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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 171 Bad Servant
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Erwin's gaze wandered across the dormitory grounds, observing the diverse array of students bustling about. Some caught his attention with their distinctive academy uniforms, proudly displaying the colors and insignia of their respective disciplines.

Amidst the sea of uniformed individuals, Erwin also noticed a scattering of students dressed in formal attire. Their refined clothing stood out in contrast to the standardized uniforms, showcasing their personal style and perhaps indicating special occasions or formal gatherings.

As Erwin and Valara made their way through the bustling dormitory area, Erwin couldn't help but let his gaze wander, his eyes scanning the faces of the students passing by. While the vibrant atmosphere and the sense of community were undeniable, Erwin's attention seemed to be drawn towards something entirely different.

His eyes lit up with a mischievous sparkle as he spotted a few individuals who caught his attention—a collection of captivating faces and charming smiles. Erwin couldn't deny that he had an eye for beauty, and in this lively gathering of students, he found himself intrigued by the presence of some truly stunning targets.

He discreetly observed the passing students, appreciating the diversity of appearances, from radiant smiles to captivating figures that held stories yet to be told. All assets seemed to have a unique secret, and Erwin's imagination couldn't help but conjure up various scenarios and possibilities, imagining ways to explore that mysterious. 

As Erwin and Valara continued their stroll through the dormitory grounds, their path led them towards a distinguished building situated at the end of the row. Its grandeur stood in stark contrast to the neighboring structures, emanating an air of elegance and nobility. The architectural masterpiece boasted white marble walls that gleamed under the sunlight, captivating the eye with its regal allure.

Erwin couldn't help but be in awe of the sight before him. It was as if he had stumbled upon a palace rather than a dormitory. The meticulous craftsmanship and intricate details of the building showcased the exceptional care and attention dedicated to its construction. From the ornate carvings adorning the entrance to the majestic columns that lined the façade, every element seemed to whisper stories of majesty and heritage.

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Slightly overwhelmed by the sheer magnificence of the building, Erwin turned to Valara, seeking confirmation. "I suppose this is where I am meant to stay?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and uncertainty.

Valara, wearing a warm smile, nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, my dear Erwin. You are truly fortunate. From being a slave to now being a student at one of the most prestigious magic academies and residing in this extraordinary dormitory. What a luck?"

Erwin noticed the faint glimmer of jealousy in Valara's expression and couldn't help but smile mischievously. "If you wish, you can stay here with me," he suggested, his voice laced with playful intent.

Valara's cold demeanor remained intact as she regarded Erwin with a cool gaze. Her response was measured, and her tone carried a hint of indifference. "There is no need for such arrangements. My duties lie elsewhere, and I have my own accommodation," she replied, her words reflecting her independent nature.

Erwin chuckled, acknowledging Valara's stoic response. He understood that she preferred to keep her distance and maintain her own space. "Fair enough," he responded, his tone light. "I just thought it would be convenient to have you around. But I respect your choices."

Valara nodded curtly, her face displaying no trace of emotion. "Convenience is not a priority for me," she stated matter-of-factly, emphasizing her commitment to her responsibilities.

Erwin's smile persisted, undeterred by Valara's cold demeanor. He appreciated her professionalism and respected her boundaries. "Understood," he said, his voice warm with acceptance.

"Now, let's proceed to find your room," Valara instructed, her voice devoid of warmth as she gestured towards the star-shaped badge in Erwin's hand. "To access the information and unlock your room, infuse some of your mana into the key."

Erwin nodded, understanding the importance of the task at hand. He focused his energy, channeling a portion of his mana into the star-shaped badge. As his magic intertwined with the intricate design of the key, a subtle glow emanated from it, indicating a successful connection.

Valara observed the process with a detached demeanor, her gaze fixed on the badge. Her practical nature dictated that she prioritize efficiency and precision above all else. "The key is now attuned to your mana signature," she stated matter-of-factly. "It will grant you exclusive access to your designated room. Give it a try."

Erwin closed his eyes, immersing himself in the connection between his mana and the star-shaped badge. With concentrated focus, he delved into the key's potential, exploring the possibilities it held within. Moments later, he opened his eyes, a glimmer of amazement dancing within them.

