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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 938
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Chapter 938

“Sharon!” Brian called out.

The person walking up the stairs looked up and flashed a smile at him. “Uncle Brian!”

Larissa was stunned. Although there was a significant change in her appearance, it was none other than Sharon

Davis who was standing

below them at this moment!

She stared at Sharon without shifting her gaze.

Her intense stare quickly caught Sharon’s attention.

However, she seemed completely unsurprised by Larissa’s presence here.

Sharon quickened her steps and wrapped her arm around Larissa affectionately. “Lari! What are you doing here?”

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Larissa had only met Sharon a few times, so they weren’t very close. Her sudden friendliness took Larissa by

surprise and her body stiffened inexplicably.

Sharon winked at Larissa and continued speaking, although Larissa couldn’t understand a word. “I heard from

Dylan that you and Kevan came back to Caldor together. I was actually planning to arrange a meeting with you. I

never expected to run into you at Thompson Medical What a coincidence!”

Before Larissa could think of a response. Brian asked. “Sharon, are you friends with Ms. Larissa from Blue Star


“Of course! Lari and I were close before she went abroad. We used to hang out all the time!” Sharon drew closer to


“Well, that’s quite a coincidence.” Brian seemed to have warmed up somewhat toward Larissa. His gaze was more

sincere and less distant. “Since that’s the case, how about we have lunch together?”

“That sounds great!” Sharon agreed happily. Turning to Larissa, she gestured to Lewis. “Do both of you have time?”

“We are available.” Lewis nodded. Larissa chimed in as well “Yes, let’s go.”

Thompson Medical was located in a remote area, so there were no decent restaurants nearby.

Fortunately, they were not too picky with food. In the end, Brian decided on a restaurant

a restaurant with private rooms.

The restaurant’s ambiance was not great. The floor was greasy, the walls were covered with mold, and the

furniture was bare.

“Mr. Lewis, Ms. Larissa, sorry for the poor environment. Next time when I have some time off, I treat you to a better

meal in the city!” Brian said as he unwrapped the packaging for the disposable utensils.

“Mr. Ackley, you’re too kind. It’ll be our turn to treat you next time.” Lewis got up and filled his cup with tea.

The both of them exchanged pleasantries while Larissa listened quietly. She occasionally took a sip of tea from her

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Sharon was uninterested in their conversation. She leaned over to Larissa and asked in a low voice. “When did you

return to Caldor?”

Her tone was not as exaggerated as when they first met at Thompson Medical. Besides, her question seemed


“We just arrived yesterday,” Larissa replied with a smile. She tried to put on a front that she and Sharon were close


“This time you came back to Caldor to discuss business with Thomspon Medical?” Sharon asked.

“Yes, Larissa replied.

After heating Larissa’s confirmation, Sharon suddenly frowned.

“So, will you be returning to Aldovia after this? She didn’t seem thrilled about news.

“Yes. Our current plan is to stay in Caldor for three to live days. It depends on whether the business deal is

successful Larissa explained.