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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

Kevan did not explain to her.

“Either you send her down right now, and I can pretend this never happened. Or…“. His eyes

narrowed, and his voice got heavy. “We will follow the contract.”

Vivian made up her mind at once. “Karin, please go downstairs for now!” She frantically tried to signal

her with her eyes, but Karin was staring at Kevan.

“Mr. Rogers!” Karin started to cry. She quickly ran toward him and knocked Larissa aside to throw

herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

“I’m sorry about what happened before! I was wrong! That was the agency’s decision -not mine. I

swear I didn’t want to do it! Please have mercy on me!”

She buried her face into Kevan’s chest, her tears and snot smearing onto his white shirt.

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Kevan’s expression turned livid, and a sense of wintry coldness began emanating from his figure.

Larissa, who was rubbing her nose while leaning against him, shuddered, and Vivian was equally just

as terrified as she backed away.

Yet, Karin did not seem to notice and kept rubbing her face on his chest.

“I’m willing to do anything! Anything at all, as long as you stop getting film companies to ban me!”

After her scheme to drug him had failed, she was kicked out of the Regal Dynasty Hotel. Soon after,

the new series she had been filming for two months decided to replace her with someone else. The

director cryptically told her, “You’ve probably offended someone you shouldn’t have.”

This was followed by the reality shows she had arranged to be on standing her up, even though they

agreed on her participation six months prior. No scripts were offered to her for a month, and any scripts

she had before were no longer available to her because she was told that “The actor has already been


no other way out, she even lowered herself and tried to audition for four or five productions with a

bunch of B and C–list actresses, but she never got a response.

Her manager kept asking her, “Who on earth have you offended?”

Who else? Probably only Kevan Rogers.

Kevan was not the first man she had slept with.


Under her manager’s guidance, she had been sleeping her way to the top since her debut. That was

how she gained her current position and fame. Every man she met fell for her charms as long as she

made the first move–except for Kevan.

For the dinner that night, she and a few other prominent actresses in her agency. were brought over by

their boss ostensibly to network with industry bigwigs and gain more resources, but actually…they were

expected to sell themselves.

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Kevan caught her eye immediately. For no other reason than the fact that he was the only good–

looking guy in a group of sleazy, rotund old men.

Her boss also had the intention to have Karin hang on to a valuable big shot like Kevan, and so he

deliberately arranged for her to sit next to him. The dinner had just started when the other guys started

pawing at the other actresses as if they were in a private setting. Kevan was the only one who had not

even bothered to look at her.

When she spoke to him, he responded perfunctorily; when she tried to toast him, he refused politely,

when she touched him at her boss‘ signal, she was actually shoved to the floor.

She still remembered the humiliation and embarrassment from that moment.

Later, using the opportunity of going to the restroom, she got the drug from her boss, and slipped it into

Kevan’s glass–this was the first time she ever needed to drug someone to seduce them.

But how could she know that she would still fail? The moment Kevan sensed something amiss, he

called his friend at once and left with him.