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The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 115 Rajah Indarapatra
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"Who are you talking about?"

"Rajah Indarapatra..."

"What kind of heroes Soliman and Indarapatra were?" The prince asked in curiosity.

"Soliman was not much... the real hero was Indarapatra. Wise, bold and seasoned warrior."

"Care to explain in detail?" The prince retorted.

Fenrir became quiet for a while before he spoke.

"In ancient Las Filipinas, at the Lanao Lake, there once lived a giant called Umacaan. He was so enormous that when he spread his arms sideward, they spread as far as thirty kilometres apart.

Almost anything was within easy reach, best of all, men whom he loved to eat. Men flee at the sight of him. No one dared come out to the mountains for fear of losing their lives at the hands of the man-eating giant.

In no time, news about Umacaan reached as far as the kingdom of Bumbaran and came to the knowledge of its brave princes, Rajah Indarapatra and Rajah Soliman. They swore to kill the monster. The next day, they both set out to slay the man-eater.

However, they didn't leave at the same time. Rajah Soliman went ahead and reached Lanao to fight. Umacaan tricked Soliman into cutting him into several pieces, each piece becoming another giant Umacaan. The prince simply proved to be no match for the creature.

Sometime later, Rajah Indarapatra reached Lanao. As soon as he arrived, he was informed by a spirit queen of his brother's fate. Angrily, he swore to avenge his brother's death. Before he went on his way the spirit queen gifted him with a magic sword to enable him to defeat the giant. Later that same day, the two combatants met near the shores of Lanao Lake.

When the fight began, Umacaan pulled several trees and hurled them at Rajah Indarapatra who was quick to dodge and got out safely. Next, the giant reached for some soft clay and formed big round balls out of it and threw them successively at the prince.

Once more the quick Rajah Indarapatra made swift plunges to avoid getting hit by the round clay balls so that some of them fell into the lake while the others landed on the plains and turned into hills and mountains that surround the famous Lanao Lake.

At any rate, when Rajah Indarapatra had his turn, he help up the magic sword that could wound any opponent by merely pointing at him. As he did, Umacaan yelled in pain until he fell down to his death.

Up to now, in the upper realm, at Las Filipinas dominion, if one were to visit Lanao Lake, one will easily notice small floating islands all around the lake. Some of the islands are big enough to accommodate a number of families, while the others are too small for even a single nipa hut to stand on.

These islands were believed to have formed out of the clay balls Umacaan threw at Rajah Indarapatra that fell into the lake, while the hills and mountains that surround the lake came from those clay balls that landed on the plains and dried over time, as the legend had it."

(Reference: Online Survey of multiple sights, asked some people from the Philippines as well.)

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The prince calmly listened to everything and didn't utter anything in response.

In the wake of  Rolo and the gang's departure, the dozen 2nd tier Martial Animals turned around and roared at Ezra Zephyr's group with the intent of chasing them off.


However, Hati growled at them, its icy growl shaking the forest.

After being threatened by Hati's growl, the 2nd tier Martial Animals slowly withdrew.

Hati shook its body as it swiftly began to shrink. In the end, it returned to its usual cerulean cub appearance, cute and remarkable. At the same time, with blazing flames, Sköll broke out the Space Seal spell and came back, he transformed into a crimson cub as well.

After the earlier battle, however, everyone clearly knew just how terrifying these cute looking little fellows were.

Hati and Skoll jumped onto Ezra's shoulder, its eyes flickering as he patted them.

While they were relaxing, everyone suddenly sensed something and lifted their heads to peer into the sky. The Spirity Tablet suddenly started shaking.

Light converged towards it as ancient words began to appear.

Baron uttered in astonishment, "Someone has left their name on the tablet!"

Ezra and Argus turned their attention over.

Only a handful of people had managed to leave their names on the Spirity Tablet, but now, another name was appearing beneath theirs.

"Upper Realm, 3rd Circle Sorcerer, Reema,

Battle accomplishment: Battled 3rd Circe Sorcerer, Baron Klux, victory."

