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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41

Lucianne kicked backwards, aiming at his testicles and Xandar groaned in anguish. His gripo n her waist

loosened and she elbowed his chest, pushing him backwards by a few steps. She turned around to face

him, pain and guilt filled her eyes as she stood where she was to watch her mate’s reaction.

When Xandar regained his bearing, he looked at his mate with only humour and playfulness a s he

teased out loud, “Why the anguished look, my love? I haven’t even landed any blows on you yet.”

The guilt in Lucianne’s eyes was gone. She watched him get into a position ready to spar her, and she

asked, “Do you really want to do this, Xandar?”

“You’re not afraid to lose now, are you, sweetheart?” Xandar challenged, and enthusiastic murmurs soon

came from the Lycans around them.

Lucianne smiled as she shook her head while she looked at the ground before lifting her head back up to

say, “I honestly don’t know which one of us is going to regret this more once i tends.” She then took her

position, ignoring Christian who was saying, “Goddess, I should’ve brought popcorn.” 2

Xandar seemed to have learned to wait for the opponent’s attack, something she did the first time they

fought against each other. He waited for her to attack this time. She charged for him and his punch came

but Lucianne knew that this was his style so she dodged it with ease, and Xandar punched the air.

Lucianne slid through the gap between his legs which he left too wide open, making it a perfect escape

route for small opponents like her.

Although Lucianne managed to climb on Xandar’s neck, she couldn’t pin him down since he expected

her to do just that after watching her fight Phelton. He grabbed on to one of her legs and brought her

entire body in front of him. She hung by her leg for only less than a second before she grabbed onto his

arm like it was a pole and pulled herself back up, her foot turned and was forcing Xandar’s fingers to

twist to the point that they couldn’t.

Before she could escape, Xandar pinned her body on the ground with her back down, and pressed her

elbows firmly on the ground. His face hovered over hers with a cocky smirk,“ This position seems very

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familiar, my dear. Last I remember, you couldn’t break free from me when we were like this.”

Lucianne mirrored his smirk, and there was a glint in her eye before her knees bent and kicked in full

force at his testicals, harder than the first time. Some of the Lycans cringed visibly at Lucianne’s attack

but Christian was already laughing in tears and holding Toby’s shoulder for support. Xandar’s grip on

Lucianne loosened, and she elbowed his body to the side before climbing onto him in an instant, her legs

spread across his chest. Without allowing Xandar to recover, her hands reached for his head and neck,

twisting it slightly like she did with Langford.

Xandar took a moment to digest what just happened. When Lucianne loosened her grip on him, he let

out a chuckle as he took both her hands and kissed them affectionately. With nothing but pride and awe,

he said, “You’re amazing.”

A shy smile graced her features and she rolled her eyes before trying to get up. But Xandar held her

firmly by her thighs, pinning her to his chest. Lucianne smirked, “Want a round two already, my King?”

He scoffed, “Not until my Queen enlightens me on my mistakes from round one.”

“Let me go, and I’ll tell you.” She said simply. He smirked, “What’s wrong with the position we’re in? I kind

of like it actually.” His subjects around him were already grinning and smirking at his coy response.

Lucianne’s eyes turned stern, “Behave, my King.” 1

Xandar let go of one of her thighs and took her hand before pecking a kiss on her wrist. “As you wish, my


She got up and so did Xandar. Lucianne told him about watching the space between his legs and his

failure to pin her calves when he pinned her elbows enabled her to launch her attack to escape his grip.

She also mentioned that he should’ve quickly pin her to the ground when h e held her by her leg.

Although she was just speaking to Xandar, the Lycans around them were all listening attentively. Weaver

and Yarrington looked like they were taking mental notes.

When Lucianne was going to walk away, Xandar pulled her into his chest as he asked, “The first time I

caged you in that position with your back on the ground. You weren’t really trapped, were you? You could

escape but you didn’t. Why?”

She shrugged, “Because our spar already ended by that time. It wouldn’t be a fair fight if I beat you up

then.” Christian started laughing again. O

Xandar ignored his cousin and asked Lucianne, “You let me think that I could trap you?”

