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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 3
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Chapter Three: Thoughts of the hunt


I sat in front of Jason’s desk, watching him tap away at the keyboard. His eyes were glued to

the computer screen and the muscle in his jaw tensing and flexing like he was grinding his

teeth together. His gray eyes moved over the screen as he researched our mate with the

information that Ryan and I had given him.

This was the kind of thing that Jason was good at. The kind of thing that he enjoyed. Sure,

he was fucking great at taking care of the pack and making sure that we were all safe. And

the tattoos he could create were works of damn art on flesh.

My own skin had been his canvas and I was far from done with letting him tattoo me.

This was something that he was good at. This was the way that he wanted to start his hunt.

The hunt for our mate. –

Fuck me, just thinking about hunting Tillie had me all fucking excited for when I caught my

prize. I shifted in my seat, trying to keep myself still so that I wouldn’t drive Jason crazy with

my restlessness.

It didn’t work, I crossed and uncrossed my legs again. Bouncing my foot against my knee.

Trying to let out some of the energy that was building up inside of me. It didn’t help.

“Travis, you should go shift.” Jason said, looking over the top of his computer screen at me.

He lifted a blonde eyebrow at me and I could tell that he was trying not to make it an order.

That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t if I pissed him off.

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“Nah man, I’m good.” I said, bringing my hands together and draping them over my middle.

“You sure?” He asked before his lips twitched. I would have missed it if I wasn’t paying

attention to him.

“Yes, alpha I’m sure.”

“Travis, that’s the ninth time you have changed positions in the last three minutes.” He

pulled his hands away from the keyboard. Lacing his fingers together and resting them on

his desk as he straightened his shoulders.

“I’m fine, I’m just ready.” I said, uncrossing my legs and bracing my hands on the armrests

of the chair. I put my feet flat onto the floor, trying to shake off the anxious feeling that had

been eating at me all morning.

My beast was just as excited about the chase as I was and he was making it hard for me to

control myself. The wolf wanted to hunt her. The chanting of the word “mate’ grew louder in

my head with each passing minute until it felt like a howl.

How could Ryan and Jason btand this? Wasn’t their wolf doing the same thing to them?

I dragged my hands over the tops of my thighs, feeling the muscles flex beneath my

fingertips. My wolf was making it so hard for me to sit still.

“Travis.” Jason said and I felt pressure move over my skin as his tone lowered. He tilted his

head down, his gray eyes pinning me in place.

Fuck me, my breath caught in my throat at the look in his eyes. Jason was going all sir on

me. Not that I minded it, just right now my control was so frayed that I didn’t know if I would

be able to handle it.

I closed my eyes, sucking in a deep breath. I should just be honest with him, we were bound

together through Tillie and he was my alpha. I knew that I could trust him.

**Fine, I’m not okay.” I huffed, pushing myself to stand.

I gave in to the need to move. Walking over to the door before turning around and making a

path in front of Jason’s desk towards the window that overlooked the driveway. ” I know you

said we were going to give her a head start. That we were going to go in blind, well, sort of

blind after you figure out where she is. But fuck, I’m so ready for this.”

“I understand how you are feeling.” Jason said, his tone softening a little and I wanted to go

to his desk and throttle him. How could he be so calm if he understood how I was feeling?


20:23 –

Chapter Three: Thoughts of the hunt


“Do you? You and Ryan seem to be holding it together so much better than me. All I want to

do is go after her and catch her.” didn’t need to let him know that I wanted to figure out

what was bothering her so much.

He probably already knew it.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Something had been bothering me all morning and I didn’t know how to fix it. I just knew

that I wanted to do whatever it took to make Tillie feel better. To make her smile at me like

she had last night at my bar.

The way she patted her eyes up at me before smiling that sexy, shy smile at me. It made

me miss her more.

I wished she was here with me right now. With us. Maybe then I would feel better. We would

all feel better.

It was bothering Ryan too, but he had left Jason and me alone while he took care of training

the others,

The guy never took a break off from it, but I knew that it made him happy. That it was a way

for him to give back to the pack. He wasn’t like Jason and me. Ryan would never be an

alpha, well, he would never be an alpha anywhere outside of the bedroom. In there he was

all daddy dom and I fucking loved it.

The training was something that Ryan was damn good at. I had lost count of how many

times he had kicked my ass on the training mat. Though now if he and I trained together.

Things would be different.

paced back towards the door, thinking about my mates before making a loop back towards

the window. That almost nervous energy changed into something else and frolled my

shoulders, my walk becoming more of a prowl as I thought about how different things would
