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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 977
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Chapter 977

Crystal looked at the steaming, authentic, bowlful of spicy noodles in front of her,"..."

The restaurant's environment was very elegant and it has an antique style. The decoration of each private room

was different. This private room was obviously the most expensive one, and there was an antique clock in it.

However, no matter how elegant it was, when infused with the smell of the noodles... It looked awful.

Obviously, the twins had never seen such delicious food in the human world. They couldn't help covering their

noses, with disgust in their eyes. Even Mr. Lawson frowned.

Harold, on the other hand, had no strange expression on his face. He said calmly, "Miss Ramsey, please."

"..." Crystal picked up her chopsticks and took a bite under everyone's gaze.

Hmm... the taste wasn't bad.

However, there were two bowls. She really couldn't finish them.

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So Crystal put another pair of chopsticks in Harold's hands with a smile and said in a gentle voice, "Master White

likes this the most, don't you? Eat it."

Harold said, "Miss Ramsey."


Harold said, "If you want to eat something in the future, you can say it directly. You don't need to make use of my

name. After all, I am here, and no one will dare to laugh at you."


Crystal said, "I'm really lucky to have you."

Harold said casually, "It's my good fortune to have you too."


Mr. Lawson let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them were arguing with each other. If Harold really

liked to eat spicy noodles, wouldn't he be silenced after learning such a secret?

However, looking at how much Master White pampered Miss Ramsey... the relationship between the two of them

was definitely not simple.

Mr. Lawson rolled his eyes and came up with an idea. He said with a smile, "It turns out that Miss Ramsey likes to

eat spicy noodles. It's a coincidence. I like it too. Would you like to share a bowl with me?"

Crystal happily agreed and looked at Mr. Lawson with appreciation, feeling that he had a very promising future.

For a moment, there was only the sound of two people eating noodles in the private room. The faces of the twins

turned blue. Harold stood up and pushed the door open. "Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."

Crystal felt that he must find the noodles too smelly.

If one didn't eat the noodles and only smelled them, it was indeed unbearable.

"Miss Ramsey," Mr. Lawson said with a smile, "I've always heard that Assistant Britton is the most capable person

around Master White, but I didn't expect that you're also serving Master White. How long have you been by Master

White's side?"

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Crystal said casually, "Four years."

After answering the question, she was in a trance. She had known Harold for almost four years.

"Oh, that's really a long time." Mr. Lawson paid attention to efficiency when eating. In such a short time, there was

only soup left in the bowl. He wiped his mouth and raised his chin to signal Crystal to look at the twins opposite him.

He asked, "Miss Ramsey, what do you think of them?"

Crystal told the truth. "Not bad."

"Right!" Mr. Lawson was very happy. "Everyone said that I'm really lucky to have such a pair of beautiful daughters.

Fortunately, they take after their mother instead of me."

Crystal looked at Mr. Lawson and felt that he was indeed lucky.

Mr. Lawson winked at Crystal and said, "Miss Ramsey, we are all smart people, so I will make it clear. I intend to let

my daughters be with Master White... You have been with Master White for so many years, so he must need new

people to stay by his side, right? As long as you nod and are willing to guide them a little, they will definitely bring

benefits to you in the future."