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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5560
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Dean had initially believed that Charlie would continue to torment him, but to his surprise, Charlie offered him a

chance at redemption. It was like a ray of hope in Dean’s bleak existence.

Overwhelmed by this sudden opportunity for a fresh start, Dean nodded vigorously without hesitation. He earnestly

said, “Sir, you have my word. I’ll take the best care of him and ensure his satisfaction.”

Meanwhile, John Lawrence sensed his world darkening, almost to the point of unconsciousness. The thought of

falling into Dean’s hands, even in exchange for Charlie’s favor, filled him with terror. He quickly knelt and begged,

“Please, sir, forgive me this time. I’m old and ill-equipped to handle any more trouble.”

Charlie, however, waved away his concerns and reassured him, saying, “No need to worry. I’m not going


Fixing his gaze on Dean, he added seriously, “Listen carefully, Mr. Lawrence’s safety is your top priority, no matter

how hard you work. Do you understand?”

Dean hesitated for just a moment before nodding resolutely and declaring, “Crystal clear, sir!”

He then turned his attention to John Lawrence, whose tearful face pleaded for mercy. “Lawrence,” Dean promised,

“you can rest assured. I’ll take care of you.”

But as John Lawrence heard those words, he couldn’t find comfort, instead, he saw a grim future ahead. He

glanced at Charlie, hoping to plead for mercy, but choked on his own tears. “Sir, I…”

Charlie interrupted him with an outstretched hand, his tone cold and menacing. “This is the best I can offer you,” he

stated. “If you decline, I can always bring in someone else under these conditions.”

With a sly smile, he gestured toward Dean on the ground and continued, “I believe there are like-minded individuals

in this cell. Dean can’t be the only one with such inclinations, right? Maybe the man with the injured leg shares his


John Lawrence was shocked by Charlie’s refusal to entertain his pleas. He couldn’t hide his grief any longer and

wept uncontrollably. Charlie, still wearing the same dispassionate smile, taunted him, “Crying? You’ll have to get

used to it.”

John Lawrence realized that accepting the current conditions might be his best option. Stubborn resistance would

only make his situation worse. It was like Japan in 1945—surrendering honestly might avoid the devastation of two

atomic bombs.

Seeing that no one dared to defy him, Charlie stopped paying attention to John Lawrence. Clearing his throat, he

declared in a chilling tone, “Listen to me now. I am the sole authority in this place from this moment forward. Each

one of you must obey my commands around the clock, without question. Disobedience is not an option, for I cannot

guarantee a better fate than what you’ve seen today.”

The lesson John Lawrence had learned resonated with the others. None of them dared to defy Charlie’s orders,

they nodded in agreement, as if they were following the relentless rhythm of a machine extracting oil twenty times

its normal speed.

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Charlie was satisfied with their clear submission. He cleared his throat and commanded, “Everyone, stand at


They all struggled to stand upright, even Dean managed to stumble to the back of the line.

The young man with a broken leg tried to rise but promptly fell to the ground again, writhing in pain.

Jagoan glanced in his direction and commented with indifference, “No need to join the queue.”

The man, sweating profusely, breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Jagoan, saying, “Thank you, sir!”

Jagoan paid him no further attention. Instead, he barked at the others, “Everyone, right face!”

They promptly complied, except for one young man who turned ninety degrees in the wrong direction.

Jagoan vaguely remembered this youth. He had been cheering and shouting when he first arrived, likely one of

Dean’s younger followers.

Jagoan pointed at him and asked, “What’s your deal? Are you deliberately defying me?”

The young man shook his head frantically, expressing remorse. “I’m sorry, sir… I’ve had trouble with directions

since childhood.”

“You can’t tell left from right?” Jagoan smiled faintly. “That’s okay, I can help with that.”

With a swift movement, Jagoan grabbed the young man’s right hand and effortlessly snapped his wrist, as if

breaking a pencil in two. The wrist was completely shattered!

The young man cried out in pain, but Jagoan, maintaining his indifferent demeanor, remarked, “Remember, this is

the right! I’m sure you won’t forget it for the rest of your life.”

The sight left everyone in the room in shock. Jagoan continued, “Now, left face!”

Everyone turned around quickly, fearing making a mistake. The young man who had just suffered the injury had no

trouble distinguishing left from right this time, making sure he didn’t make any more mistakes.

Jagoan nodded with satisfaction, gesturing toward the man on the far left, and commanded, “You, start. Tell us your

name, where you’re from, the crime you committed, how long you’ve been here, and how much of your sentence


The man complied swiftly, saying, “Sir, my name is Ruan Ming, I’m Vietnamese. I’ve been in prison for a year for

robbery, and I have six years left on my sentence…”

Charlie nodded. “Alright, next!”

“Sir, I’m Colin Mills, an American,” the next person began. “I’ve been here for six months for fraud, and I have

three years left in prison…”

And so it went on, with each person introducing themselves in turn. Eventually, it was the turn of the man with a

deep tan to step forward and make his introduction. He addressed the room with respect, saying, “Greetings, sir.

