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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 541 Overwhelmed
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A tremendous amount of power exploded from Cain and Amber!

Blinding Draconic Lightning rippled intensely from Cain's body. Every spark of Draconic Lightning charred the air to ashes.

Luminous Red Spirit energy exuded from Amber's body. Its overwhelming momentum froze airwaves in place.

The sheer force of the duo's erupting their powers smashed the ground beneath them. Beneath their feet and expanding out for hundreds of meters were large cracks fissuring the ground.


Ji Zhao, Hao Han, and Yi Jun's pupils intensely contracted. Even Lin Zui, Lan Ruo, and Yulong were fraught with horror.

They all had to hurriedly back away from the duo. Flashes of Law Lights shrouded their bodies. Space weakened around them. When retreating hundreds of meters, they finally stop.

Even though each of them was utilizing just a small portion of their Inner World powers, they still had the natural presence of a Divine Ruler!

Yulong had protections equal to Divine Ruler's prowess!

And yet, each of them experienced a suffocating pressure.

The Divine Ruler geniuses would've choked to death from just staying close to the duo without surging their Inner World.

Ji Zhao, Hao Han, and Yi Jun were violently clenching their palms. At first, their expressions were fierce. But a second later, complete bewilderment overtook them.

This was because Cain's and Amber's aura didn't stop after that eruption. It soon exploded to degrees surpassing all common sense!

The lights of their Law essence energy cleared away. What was revealed to everyone was Cain and Amber valiantly standing with weapons in their hands.

The Dragon Swift Sword appeared in Cain's palm. A sleek black light that sparkled with Draconic Lightning swirled around the blade. Its Dragon rune markings violently surged.

A tremendous sum of its power perfectly fused into Cain's body!

In Amber's palm was the Red Noble Staff. Traces of Shadow Laws faintly covered the staff's Spirit insignia runes. Boundless power flowed from the Red Noble Staff and into Amber's body.

Energy principles far beyond what any peak stage Divine Star can exude, far beyond what any peak half-step Divine Ruler can exude, swirled out between Cain and Amber.

Merely releasing 70% of their powers was causing audible cracks in space to occur. Many small black dots of Void Space danced around the duo.

Cain gave a simple smirk. "Shall we?"

His arm suddenly blurred. At speeds surpassing the sound barrier, Cain slashed his Dragon Swift Sword out. A thin black line filled with Draconic Lightning soared straight at Hao Han.

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At the same time, a radiant flash sparkled Amber's red noble staff. A single stream of red Spirit energy flew straight toward Yi Jun.

Space simply had a hard time containing the essence energy attacks. It arrived near inches before Hao Han and Yi Jun almost instantaneously!

No arrogance or confidence could be seen in any of the Divine Ruler's eyes.

Lan Rui and Lui Zui needed to stimulate their Inner World! 80% of their Inner World boundless power soared through their bodies as energy flowed into them like an unending stream.

Their energy auras intensify as their Law energy principles resisted Cain and Amber's pressure. Only this way could they escape from the duo's energy principles and back away.

Yulong had the bracelet to rely on, but even her expression tightened. At a safe distance away, the trio looked on with blank expressions. Their thoughts were completely enthralled.

Because Ji Zhao wasn't targeted, he had the option of also backing away. He was incredibly unwilling to do so, but like with Luo Ran and Lin Zui, he needed 80% of his Inner World power just to escape the duo's energy principles pressure!

Golden flames swirled around Ji Zhao's body. He flickered to the side hundreds of meters, only then feeling the pressure somewhat alleviated. Though, his expression was blacker than the abyss.

At this time, left to face the full brunt of Cain and Amber's attack, Hao Han and Yi Jun couldn't understand anything.

Just why were Great Divine Sea cultivators this powerful?

How can they get this powerful?

Why did it feel so hard to move their bodies?!

All of these questions were shoved to the bottom of Hao Han and Yi Jun's minds. They both roared in utmost defiance, surging their Inner World to near completion!

Silver Sword Laws shrouded Hao Han's body while yellow Earth Laws engulfed Yi Jun's body.

The presence of Supreme Divine Laws clashed against the duo's essence energy attacks. Supreme Divine Law energy principles, one that contained a small portion of True Great Dao power, attempted to suppress the duo's energy forces.

However, it was all useless!

Through their own power could Hao Han and Yi Jun resist the bodily suppression and Spiritual Sea suppression. However, the suppression didn't completely leave them.

Hao Han and Yi Jun even felt slightly inferior to these simple attacks!

Both Hao Han and Yi Jun only had a split-second to defend themselves. There wasn't any time to pull out Arts, Martial Skills, or weapons.

The duo could only roar in defiance as they violently swung their essence energy-covered fists forward.

A loud impact reverberated. The ground shook as sections of space cracked apart. Lights of both Draconic Lightning and red Spirit energy overpower all other essence energy!


Hao Han and Yi Jun loudly uttered yelps of pain. The force of Cain's and Amber's causal attacks stained their knuckles with blood.

But the true pain came from the invading energy force, attempting to ripple through their internal body.

