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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 Forty-Seven

Killian's point of view

Sheila and I followed the path through the woods, making as little noise as possible. We kept covering

our tracks, putting distance between the wolves hunting for us. It was almost dawn, and we have been

walking for hours in the darkness, moving back to North Central. If the Fire Crest Pack was still after us

and planned to make another attack, we would have had an advantage within our territory. I couldn't

mind link the pack yet. Ryker was still so weak that he could barely make a connection, or even speak.

My eyes glanced at Sheila. She was a few feet away from me. She hadn't said a word to me. Even

when I tried speaking to her, what I received was a silent treatment.

I am well aware that I fucked up. I should have journeyed ahead with her. If I had, none of this would

have happened.

As we moved, we came across a river in the woods. We were still far from the capital, but if we kept

walking we would be much closer.

We stopped by the river. Sheila went ahead and drank some water. I stood behind her, inspecting her.

Even though she wouldn't say it, I knew she was exhausted and must be tired from the wounds on her

arm and head.

I gripped the tip of my shirt and tore it from me, walking closer to where she was crouching near the


I dipped the small fabric into the river, pulling it up to the fresh wound on her head. "Let's get your

wounds cleaned up." My hand was in midair, almost settling on her face when she slapped my hand


"Don't fucking touch me, Killian." Her rage was more poisonous than earlier. As those blue crystals of

hers glared at me, they held resentment and hatred, all directed at me.

Fuck. It killed me to see her look at me with resentment. I didn't like it one bit.

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"Sheila, you are bleeding. Don't be stubborn. We need to tend to it." I said, masking the pain away. I

dipped the cloth back into the water.

"I don't need your help, Killian, to care for myself. Don't be a bloody bastard. You don't care at all if I live

or die. That was pretty clear to me today, so stop the pretense. You only care about your lover. And

finally, I get it. I fucking don't care about you, so leave me alone. And I will tend to my wounds myself!"

She yelled, jumping up to stand, giving no room for me to utter a word.

I couldn't even if I wanted to. Her words and resentment had hurt me to the bones. Even Ryker felt

every pain. He was as angry as Sheila. He also blamed me for what happened today. I can't even fight

back at him. They were all right. And I hated the fact that she thinks I don't care if she lives or dies.

"Mate resents us now. You had better fix this, human!" Ryker growled sternly in warning, retreating to

the back of my mind, angrily.

He was right. I had better fix this. I won't be able to bear her hatred and resentment.

I shook off my thoughts. I looked around, but I couldn't see Sheila. I was on my feet, strutting to the

other side of the river where her scent directed me. Immediately, I paused on my feet. It felt like I was

struck lifeless on the spot. My amber eyes bulged out. I felt my Adam apple slide and I couldn't


Even Ryker was forced out of his hiding, I felt his presence in the front of my mind. We were left utterly

speechless at the sight of our mate. I watched her closely as she abandoned the last piece of clothing

that covered her delicate and flawless body.

Everything fell with haste to the ground, and Sheila stood in all her glory. I was only given access to the

slender figure of her back, her curvy sides, small waist, and full ass. I knew she was a damned

goddess, but I couldn't even imagine what lay beneath those dresses of hers. I wanted nothing more

than to have my hands on every part of her.

She hadn't noticed my presence. She walked carefully into the river, and its waters swallowed her

pristine body. She was utterly unique and beautiful.

I watched in awe as she moved gracefully in the water, rubbing off her skin while carefully rinsing off

the blood that was on her head and her arm. After she was done tending to her wounds, I watched in

fascination as Sheila dived her head into the water. In a second, she pulled out her head, her hair now

sticking to her face.

I didn't dare move from my spot, nor did I have the strength to blink my eyes. I gave her my full

attention and audience.

Soon, she was done. Sheila pulled out of the river, walking to where she had left her clothes.

I felt my member harden just watching her. Her long legs moved with ease. I badly wished I could have

them wrapped around my waist while I pinned her naked skin to mine. Her full, perky breasts bounced

with every step she took. Fucking hell, I needed her badly.

I couldn't stop my legs as I rushed to her. She was going through her clothes on the ground when I

reached her and wrapped my hands around her naked, soft skin.

She froze, the sparks and tingles wasting no time in igniting. I pulled her into my arms, feeling her

wetness against my body. My hands began to caress her body, snaking up to her round breasts. I

turned her around, my gaze was dark with lust. I leaned closer to her, my lips aiming for hers when

Sheila's voice sounded brutally cold in my ears.

"That's enough, Killian. Let go of me." Her eyes were dark with hate, and her beautiful face was colored

with rage.

"What?" I froze, completely taken aback.

"I said let go of me." She pushed herself out of my arms. "I am tired of playing these stupid games with

you, Killian. Today, you crossed all limits, placing your lover over me, your mate."

I stood shocked, watching the tears that gathered in Sheila's eyes, but she forced them back angrily.

"What you did today made me realize how she is of importance to you. And I am glad I didn't need to

get myself killed to realize that. You want to be with your lover. That's fine by me. You can have her, I

don't care. But I swear to you, Killian, if you ever touch me, I will kill you. I want to move on from you,

so please for goodness' sake, let me." She wasn't screaming, but I could tell she meant every word she

was saying.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sheila grabbed her clothes and boots from the ground and walked away.

I didn't bother to stop her. My mind had more important things to do, like registering the words she just

threw at me.

She wants to move on from me? I struggled to understand those words. I didn't like it one bit. Sheila

was mine. She was my very life. If she left me, I would die.

I didn't know when tears rolled from my eyes. Hearing those words from her broke me.

She was wrong. I didn't want to be with any other woman if it wasn't her, not even Thea. It felt as if my

entire life was on the brink of collapsing just thinking of Sheila not being in it. These emotions made me

realize how much she mattered to me and how I could never let her go away from me. At that instant, I

didn't care about the curse, the pack, or even Thea. I didn't want to lose Sheila, and I was willing to let

her know. But I fear it still wouldn't change a thing.

I started walking and found Sheila already dressed and waiting for me. I moved closer to where she

was, and before I could say anything, she began walking. I shut my eyes, pinching the skin on my

forehead. This will be a lot harder than I anticipated.


The path we took led us out of the woods into a small human village. We asked around and quickly

located the village stables. We bargained for a horse. It was the only one available. It'd be a lot faster if

we journeyed with it instead of on foot. I paid for it. Sheila got on it, ignoring my efforts to assist her.

She took charge of the horse's reins.

"Is there no way we can get another horse?" She asked in an angry tone, gazing through me to the old

man in charge of the stables.

"I apologize, but that's the only horse available for now." The man spoke, his eyes shifting from an

annoyed Sheila to me.

"That's fine." I dismissed him, turning to my raging mate. It was evident on her face that she didn't want

to be next to me, let alone breathe the same air as me.

I had hurt her so much. It pained me to feel her silent rejection, and now I can only imagine how much

it hurt her whenever I was even more brutal with my harsh words and rejection. It must have hurt badly.