do something more… extensive after all this is over. For now, we should just take it easy… Gently, even…"

​ And take it easy, they did. Despite having already connected themselves by the hip in one thrust, their movements were deliberate as they cuddled more against each other than to truly make love. Darius relished his wife's love, her insides feeling more comforting than pleasurable than usual as he gently moved inside of her. Their kisses were slow and controlled, their hands carefully tracing each other's curves and contours as their bodies took comfort in each other's presence.

Truly, she was doing her best to take out all of the bad emotions he currently had and take it into her using her own body.

No words were exchanged as they let their actions do the talking. Slowly but surely, their deliberate and comforting gesture morphed into passionate lovemaking, and with one last thrust, Darius felt himself release inside of her. They both gasped into each other's mouths, her insides milked his shaft for all of its worth as they kissed their pleasures and emotions away.

"My love…" he whispered into her ear, his kisses trailing slowly through the side of her neck. "Thank you so much…"

"It's the least I can do," she whispered back, her own pleasure and exhaustion from throughout the day finally catching up to her. "If I can take it upon myself to relieve you of your anger, then feel free to pour it on me…"

Darius sighed in contentment as he pulled his beloved wife closer to him. With their bodies still connected, they turned to their side and fell asleep. Before consciousness left him, Darius made sure to pay Xen back for this kindness. On top of giving them all the answers they needed, she even took it upon herself to take every little negative emotion he currently felt into her, both mentally, and physically…

For now, his anger had abated… if only for a short while.