The duo needed to utilize a god chuck of their Inner World energy just to suppress the invading force.

Narrowing their eyes forward, Hao Han and Ji Yan's eyes held traces of both hostility and fear.

Cain seemingly nodded with praise. "With that probing attack, how will you handle this one?"

The ground beneath Cain fully shattered apart. He exploded forward at immense speeds! The Dragon Swift Sword radiated eerie black lights that brightly trickled with Draconic Lightning.

Without any extravagant moves or Arts, Cain thrust his Dragon Swift Sword forward. It cut through space, aiming straight at Hao Han's head!

At the same time, Amber's Red Noble Staff spurred a more violent and blinding Spirit light. Streams of Spirit Webs exploded out of the tip of the Red Noble Staff.

Space violently quivered, and dots of black space continually revolved around the Spirit Webs. Every Spirit Web shot straight toward Yi Jun's head!

Both Hao Han and Yi Jun's faces turned grave. Their Inner World power had already surged to 100%!

They have faced many rivals and enemies in the past. But none pressured them like Cain and Amber. Even now, though they're using 100% of their Inner World power, their body still felt a bit sluggish and the rate of their thoughts slightly slow down.

Still, these Divine Ruler geniuses were unwilling. To be bested by people with far lower cultivation stung their minds like a chaotic storm.

Neither of them could bear with it any longer!

"Silver Arts!" Hao Han exploded out with a ferocious roar. His hands performed hundreds of signs instantaneously.

Bright silvery lights converged out of his body. Every silvery light radiated the terrifyingly sharp presence of the sword. Just the release of the silvery lights could cut half-step Divine Rulers into pieces!

Even other Ordinary Early Stage Divine Rulers would rapidly retreat from these silvery lights.

The silver Sword Law essence energy converged into a singular point, manifesting into a large Silver Sword.

The Silver Sword reached a frightening level of sharpness. Space was minced apart as long fissures on the ground split open. Supreme Divine Law energy principles attempted to engulf the atmosphere.

The power of the True Great Dao was on full display!

From afar, Lin Zui, Luo Ran, Ji Zhao, and Yulong all seriously regarded this overwhelming attack.

However, what was overwhelming the atmosphere wasn't the Silver Sword, but Cain's Dragon Swift Sword!

The moment the Silver Sword manifested into reality, Cain's Dragon Swift Sword came careening down with a god-like fury.

Hao Han's pupils turned into needle-size dots. There wasn't any option to display any wondrous techniques or further manipulation of his Art. He had to rely on pure force to defend himself.

The Dragon Swift Sword's speed was slightly beyond his Spiritual Sea reaction!

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Cain's lips curved into a slightly cruel grin. Against Sword Laws's energy principles, the silver lights couldn't even penetrate his protective Divine Aura.

Others would need to fight from afar because of the penetrating silver lights.

But not Cain.

He thrust his Dragon Swift Sword straight at the Hao Han's Silver Sword!

Space and metal tore apart!

The audible sound shook everyone's ear drums.

Hao Han's Silver Arts were destroyed in an instant! The Dragon Swift Sword minced apart the Silver Sword until it was nothing but particles of light.


A slight trickle of blood flows down Hao Han's nose as he hurried to back away. Destroying his Silver Art in an instant caused a great headache to permeate his Spiritual Sea.

​ There wasn't any time to even cut off his soul link! Just how fast can he get?!

Hao Han felt as if reality turned into a twilight zone. What shouldn't be possible continue to happen again and again.

In his mad dash backward, Hao Han's entire body was shrouded in silvery Sword Lights. He crossed over 10 miles in a single instant. Such distance should've brought him a second to catch his breath.

Hao Han wanted to plan out his next moves when his expression suddenly dropped. His head fiercely whipped up and his eyes widened to the extreme.

Mere 10 meters away from him and rapidly approaching was the Dragon Swift Sword!

Even with his movement art being able to traverse great distances, it was as if Cain had permanently locked down on his life aura.

Overwhelming speed and overwhelming power. Hao Han felt immensely suffocated. It was simply impossible to showcase any tactics or brilliance.

In the face of overwhelming power, the only thing that can counter is overwhelming power!

A frenzied light flashed within Hao Han's eyes. He no longer had any inhibitions!

At the same time, yellow Earth Lights attempted to cover Yi Jun in a protective dome. Her palms had veins throbbing as she poured all of her power into her defensive Art.

The Earth's Dome Art was a skill even other Early Divine Rulers would need to waste a tremendous sum of energy to break. Its energy principles were exceedingly dense, focusing on condensing into an ultimate defense.

In here, Yi Jun believed she would have a few seconds to think. This would also lower some of Amber's energy, making it easier to fight her.

But, only a second after creating the Earth's Dome, a radiant flash of red blinded Yi Jun's vision.

The Spirit Webs penetrated straight through the Earth's Dome! Unhindered, the Spirit Web cracked apart the Earth's Dome into millions of pieces.

In that moment, Yi Jun never felt so pressured as she did now. Almost like Amber had a mysterious strength that can tear through all defenses!