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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5582
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Witnessing Charlie’s unwavering determination, Peter couldn’t help but express his concern, “Young Master, you

must avoid any direct conflict with the Rothschild family on my account. If you can’t restrain yourself, it might

jeopardize the grand plan…”

Charlie nodded solemnly, “Uncle Cole, don’t worry. The Rothschild family is facing threats both overt and covert.

Making them uncomfortable and tarnishing their image won’t be a challenge. Uncle Cole, I want to expose them

further, so I need you to answer some questions.”

Peter responded promptly, “Young Master, go ahead.”

Charlie inquired, “I want to know how my father came across the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’ and the ‘Apocalyptic

Book’. Also, how did he become involved with the Warriors Den?”

Peter sighed, “Your father’s journey mirrors yours. Obtaining the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’ was similar to your

experience and the same goes for the ‘Apocalyptic Book’.”

Charlie, recalling some information from his uncle, asked in surprise, “Did my father also acquire the ‘Apocalyptic

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Book Scriptures Preface’ from an antique?”

Peter nodded affirmatively.

Jagoan pressed for details, “What exactly happened?”

Peter began narrating, “Your father shared a similar interest in the ‘Book of Changes’ and Chinese antiques with

me. He often visited my store in Queens, where we studied cultural relics together. At that time, I was merely

involved in the antique business, not yet focused on recovering lost cultural relics for China. However, your father’s

influence led me down that path. We faced numerous challenges in our antique shop and your father played a

crucial role in overcoming them. He was our family’s benefactor.”

With a reminiscent tone, Peter continued, “Over 20 years ago, a distressed British aristocrat approached us to

liquidate a significant collection of Chinese antiques due to family upheavals. Sensing an opportunity, I proposed a

partnership to your father. We could make substantial profits by auctioning the antiques in Hong Kong. However,

your father had a unique condition, he wanted to handle his share through China’s embassy in the United States,

donating it back to China.”

Peter continued, “Despite financial constraints, your father’s decision impressed me. We transported the antiques

to New York, where he personally selected his share. Even if it meant a loss for our family, he was committed to the


Revealing a pivotal moment, Peter recounted, “Sorting through the antiques with your father, we discovered a

hidden ancient book within a cracked teapot. Just like the ‘Apocalyptic Book,’ it vanished into ashes after revealing

its contents.”

Jagoan, drawing connections, remarked, “It seems the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’ and ‘Apocalyptic Book’ share

similar hidden and triggering logic.”

Peter agreed, “Exactly. Your father claimed the contents entered his mind, a revelation I doubted until he

transcribed the entire ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’ using store materials. We spent two days and nights compiling it.”

Eager to know more, Jagoan asked, “Uncle Cole, have you read the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’? What’s recorded in


Peter explained, “The ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’ encompasses diverse content, but its core is a decipherable map.

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Your parents were avid researchers. Although I briefly studied it, my limited Chinese foundation hindered my

understanding. However, your parents successfully decoded the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface,’ locating the places

mentioned, especially the ‘Secret of Immortality’.”

Jagoan inquired, “Is that where they found the scriptures?”

Peter admitted uncertainty, “Your father didn’t share many details. He warned me not to delve too deep, perhaps

to protect me. I respect his decision not to burden me with too much information.”

Jagoan asked, “Do you still have the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’?”

Peter hesitated, “Young Master, your father gave me photocopies of his handwritten version. I haven’t delved into

it, but I’ve kept them.”

Excited, Jagoan exclaimed, “Fantastic! I’ve wanted to study it and now that you have a copy, I might find valuable


Peter, expressing concern, added, “Young Master, your father considered obtaining the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’

a blessing and a curse. He regretted delving into its contents. Are you sure you want to read it?”

Jagoan, reflecting on his unique situation, replied earnestly, “Uncle Cole, my father’s regret stems from being an

outsider thrust into this game. I, on the other hand, have no choice, I was born into it. I’m already part of the game

and my father decided for me. At this point, I can only strive to survive. So, do you think I should hesitate to read

the ‘Apocalyptic Book Preface’?”