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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 0611
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Chapter 0611

Colt walked around to the back and Alec and I got in the front. We gave him a minute to make sure he was in position before I went to kick down the door. However, I could hear them inside and it causedto freeze.

"...got it! Damn!" The door handle jiggled before it swung over. Ann's eyes were looking at the ground but her movements halted when she saw our feet. Slowly, her eyes went up our bodies until she made eye contact with us. The trash bag she was carrying, dropped on the floor as the sther mouth opened.

Not wanting her to scream, I reached out and wrapped my hand around her throat before she had the chance. Waving my finger in front of her face, I shook my head." Shhh, let's not do that." I whispered.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Alec moved the trash as I backed her up into the house. "What is going on, Ann? I told you to take the fuc-" Anthony caround the corner as Alec shut the door." You're alive."

"I am. Turns out you are really bad at killing someone." My hand squeezed around Ann's throat, making choking noises cout. Alec looked around the livingroom before walking down the hallway.

Anthony's eyes got wide and smiled as he heard a door open. He took a step towards me, like he was stalking his prey, "I wouldn't do that."

Colt's voice was deadly. Anthony instantly stopped at the stI felt completely happiness from Alec. Anthony turned to look at Colt in tto see Colt flip the light switch off, making the livingroom and kitchen go dark. Thanks to our wolf night vision, we could still see perfectly fine.

Alec walked out with Adalynn sleeping on his shoulder. My heart ached but Ann started squirming in my hand. Instead, Alec made eye contact withand walked out of the house. Closing the door quietly behind him.

"So, what? You are going to kill us?" Anthony seemed rather amused by this. He walked over to the bar and started to poor himself a drink.

Walking Ann over to one of the kitchen chairs, her trembling body sat down instantly. As soon as my hand left her throat, she started coughing. Sucking in air into her lungs. There was a pairing knife sitting on the table that I grabbed before walking in front of her.

"H-how did you live?" She asked as I heard the first fist to face hit. Glass shattered as someone fell into the cabinet.

"I have eyes everywhere." Moving from the top to the bottom, the knife sliced her shirt so I could see her skin. A single red line of blood appeared as Ann flinched away from"Either hold still or I will tie you up." I threatened as the knife started carving into her skin.

Part ofwanted to make this slow but I didn't want to drag this out more than I could. We could still be seen and that would end to my revenge. There was so much wresting that I turned to look. Colt picked up Anthony and tossed him against the end table, making the lamp fall to the floor and shatter into millions of pieces.

SLAP! There was a sting across my face where Ann got brave enough to try to fight back. Blood filled my mouth but it was only anger in my eyes. "Really? My wolf asked. Standing up, Sierra just dropped the knife on Ann lap. "You want a fighting chance before I gut you?"

Ann looked at the knife before looking back up at us. "I will just leave and you will never hear fromagain!" She kept glancing over at Anthony and then back at me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sierra extended her claws before getting on eye level with her. "That won't be happening. I'm not leaving here until I take a bite out of your heart."

"FUCKING DAMMIT!" I heard Anthony yelled. Ann and I looked over as the boys rolled out the front door and down the steps,

"Dammit is right." Looking back at Ann, I was a little sad. "Unfortunately, I have to go do damage control." Sierra took her hand and shoved it deeply into her chest. Her heart beat in my hands quickly before I ripped it out. Ann got the pleasure of looking at her own blacken heart before her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

After waiting a second, her body fell on the floor but I heard growling outside. Dropping her heart, I ran to the bedrooms to make sure Vivian wasn't around. Opening the first door, it was a bedroom. I was just about to leave when I saw a foot sticking out from under the bed. It was the bottom of the foot so it was exhilarating to grab the ankle and rip them out from under the bed.

"Please! I was just doing what I was forced to do!" Vivin pleaded. Her hands were in front of her face in fear. The smell of it was seeping out of every single pore she had.

"I don't care." I said honestly before shoving my hand into her chest. This time, I just pulled her heart out and dropped it so I could make it outside quicker.

By the tI got there, they were wrestling in the sand. A neighbor opened his door to look out. "I'm sorry! They are drunk. I already called the police to them removed from the property!" I yelled out.

"Good! I don't need that shit here!" He yelled before slamming his front door shut. The plan was to move any fighting to a secluded place that was just down the beach. Getting Anthony there was another thing.

Going down the stairs, realization slammed intolike a ton of bricks. Colt was on the bottom as he pushed Anthony's hands away from his neck. Alec wanted to go to the meeting point but Colt didn't have time. Anthony's claws had extended and were getting closer and closer to his neck.