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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 577
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Brax "At least Samara will be happy." I snort. All the family members were coming out of the woodwork these days. If I was asked, I would never admit that I secretly enjoyed the . It often means I get to kill someone and that is always pleasant. "Samara?" Indy asks curiously.

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"Amelia's daughter." "What?" Her jaw drops "Amelia's daughter." I repeat She narrows her eyes and tuts, "I'm not deaf. I was in shock." She looks over to Orion. "How could we have not known that she had a daughter?" He shrugs his shoulders.

"She was given away to her father just after she was born." Klaus sighs, "With sstory that Amelia was not ready for children. Samara isn't a kid, she is an adult." "Oh." "You think Serkan would have killed Samara if he knew about her?" I ask Klaus. I knew Serkan wanted Neah dead. If Amelia was locked up and everyone thought she was dead, it would make sense that he would want Samara dead. It was a weird situation. Kitson's were effectively the top dogs of the Lycan world. They would be stronger together, a united front.

Where did it go wrong? Was it because Neah's mother ran away? Is Serkan hungry for more power? He is an old man, he would die soon enough. Then what? Thalia gets to be a leader, acting like a puppet master. We do not need someone like her in power.

"Maybe" Klaus ignores my question and carries on talking to Xavi. "What I do know is that Amelia met Samara's father here in White Cliffs. I know that Cooper knew where this place was." "That means her father was let in." Indy interrupts, her golden eyes dance between us as she tries to keep up. "What if he wasn't let in?" Klaus mutters from the window. "What if he was already here and Amelia helped them escape?" He spins around to face me. "Do you know how old Samara is?" "Twenty five ish. Maybe. Keeping tabs of people's ages is not really on my list of things to do. I would say something similar to Neah's age. I didn't think Thalia had been here that long?" "Not twenty five years." Indy confirms.

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"Cooper was also Samara's half brother." I glance at Xavi as he curls his lip, "She is also not a Witch." Klaus glances at Xavi. "We don't need to go down that road, but no, different mothers!" I glare back at the white Wolf. He was starting to pissoff. Klaus normally can't keep his mouth shut, but taway from the pack had changed him. He knew when to keep things to himself. "Though now that I think about it, it appears that there is more to that story." Klaus mutters to Orion.

"What about Samara's father? Do you know him? Can you ask him?" Indy smiles hopefully. "Maybe he knows the answer." "Dead." I tell her. "Died when she was almost a teenager." I watch her hopes of getting away fade. A tiny part ofis guilty. It was an odd feeling. Guilt. I didn't like it. It had only ever happened with Madison. I shake it off. "Oh." she mutters, her shoulders dropping. "That really sucks." "Until we decide to do something, we are not going to find out anything else. We can't stay here forever. We all know what needs to happen." I tell them. A part ofwanted to apologise to Indy, but it's not in my nature. "If you want to make a move, we should go now." Indy mumbles. "We only have a few hours until the music stops." "You didn't want them to go across the courtyard, but you are happy to go snooping around in the dungeons to try and find Amelia?" I ask directly to her "The music has started." Indy

shrugs. "Thalia won't be anywhere near here. In fact everyone will be where the feast is. It's like I have already told you, they can't stopm themselves, The dungeons are accessible in the opposite direction. It's just timing, that is all. When the music starts, it is when Orion and I sneak out to try and plan our escape. Every moment outside those gates is like my soul is no longer being crushed. Even if it only lasts a little while." "Thalia has never noticed you missing?" "You keep making comments aboutlistening. Do you? She is never there, she hates the music." She scowls at Orion. "Yes, I know." "What does Orion say about this?" I ask, glancing at him

"That it's suicide and he wantsto tell you that he is in." She lets out an exasperated sigh, "We both are. know we are running out of options. It's only a matter of tbefore that bitch comes barging through my door and discovers all of us. She quickly shakes her head. "It seemed so much easier before." I raise a brow at her, "You think being trapped is easier?"

"No... It's not what...I just want to see Silas again. I want this to be over. But I'm getting to the point where it feels like it is never going to happen. That I will never get a chance to be with my mate. Don't you ever feel like that?" Her golden eyes shine and she blinks quickly, trying to stop the tears from breaking free. RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.