Argus cast a sympathetic gaze towards Barom. Having his name up there as a negative example was honestly a little humiliating.

Baron's complexion was as pale, no emotion visible on his face as he calmly said, "If not for his sudden attack, it would not have been so easy for her to beat me. But wait... she never injured me."

However, his hands were tightly clenched, evidently not as cool inside as he appeared on the surface.

After all, Baron naturally had his pride as one of the apex level geniuses of the Naran Continent.

Moreover, those upper realm invaders were indeed very unscrupulous.

Anyone could see that from how they choose to ignore fairness and gang up on everyone.

Moments after Reema's name appeared, light began to gather again below it as another name swiftly began to emerge.

"3rd Circle Sorcerer, Baron Klux

Battle accomplishment: Escaped an unescapable encirclement."

An expression of shock appeared on Baron's face. He never imagined that his previous escape from them would be acknowledged by the Spirity Tablet, allowing his name to be engraved upon it.

"I've actually gotten my name on the tablet?"

Baron beamed as he gazed at the dazzling Spirity Tablet in the sky, clearly rather surprised by this outcome.

Although he had contributed hugely by using Icy Bird Martial Animal to escape, he knew that the real key person was Ezra Zephyr.

But it seems that the Spirity Tablet had still acknowledged his accomplishment.

Ezra Zephyr pondered as he asked. "Your last name is Klux?"

The words changed the expression on Baron's face. He said with a grave face. "No, I am just Baron. I would appreciate it if you ignore the last part of my name on the tablet."

Ezra stayed quiet after hearing that while Argus was seething as he said, "Does this mean that I can't even compare to you?"

Baron chuckled in response, his pretty eyes suddenly rotated, a smile emerging on his face as he looked towards Ezra's shoulders where Skoll and Hati currently were. "Hehe, good boy, cute cubs. Are you the boss here?"

Skoll turned his head while Hatu nodded in a rather pleased manner.

Baron's eyes brightened. "Which is to say, you've taken possession of the scaled pool?"

The two wolf cubs seemed to realise something, their eyes now guarded as they stared at Baron.

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Ezra's heart shook a little. He could also sense that Skoll and Hati were quite a bit stronger than before. Could it be due to the scaled pool?

"Adorable Skoll! Handsome Hati! Lend us the scaled pool for a while okay?" Baron's eyes blinked appealingly, and a strange light emitted and gradually fell on the duo cub.


The cubs growled in anger.

"What!" Baron was confused, "They cancelled the communication link!" said Baron.

"Their bloodline is extremely pure, you can not control them." Uttered Ezra

Baron looked at the cubs as he pleaded. "Please, lend us for some time."

Hati shook its head while Skoll didn't give a fuck.

"Petty!" Baron glared at it.

By the side, Ezra rubbed his chin. He too wanted to have a look at the scaled pool. It had not been easy for them to come here, and he naturally hoped to obtain a share of the blessings. However, Hati and Skoll were clearly the bosses here, so they needed to convince them somehow.

"Let them in Hati, you saw it, right? There are quite a few of them, and if we want our revenge, we will also have to gather up more teammates while raising our strength.

Now look at the scaled pool, it should be pretty beneficial to us if we are allowed to enter for a while. Raising our strength will enable us to fight better?"

Hati hesitated upon hearing this. It could feel that Ezra's argument was rather reasonable. The previous clash against Rolo and his group had taught it just how formidable the latter was.

After pondering for a few brief moments, Hati looked at his brother Skoll and finally gave in and nodded.

"Wow, the mighty prince of Bloodfang Kingdom is the best!" Baron immediately cheered upon seeing this.

"Shut up or I will tell them to not let you in." Retorted the prince.

"Oh no no no, please no."

By the side, Argus Woska was silent for a moment before he said, "Since His majesty and Baron have gotten names on the tablet, it would be best if you alone would enjoy the benefits. I am injured and will hinder his majesty and rest, I should also leave."

Baron looked at Ezra, the werewolf prince said without any heed. "Yes, you are right. You can wait outside and keep an eye."

"Don't force me you- wait... what?" Argus was bewildered.