With an innocent smile, Lucianne said, “No. I never said anything. You came up with that thought


Xandar squeezed the flesh on her waist, and Lucianne tried her best to swallow the giggle but Xandar

and his animal were happy enough to see her shy smile widened and her red-tinged cheeks after he did


Christian came over and patted his cousin on his back, “Cuz.” he turned around to let out another stream

of chuckles before he continued, “Oh, Goddess! That was precious! I should’ve made a recording.”

The Duke really didn’t make it easy for the rest of the audience to hold back their laughter. Like Toby,

many didn’t feel comfortable laughing at their King who just lost to their Queen, at

least not yet.

“You should go next, Christian.”Xandar suggested.

Christian’s humour died down, “Hah. Nah-ah. No way. I’m not that stupid. My most heartfelt

congratulations to you, my Queen. But no, not today. Maybe not even in this lifetime.” A few people

around them started laughing subtly at the Duke’s refusal to go up against the Queen.

“Your Highness,” Langford’s voice came from behind. Lucianne turned to see the General stand before

her. He swallowed a lump in his throat before gritting his teeth and saying, “ Forgive me…and sh-should

you have any suggestions on how we can improve, I–I hope you can share it with us.”

Lucianne’s lips curled upward and her eyes sparkled as she glanced at the confused Toby before she

looked back at Langford and said, “Since you mentioned it, General. We do have a suggestion.” She

waved Toby over.

He came in slow, bewildered steps. Lucianne then said, “Since the rogue Lycans attacked the Jewel

Pack, many of us wolves have an idea of how we should alter our training to adapt to future threats.

Toby, tell the General about our discussion with Raden and the others from last night.”

Toby’s mind clicked and he exclaimed, “Ah, that!” Now he knew exactly what she was talking about. He

and a few other warriors, including Lucianne herself, talked about the issue. Lucianne was supposed to

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ask Xandar about it the night before but it slipped her mind after what happened with Caunterberg.

Langford looked at Toby with less hostility than he did before. Toby then began, “We were hoping to have

spars between species for training.” There were shocked gasps from some of

the Lycans around them. But half of them were contemplative, and Weaver and Yarrington looked at

each other in excitement at the idea.

Toby continued to explain, “Since we’re now dealing with rogue Lycans, many of us would like to train

with an actual Lycan, especially in wolf form with a Lycan form. And in return, our wolves can help your

Lycans gain speed in human form. Lucy and I have seen a lot of well -built Lycans here, and we say this

with no disrespect, but most of you are too sl At least in human form. And as wolves, we are still no

match for a Lycan’s build and strength once we shift so we want to practice with your animals to find a

few new techniques to defend ourselves.”

Langford was pondering seriously, and Xandar’s thumb was stroking Lucianne’s waist in slow motions as

he digested Toby’s words. Toby then added, “And just to be clear, General and my King, we won’t force

every Lycan to pair with a wolf,” he then looked at Lucianne and she gave him an encouraging nod to go

on. So he continued, “We will only train with Lycans who will be willing to learn and train with us. We’re

not asking for a mandatory inter-species training session.”

Langford looked at the Lycans around them, then he told Xandar, “I have no issue with that,

your Highness. If there’s room for improvement, then our species should be open to it.”

Xandar then added, “Perhaps it’s best for there to be mandatory inter-species training sessions. The

rogues are a threat to all of us. Two of the wolves’ best warriors have already been generous enough to

give us their opinions on how we fare. It’s foolish to refuse their offer to help.”

Weaver spoke up enthusiastically, “I’m all for it! But with much respect and admiration for you, my

Queen, I do not want to pair with you. I’ll take anyone else. Just not you.” His mate and the others,

including Xandar, laughed at the environment minister. Christian’s laughter was the loudest, as usual.

Xandar looked at his beautiful mate and said in a husky voice, “Well, Lucy. It’s time to get the wolves

over here.” She looked at Toby and said, “Let’s send the message, then.” In an instant, hers and Toby’s

eyes glazed over as they linked their respective Alphas.