My name is Haji. I am of Indian-American descent, and I’ve been here for two and a half years due to a conviction

for sexual assault. I have another twelve years to serve.” He hesitated for a moment before continuing, “Half of my


Jagoan, now in charge, gestured toward the individuals flanking Haji and instructed, “Both of you, give him ten slaps


Haji’s expression changed abruptly, and he stammered, “Sir… why do you want to beat me…”

Jagoan replied with an icy tone, “All sexual offenders will be disciplined.”

The two nearby inmates reluctantly delivered ten forceful slaps to Haji’s face. His cheeks quickly swelled from the

impact, making him look like a pig’s head. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he seethed with anger and grievances,

but he didn’t dare show it at that moment.

Watching Haji’s punishment was John Lawrence, who was particularly anxious. He knew that if Haji was subjected to

this punishment, he wouldn’t be spared either.

Eventually, it was John Lawrence’s turn to introduce himself, his voice trembling with fear. “Sir… I… my name is

John… John Lawrence… I’m here for sexual assault and rape, sentenced to life imprisonment… without parole…”

As soon as John Lawrence finished speaking, a young man nearby asked, “Sir, how many times should I slap him?”

Jagoan waved his hand and declared, “One hundred.”

He added, “One slap every day. A hundred times!”

The young man, with a sense of duty, raised his hand and delivered the remaining slaps to John Lawrence without

hesitation. The other inmate, equally fatigued, continued with swift blows until the hundred slaps were completed.

By the end of it, both participants were too exhausted to lift their arms, and John Lawrence’s face was grotesquely

swollen, resembling a corpse submerged in water for weeks.

As Lawrence lay unconscious, one of the participants respectfully addressed Jagoan, asking, “Sir, we’ve completed

the hundred slaps. What should we do now that he’s unconscious?”

Jagoan waved his hand dismissively and replied, “Throw him in the bathroom and leave him be.”

“Understood, sir!” The man acknowledged, and he and his partner carried the unconscious Lawrence to the


The introductions continued, with most of the remaining inmates revealing that they were incarcerated for murder

and assault, and some had ties to Dean’s criminal activities.

After everyone had shared their backgrounds, Jagoan turned his attention to the young man who had a broken leg

and said, “Your turn.”

The young man quivered as he introduced himself, “My… my name is Mark… Mark Wendell… I’ve been in prison for

two years on a second-degree murder charge, serving a forty-year sentence, with a minimum of twenty years.”

Jagoan then turned to Dean, who had been startled by the unexpected turn of events, and calmly stated, “Now,

boss, it’s your turn.”

Dean, still taken aback, stammered, “Sir… you… you’re the boss…”

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Jagoan chuckled lightly and replied, “My apologies, it seems I accidentally assumed your position.”

Dean quickly responded, “Sir, please don’t say that. In your presence, I can only be a loyal subordinate behind the


Jagoan nodded in acknowledgment and commanded, “Proceed with your introduction.”

Dean humbly began, “Boss, my name is Dean, I’m American, imprisoned for drug trafficking and murder, and

serving a life sentence.”

Jagoan then addressed the entire assembly, making it clear that he was now in charge. He announced, “Now that

everyone has shared their stories, let’s discuss the rules of this cell, effective immediately. Pay close attention, any

transgressions will not be forgiven.”

The inmates listened attentively, their gaze fixed on Jagoan, anxious not to miss any crucial instructions.

Jagoan raised his finger and declared, “First, from this moment onward, no one is permitted to engage in fights or

sexual activity in this cell without my explicit consent. Elainetors will have their limbs broken. Do you all


In unison, the inmates affirmed, “We understand!”

Jagoan raised another finger and spoke sternly, “Secondly, all of you are strictly forbidden from communicating

with anyone outside this cell about matters related to me. Offenders will face dire consequences. Do you grasp


Without hesitation, the assembly echoed, “We understand!”

Jagoan nodded and extended three fingers, continuing, “Third, starting today, each of you must brush your teeth

and shower every morning and evening. Keep your sheets and bedding clean, fresh, and odor-free. Furthermore,

each of you will take turns mopping the floor and cleaning the toilet daily.”

He emphasized, “There are fifteen of you, so there will be fifteen cleaning sessions each day. Excluding meal and

rest periods, the remaining time will be divided equally among all fifteen inmates. While working, others will

supervise. If they find subpar cleaning, they will administer two slaps to the responsible person and demand

corrections. If I identify the issue, everyone will disrobe, and I’ll have you sleep in the toilet at night.”

Jagoan concluded, “One more thing, should anyone exhibit a foul odor on their person or bedding, I’ll confine them

to the toilet for the next three days, excluding meal and rest periods. When others use the restroom, they must

remain inside. And when others engage in sexual activity, they, too, must remain inside until they’ve cleaned

themselves up!”

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade

The Charismatic Charlie Wade has been updated Chapter 5560 with many climactic developments What

makes this series so special is the names of the characters ^^. If you are a fan of the author Lord Leaf, you will

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Wade Chapter 5560 now HERE.

Reading The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 5560