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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 103
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Chapter 103

The corners of Luke’s mouth twitched as he asked, “Ma’am… do you know that there’s a species called

tiger in this world?”

“Hey, I graduated high school. I’m not an idiot. Of course, I know it,” Crystal retorted.

She rubbed against the snow tiger’s soft fur, “But, no matter how big it is, it’s just a cat!”

And it left Luke speechless.

He looked at the snow tiger that didn’t resist Crystal’s touch and felt this world was really magical. Ever

since Harold came back with this tiger as a little cub, he was the one who had been feeding it. After

three whole year, sometimes the tiger still growled at him to scare him. But when it met Crystal, it was

more than willing to let the girl sleep on its stomach?!

The snow tiger lazily wrapped its tail around Crystal while looking at Harold and Luke with cold


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“It has a name.” Harold pushed the snow tiger’s tail away, talking to Crystal. “It’s called Devil.” Crystal

didn’t agree, “I want to call it Coco. It likes this name.”

She turned to look at the snow tiger. “Right, Coco?”

The snow tiger wagged its tail.

Harold was rendered speechless.

You beast, do you know what does Coco mean? How come you wagged your tail like that! Harold bent

down to pick Crystal up, “Who locked you in here?”

Crystal answered resolutely, “Your dear sister!”

“Hey, speak nicely, lady.”

“I’m speaking nicely. I said it was your sister Stacie. She said that she would take me to see your pet,

but then she locked me in.”

“… Miss Stacie?” Luke frowned. “I did see her in the surveillance camera, but she didn’t stay long

before she left. I didn’t suspect her.”

Moreover… There was no enmity between Stacie and Crystal. How could the other harm her like this?

Crystal leaned on Harold’s shoulder and said coyly, “I’m so hungry. If you didn’t wake me up, I would’ve

definitely woken up from my hunger.”

“That’s not necessarily true. You slept so soundly.” Harold’s voice was cold. “You wouldn’t even know

you were eaten while being in your dream.”

“Coco doesn’t bite.”

“… It’s called Devil.”

“But when I call it Coco, it answers me. You can try calling it Devil and see.”

Harold didn’t want to try because the snow tiger had already stood up and was circling around him.

It had never been so friendly to him anyway. Obviously, it wanted to play with Crystal.

Harold looked down at the snow tiger coldly and brought Crystal out of the cage. The animal

followed behind him. Luke had to remind him, “Master…”

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“Let it follow us.” Harold said lightly, “No matter how long it can follow us, the woman is mine.” Luke

didn’t know what to say.

The man’s possessiveness was really terrible.

Dana was waiting at the door. When she saw Harold carrying Crystal back, she cried with joy. “Crystal,

why did you go out there? You…”

Before she could finish her words, she saw the snow tiger, which was as tall as half of an adult man.

The poor woman took two steps back in an instant, her pupils dilating. She was about to faint in the

next second.

Luke said in time, “It’s all right. It doesn’t bite.”

He felt quite guilty when he said that. Devil didn’t bite people, but it had a bad temper and it could

attack anyone when it was in a bad mood. But with Harold here, it would not make a scene.

“Dana…” Crystal looked at her pitifully. “I’m hungry…”

Dana looked at the girl’s pitiful face and forgot her fear of tigers. She rushed to the kitchen and said,

“The food is still hot. We can have dinner now!”