A sense of wonder filled Erwin's voice as he exclaimed, "There are numerous options available here! I have the power to control every aspect of my room, from temperature and lighting intensity to a feature that can restrict access to those unrelated to the academy. This is truly remarkable!"

Valara observed Erwin's excitement with a detached interest, her demeanor unchanged by his enthusiasm. She acknowledged the practicality of such features, but remained unaffected by the allure they held for others.

Erwin's mind buzzed with the potential of this newfound control. The thought of customizing his living space according to his preferences, creating an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and productivity, ignited his imagination. The ability to fine-tune the environment to his liking, ensuring utmost comfort and convenience, instilled a sense of empowerment within him.

As they continued their journey through the dormitory halls, Erwin couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of appreciation for the advancements in magical technology. The seamless integration of mana and practical functionalities in his dorm room hinted at the boundless potential that awaited him within the academy's walls.

Valara, ever the pragmatic companion, remained steadfast in her purpose. Her cool demeanor remained unchanged as she redirected Erwin's attention towards the task at hand. "You can explore the features of your room at your leisure. For now, let's proceed to locate your assigned room. If I recall correctly, it should be on the 5th floor, room 24."

Erwin's excitement momentarily tempered by Valara's practical reminder, he nodded in agreement. He understood the importance of settling into his designated living space and familiarizing himself with the immediate surroundings. The allure of his room's capabilities could wait; he needed to establish a sense of belonging first.

Following Valara's lead, they ascended the floors of the dormitory building. The hum of conversations and the occasional sound of doors opening and closing created a backdrop of bustling activity. Erwin couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation as they approached the 5th floor.

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Upon reaching the correct level, Erwin's eyes scanned the room numbers, searching for the elusive room 24. The corridor stretched before them, lined with closed doors, each one holding the promise of a unique story within.

As they ventured further along the hallway, Erwin's heart quickened with anticipation. Finally, he spotted the number 24 etched on a wooden door. A surge of excitement washed over him, a sense of anticipation mingled with a touch of nervousness.

Valara, ever composed, stood by his side, her gaze focused and unwavering. With a nod, she acknowledged the discovery of Erwin's designated room. "Here we are," she stated in her characteristically calm tone.

Erwin approached the door, his hand trembling slightly with a mixture of apprehension and eagerness. Taking a deep breath, he inserted the key into the lock, its familiar glow serving as a reminder of the connection he had established.

With a satisfying click, the door swung open, revealing a space waiting to be transformed into his personal haven. Erwin crossed the threshold, stepping into the room that would become his sanctuary within the bustling dormitory.

Valara followed suit, her ever-watchful gaze surveying the surroundings, ensuring their entry was met without any unforeseen disturbances.  Erwin stood in the center of his new abode, his eyes swept across the room, imagining the possibilities that lay before him. 

"Master." Suddenly, a voice resonated from one side of the room, causing both Erwin and Valara to startle. Their gazes quickly shifted towards the source, revealing two women standing in the corner, their presence previously unnoticed.

Erwin's expression transformed into one of shock as he locked eyes with the women standing before him. The name Agda slipped from his lips, a mix of surprise and confusion evident in his voice. "Agda, what are you doing here? And why did you bring her along?"

Agda's smile faltered upon hearing Erwin's words, and a flicker of fear crossed her face. The woman standing beside her, Frejya, Agda's daughter-in-law, stood frozen in shock, her eyes widening as she took in Agda's scared expression.

Valara, ever observant, observed the exchange with heightened curiosity. Her usually stoic demeanor betrayed a hint of intrigue at the unexpected reunion and the dynamic between Erwin and Agda.

"Erwin, these are the women I told you about earlier. Are they your servants?" Valara's attempt to break the ice in the room was met with a tense silence. Agda and Frejya exchanged wary glances, the weight of their complicated relationship lingering in the air.

Erwin, though harboring a hint of anger in his eyes, maintained a composed facade, carefully choosing his words. "Yes, Valara, these two women are indeed associated with me. However, it appears that there is much to address and sort out in our dynamics. One requires guidance and training, while the other may benefit from a different form of discipline."