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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

His gaze moved down and caught sight of the wine stains on her bosom.

“What happened?” he asked.

Larissa had no intention of starting anything, so she said calmly, “I accidentally spilled wine on myself.”

“Oh dear,” Lucas frowned and opened the bathroom door for her. “It’s best if you cleaned that up at

once then!”

Wine stains were difficult to get rid of. Larissa wet the stains with water and rubbed hard at the fabric,

but her bosom remained stained a dark red.

She collapsed onto the toilet bowl with exhaustion, rubbing ruefully at her aching arms while her feet

hurt from standing for too long.

If she were not worried about other people needing the bathroom, she would have stayed there until

the banquet ended.

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The sound of her phone ringing shattered the peace and quiet she had just managed to gain.

Thinking it was Kevan calling her, Larissa rushed to get out her phone. The screen showed an

unknown local landline number.

Her first thought was that this was a marketing call, but no marketers would make calls at a time when

most people were off work.

Larissa hesitated before answering the call. A woman’s gentle voice came through. * Is this Larissa



Having gotten an affirmative, the woman continued. “I am a nurse from the spinal surgery department

of Victory General Hospital. I’m calling you because I’d like to inform you that your husband’s medical

fees have not been paid for some time, and you have to pay it for him. Otherwise, he’ll have to leave

the hospital.”

Larissa had never given her number to the hospital. Needless to say, it was definitely Travis‘ parents

who made the nurse call her.

“I’m sorry, miss. I’m in the midst of divorcing Travis Hardy. Regarding the medical fees, it’s better if you

find his parents instead!”

She would never let her conniving ex–in–laws have their way. It was not as if they

Chapter 60

were broke anyway.

Even if they had no savings left, selling the house that Travis bought for them would get them several

million at least, which was more than enough to cover Travis‘ medical fees. But they just could not bear

to part with anything of their own, so they kept trying to squeeze her dry.

“But…” The nurse was in a dilemma. “We can’t find his parents. You’re the only one

we can turn to now.

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Larissa had just been about to hang up when she froze.

“What do you mean?” she asked in confusion. “I thought his parents were staying at the hospital?”

“They were, but they disappeared this morning. They told me they would pay today,

but when I went to check their room, Travis was the only one there. His parents and their belongings

were gone. I called the numbers they had given us but their phones were turned off. I asked Travis if

there was anyone else we could contact, and he said no. While cleaning the room earlier, the janitor

found a piece of paper on Travis‘ bedside table with your number written on it. From the handwriting, it

looks like Travis‘ parents were the ones who wrote it. So, I tried calling it and was surprised that it

worked,” the nurse explained.

Larissa had it figured out. This was a trap that Travis‘ parents set for her.

“I can understand your position.” The nurse sighed. “But Travis‘ medical fees can’t be delayed any

longer. My supervisor has been asking me about it. If it’s not paid in full today, I’ll be held responsible

too… Unless…you could contact any other relatives that Travis may have? Get them to come to the

hospital before 12 am and pay up.”

Other relatives that Travis may have?

Well, there was only Andrew Hardy left, and she was blacklisted on his phone.