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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102 The Unobtrusive Adopted Daughter

If it were other women who followed Troy today, Joseph would not be worried, but it was Imogen.

Imogen had a special status. She came from an ordinary family with a common background. She was

not comparable to the daughters of other prominent families, but Henry admired her greatly.

Troy was raised by Henry, and he had a deep affection for Henry.

If Henry wanted to match Troy and Imogen, Troy might not refuse due to his filial piety.

In other words, Imogen was the biggest threat to Sarah.

The assistant asked, “Mr. Page, should I send someone to follow them?”

Joseph shook his head. “No need. Since Mr. Marshall is not on a social mission, it is his private

business. We should not disturb him.”

He wouldn’t dare follow Troy unless he wanted to die.

The assistant said, “Yes, Mr. Page.”

When Joseph got home, the servant served him a glass of water and said, “Sir, Mr. Bill Page has been

here for two hours, and he is waiting for you in the study now.”

This Mr. Bill Page, the servant talked about, was Sarah’s father, Bill Page.

Joseph frowned when he heard the name. Then he said okay and walked upstairs.

After going upstairs, Joseph stopped before the study door, hesitated for a while, and finally pushed the

door in.

“Joseph, you are back.”

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Bill turned his head to look over, sat motionless on the sofa,

and greeted faintly.

Joseph walked over and sat down. “Well. Why do you come to see me today?”

“Joseph, you must be so tired that you forget. Of course, I came for the cooperation project with

Marshall Group. Mr. Wane told me the news in advance, and the bidding is likely to win this time.”

Mr. Wane was just trying to impress Bill.

Bill was mediocre, but he had a brilliant daughter who had a good relationship with Troy and was likely

to be the young mistress of the Marshall family.

When the time came, Bill would be Troy’s father–in–law, so Mr. Wane wanted to establish a good

relationship with him in advance.

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When Joseph heard this, his face became dark. “Have you contacted him?”

“Why? I am also a shareholder of the company, so why can’t I contact him?” Bill raised his

eyebrows. “Joseph, did you forget that when our parents passed away, they asked us to manage the

company together?”

Joseph was speechless.

How could he forget!

However, it was Joseph who had been managing the company all these years, and Bill only needed to

sit at home and receive dividends.

Now Bill suddenly proposed to manage the company. How could Joseph agree?

Bill said, “Although I have not directly participated in the company’s affairs, many projects in the



Chapter 102 The Unobtrusive Adopted Daughter

company have been related to the Marshall Group in recent years. As for how the company can get so

many projects from the Marshall Group, I believe I don’t need to say more. If it weren’t for Sarah, now

the company might have still been that small factory.”

Joseph just felt disappointed. “Bill, how can you say that? For so many years, those shareholders have

been clear about what I have done for the company. What you say is equivalent to negating all the

efforts of me and the veterans.”

When Bill was young, he was just a fun–loving playboy and never participated in the management of

the company.

Even when their parents passed away, and the company was in the most challenging time, Bill didn’t

help Joseph, and Joseph gritted his teeth alone to survive.

Fortunately, their parents also knew that their second child did not have a talent for doing business, so

they gave most of the shares to Joseph, while Bill only had a small part. Because of Sarah, the small

company back then could get in touch with the Marshall Group. But for the company to be what it was

today and to gain a firm foothold in New York City’s upper–class society, Joseph had to travel around to

socialize, win contacts, and stabilize the business.

So even if the Page family lost the support of the Marshall Group and the situation got worse, they

could still persevere.

However, Bill believed that the current status of the Page family was all because of his daughter Sarah.

Now Bill was not satisfied with the few shares in his hand, and he asked Joseph for it openly and

secretly. Joseph pretended not to understand, which caused Bill’s dissatisfaction, and Bill began to

intervene in the company’s affairs.

“I don’t mean that. I just want to say that Sarah has contributed a lot to the company. Joseph, you are

Sarah’s uncle. You will definitely not treat her badly, right? Sarah is a great contributor to the company,

but now she doesn’t have a single share of the company. Do you think this is appropriate?”

Joseph knew that Bill mentioned Sarah just to get shares ultimately.

He didn’t argue with Bill but said, “Speaking of Sarah, I have to ask. How is her relationship with Troy


“Of course, it’s good. He just held a birthday party for Sarah a few days ago. Didn’t you see it?” Bill

showed a proud look on his face.

He was a loser in this life, but he had a distinguished daughter, and now everyone would flatter him

when he went out.

“Are you sure?”

“What did I lie to you for?” Bill looked at him disdainfully. “Sarah is now the future young mistress of the

Marshall family. This is a certainty.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Joseph, what do you mean?” Bill squinted at Joseph. “If Sarah is with Troy, it benefits you and me.

Even if you don’t want to give her shares, you don’t have to curse her like that, okay?”

“I didn’t curse her. All right. I can just tell you. Today I met some business friends in the clubhouse.

When I came out, I met Troy. A woman accompanied him.”


Chapter 102 The Unobtrusive Adopted Daughter

Bill looked at Joseph suspiciously and asked, “Who is that woman?”


“Imogen? The adopted daughter of the Marshall family?” Bill raised his eyebrows. He had heard of this

person but only of her.

“Yes, that’s her.”

Bill smiled. “Joseph, I think you are overthinking. Even if Imogen accompanies Troy, what does it

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mean? You took great pains to find an excuse to refuse to give Sarah a share. I didn’t expect you to

believe the media!”

Joseph said, “It’s not that I overthink. When I saw them, Troy held Imogen’s hand all the time and

behaved intimately, and I mentioned Sarah to him tentatively, but he didn’t respond very much. I know it

might be because I’m overthinking it, but it’s good to be careful. It’s not someone else beside him. It’s

Imogen. Mr. Henry Marshall is very fond of Imogen…”

Joseph didn’t need to explain more. Bill knew it in his heart.

Imogen’s identity was special. If Troy and Imogen really had an ambiguous air, then it basically, meant

that the identity of Mrs. Marshall had nothing to do with Sarah.

“Imogen? I didn’t expect this unobtrusive adopted daughter to have such great abilities!” Looking at

Bill’s expression, Joseph continued, “Of course, I know that Sarah’s contribution to the company cannot

be erased. Don’t worry. She will definitely have her share in the shares, but now is not the time for us to

think about it. Now the most urgent task is to let Sarah marry into the Marshall family and become the

proper mistress of the Marshall family. Bill, we should focus on the overall situation now. Otherwise, we

will be taken advantage of by others.”

The Page family was also prestigious now.

Now the scandal between Sarah and Troy was everywhere, but in the end, if others became Mrs.

Marshall, the Page family would also be humiliated.

And when the time carrie, should Sarah break off with Troy or become Troy’s mistress?

If they broke up, it would inevitably affect communication and company projects. If they continued, it

was a humiliation for Sarah, the dignified daughter of the Page family, to be a


Bill couldn’t let this kind of thing happen. Now as he went out, everyone was smiling flatteringly at him,

calling him Mr. Page, and everything was so good.

If Mrs. Marshall became someone else, he would become a joke in everyone’s eyes.

“I’ll ask Sarah to find out what’s going on.”

After speaking, Bill took out his phone, found Sarah’s number, and dialed it.

The phone connected after a few seconds. Sarah’s tired voice came from the microphone, “Hello, Dad?

What’s the matter?”