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Rich Daughter Reincarnates as Her Eighteen-Year-Old Self to Rescue Her Younger Brothers!

Chapter 621 - 621: Anonymous Visit
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Chapter 621: Anonymous Visit

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Lu Ting glanced at him dissatisfiedly, shrugged his shoulders to shake off his hand, “When did 1 say I couldn’t stand her getting along with you? Last tshe cto my house, she even cooked forherself. Do you know that?”

“It was her first tvisiting, and you let her cook?” Su Zhi sighed with disdain, his tone full of contempt, “Is this what you call the manners of an aristocratic family? I see that you, old man, are really regressing more and more!”

Lu Ting rolled his eyes reluctantly, “It wasn’twho asked her to cook, but Mei Shu’s cooking is indeed delicious. I think it’s even better than our family’s chef’s skills. But you won’t get to taste it anyway!”

“I think you won’t get to taste it anymore. She just said she won’t chere again but will visitseparately!” Su Zhi wiped his hands triumphantly, then, assisted by a servant, he left gracefully.

Lu Ting swallowed his pride in silence, only realizing that Lu Si was still there after a while. He blew his beard impatiently, “No need to stare atlike that! I’m not wrong! It’s better if she doesn’t want to come! I don’t want to see her!”

Lu Si didn’t say a word and just turned to leave.

Lu Ting grunted with frustration, “All, this brat is really grown up now. He dares to defy me!”

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The next day.

Lu Ting woke up early and saw Su Zhi sitting in the living room, leisurely drinking tea that Mei Shu had sent over yesterday.

Su Zhi glanced at him sideways, deliberately savoring the tea, “All Si, this tea Mei Shu sent is really good. Let her teachsomeday, so 1 can bring it back for your grandmother to taste.”

Lu Si also sipped his tea leisurely and said, “Mei Shu knew you would like it, so she prepared a box of tea bags for you after she went back yesterday. You can just take it back to Grandma.”

“That’s great. 1 always knew Mei Shu is a good kid, thoughtful and capable. How far have you two progressed now?” Su Zhi asked with scuriosity, blinking at him.

Lu Si chuckled awkwardly, “We’ve agreed that we’ll get engaged after she graduates.”

“Then 1 must start preparing a big gift for her from now on!” Su Zhi said, taking out his phone enthusiastically, showing him a set of clothes he liked, “How about I wear this when the tconies? Don’t think I’m old just because I’m a grandpa. I take good care of myself. 1 won’t look worse than you young folks in a suit!”

Lu Si laughed, “Grandpa, as long as you like it. Actually, we’ve already found a styling studio. We’ll have them tailor-make something for you.”

Su Zhi laughed along, “That’s great! If Mei Shu can personally pick something for me, that would be even better. Her taste must be impeccable!”

Lu Ting was completely ignored from start to finish. He sat on the sofa alone, intentionally knocking the teacup to make a sound.

Su Zhi glanced at him, reached out, and snatched the teacup back, “What are you doing? Mei Shu made this tea for me! Drink your pu’erh and don’t cto snatch my good tea!”

Lu Ting’s face turned red with anger. He stood up from the sofa with a leap, “Who wants to drink your crappy tea! I’m going out for a walk! 1 don’t want to see your old face!”

He slammed the door behind him and didn’t even bother to listen to the butler calling him for breakfast.

Outside the Lu residence, Lu Ting subconsciously walked to the doorstep of the Mei family.

A few days ago, he knew about Mei Shu hosting a housewarming banquet at home, and he had prepared a gift to give her in person. However, after Mei Shu was kidnapped, the gift was postponed.


His words were indeed a bit too much.

Lu Ting stood dejectedly at the doorstep of their house, not moving for a long time, not going in, just standing under the big tree to cool off.

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Early in the morning, Mei Yan cout for a stroll and saw an old grandpa standing at their doorstep in a seemingly bad mood.

He walked over in a few steps and asked obediently, “Grandpa, do you need anything?”

The security guards at the Mei residence all knew him and greeted him when they saw him.

Lu Ting signaled with his eyes to stop the guard from coming over, then turned to Mei Yan with a gentle smile, “Are you a child of this family? What’s your name?”

“I’m Mei Yan.” Mei Yan replied honestly, “Grandpa, are you here to see my sister?”

Lu Ting bent down with difficulty and maintained a position at eye level with him. “I don’t know your sister. I’m here to visit my grandchildren.”

“Oh, why are you standing at our door then?” Mei Yan scratched his head, looking puzzled.

Seeing his straightforward and honest appearance, Lu Ting genuinely liked him from the bottom of his heart. He couldn’t help but reach out and pat his hair, “I just passed by here and suddenly couldn’t walk anymore. I’m old, and my legs and feet aren’t very convenient. If it bothers you, I’ll leave right away.”

Mei Yan hurriedly stopped him, “Grandpa, don’t say that. My sister toldto treat people with courtesy. Since you’re not feeling well, why don’t you cinside and have a cup of tea to rest? My sister is out for work, and I’m the only one at home. You don’t need to feel embarrassed.”

When Lu Ting heard that Mei Shu wasn’t home, his mind becactive. He smiled eagerly, “That would be great. As long as you don’t mind, I’m fine with it..”