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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 1967 A Packed Morning (1)
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Upon returning home, Akane and I spent an hour just talking about what went on during the twe were separated. She was not satisfied with my messages earlier nor how she narrated their trip along with the photos she took. She wanted to hear more and likewise, she wanted to fillin on everything she missed saying earlier.

As always, I only left out the intimate moments I had with my girls and told her everything that happened. Even that bizarre occurrence that the 2nd year idiots experienced in the supposedly haunted mansion.

It got her so enthused that she even made a post of it on their anonymous school forum, asking those who dabbled in the occult.

However, the answers that her post received were pretty much worthless. Most of them were asking for the place so they could check it out.

Disappointed, Akane brought up the coupons I received and toldwe should go check it out in the future. She’s extremely curious about that bizarre occurrence.

Naturally, since there’s still school, we could probably go there during summer vacation. And since there are four coupons, Miwa-nee who’s returning soon, and Minoru can go with us.

And if I tell my girls about it, especially Otoha and Mizuki, they might just treat everyone and relax there with us. Nonetheless, I doubt they’d settle for just that. I can already imagine them preparing for what they wanted forduring that month-long vacation.

Apart from that haunted manor, Akane also haddescribe Shiina and Sara as well as my opinion of them. Even though she hadn’t met them yet, the silly girl teasedabout them joining us in the future.

As for how soon that was… it depends on how frequently we’d be seeing each other.

In any case, I told her the instances when I was alone with them. I also honestly admitted that they’ve found their place in my head. And that remindedthat I received a message from Sara earlier that I have yet to read.

When Akane heard that, she grabbed my phone and we read it together. It turned out to be what I expected.

An update regarding her planned talk with her boyfriend.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Apparently, it went well during the first half but when she mentioned getting sspace temporarily, the guy refused to acknowledge it. Or rather, he didn’t want to give her space. He wanted to keep her locked with him.

Sara toldshe’d figure things out by herself so I should rest concerned if ever it rose in me.

True. It’s kind of worrying but she probably didn’t want to rely onor others right away. And based on her personality, she’s also going to keep it from Shiina. At least, for now.

I thought hard about what to tell her but in the end, I could only encourage her to talk to someone if it bechard for her.

But really, that guy. She’s not even breaking up with him. Yet, she immediately shut her down. Not even giving her a chance. Most likely, he knew that what was next would be Sara breaking up with him. He must’ve seen the signs.

Well, he had nothing to blfor it but himself. Besides, he’s showing signs of extrpossessiveness. Although I wasn’t any better in that regard, I still believed that I could let my girls go if they so wished for it. No matter how possessive I bectowards them, the moment they decided to leave me… I could only respect their decision.

Akane noticedfalling into my habit of overthinking right there so, perhaps to keepfrom being depressed about it, we stopped our conversation right there.

Following that, I got pampered by my wife until we both drifted to sleep.

It’s just the end of an exhausting day. And as always, it was one hell of a satisfying day for me. Hopefully, I also satisfied everyone and if not, I’d just double my effort in the coming new day.



Early morning began withgreeting my girls as well as taking care of Akane and the side effect of the miraculous tea.

Following that, we exercised in the mini-gym, swung the tennis racket a thousand times, and lastly, finished one rep of Sena’s training set.

Akane helpedout by taking a video of it and without editing, I sent it to Ayu right away.

While Akane and I were eating our breakfast, Ayu, who had just woken up after watching my video, started givingher analysis through a video call.

“Thanks, Ayu. Wait forthere. I’ll be jogging to bring you breakfast.”

Since I appreciate her dedication, that idea popped up in my head. I mean, it’s still pretty early anyway. And rather than invite her here… I’ll crunning to her.

It’s killing two birds in one stone, no?

I’m also thinking of contacting Aika so that I can fulfill my promise of running with her again. Even though it’s not going to be everyday, I’ll ensure that I can at least keep up with her.

Yep. That girl will be overjoyed that she might act like a cat again. But is that all? Of course not.

“You… What are you thinking? Akane, stop that idiot. You’ve just finished working out. Don’t push your body too much or all that training will be detrimental to you!”

As I expected, Ayu was going to be against it.

Akane shook her head, knowing that even if she listened to Ayu, she wouldn’t be able to stop me.

“Sorry Sister Ayu. I doubt even I can dissuade him. Look, he's about to pack your breakfast. Do you like coffee or tea? I’ll make sfor you.”


Hearing Akane's response, Ayu was speechless.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

And like Akane said, I already stood up to pack our leftovers.

Well, it’s not technically our leftovers since we often only cook just enough for the two of us. However, today, I somehow increased the portion. I probably foresaw that this might happen…

How amazing, right? I’m a psychic now.

As if!

Even if it’s not Ayu… I’ll still probably go out to run and maybe surprise sof them on the way.

For example, Swho should still be sleeping in her apartment.

That woman arrived hlate last night after having sdrinks with Eguchi-sensei and Orimura-sensei.

She still managed to video callbut it’s quite short. It’s only around a minute. It started with her arriving at her doorstep and ended after drunkenly walking to her bedroom where she immediately plopped down on the bed, unconscious without even changing her clothes.

That’s why… I made it into a task to serve her this morning… Good thing I have a key to that apartment.

Anyway, I informed Akane and Ayu about that before fully focusing on the task.

Once that was done, I changed into a fresh set of tracksuit and pants and left our house before the short hand of the clock pointed to six.

Akane sentoff as always and when I asked her what she was going to do. She pointed at our bathroom. Or rather, at our laundry that has already accumulated for the week.

Yeah. I should be helping her with that chore but the silly girl insisted on doing it by herself – saying it’s her duty as my housewife.

Really, how can I argue with that reasoning?

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